With the Founder of Biocognitive Science Institute and
Author of The MindBody Code
Dr. Mario Martinez

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Explore how causes of health are inherited, and how longevity is a culturally learned consciousness that can biologically prevent physical illness and disease and help you extend your life  and thrive at 100 and beyond!


It makes sense to most of us that people who live to be 100+ years old have certain factors in common.

Yet, most people don’t realize that these factors don’t actually correlate strongly with genetics, family health history, lifestyle choices, diet, environment, or socioeconomic status.

In fact, according to clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Mario Martinez, genes have only a 20% impact on your health and longevity. The remaining 80% is linked to what you hold in your consciousness how you view yourself and the experience of aging.

Mario began his groundbreaking research 25 years ago, assuming that longevity was mostly tied to genetics, and that it was perhaps marginally impacted by diet, environment, and lifestyle.

As his research with healthy centenarians around the world unfolded, however, Mario discovered that while we do inherit our genetic predispositions for health, illness, and longevity, living a long and healthy life actually hinges on your ability to transcend and defy the limitations our culture teaches us about aging.

A long, vibrant life is primarily linked to what Mario calls centenarian consciousness an outlook you can learn and bring into your life no matter how old you are or what your family genetics happen to be.

Would you like to live to be a happy and healthy centenarian? It’s absolutely possible to embody vibrant health, mental acuity, nourishing relationships, and joyful vitality for 100 years or more... because as Mario discovered decades ago, longevity can be learned.

Join us for a 7-module online course as Dr. Martinez, the founder of Biocognitive Science Institute and author of The MindBody Code, takes you on a deep dive into the fundamental factors he found in all centenarians.

Mario will equip you with the tools and insights you’ll need to reverse your biological age and extend your longevity not by changing your behavior, but by transforming the way you view yourself and the world.

You’ll learn that how you think about longevity is culturally learned, and while the causes of health are inherited, they must be triggered by centenarian consciousness.

Mario will explain how to bring the four fundamental factors found in the consciousness of centenarians into your life:

  • Aging consciousness, the belief that aging is simply the passing of time
  • Time consciousness, the belief that you have all the time in the world
  • Health consciousness, the belief that you have the agency within you to enhance your life and health
  • Self-love consciousness, which is also known as healthy narcissism

When Mario visited a longevity center in Warsaw, Poland, biological markers determined his own physiological age to be 20 years younger than his chronological age! Now he’s dedicated to helping others have a similar experience as he shares what he’s learned in a practical and accessible way. No background in science is required!

During these seven modules, Mario will equip you with the tools and insights you’ll need to reverse your biological age and extend your longevity by transforming the way you view yourself and your life through the lens of centenarian consciousness.


In this 7-module journey into healthy aging, you’ll discover:

  • How to cultivate the 4 fundamental factors found in the consciousness of centenarians
  • How to identify what Mario calls cultural editors that shape your self-valuation and what you think about aging (even if you don’t realize it)
  • How you can embody causes of health that centenarians have in common including righteous anger, curiosity, gratitude, admiration without envy, and more
  • The ways culture can block the development of your selfhood through archetypal wounds like abandonment, shame, or betrayal
  • How you can reverse the aging of your cells and thereby your biological age
  • How family illnesses are tendencies rather than genetic certainties
  • Why time doesn’t actually contribute to your biology
  • How most centenarians believe that everyone loves them and why you should embrace healthy narcissism
  • Ways to ignite your personal agency, perceiving and acting in ways that shape your fate into destiny
  • The power of wellness subcultures and how to create a community that shares your new perspectives on aging

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Mario will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to successfully explore how causes of health are inherited, and how longevity is a culturally learned consciousness that can biologically prevent physical illness and disease and help you extend your life so you can thrive as you live to 100 and beyond!

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Mario. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to embody the four longevity factors of people who live happily and healthily to age 100+.

Module 1: How Mind & Body Communicate in Cultural Contexts


We’re all sentient beings who inherit our genetic predisposition for health, illness, and longevity from our ancestors. We’re also triggered by how our cultures teach us to interpret the internal and external world we experience.

Culture is the collective set of beliefs that a group shares about aesthetics, ethics, transcendence, wellness, aging and other significant elements of survival and meaning.

In this opening module, Mario will introduce you to the biocognitive mindscape. He’ll explain how cultural editors, co-authors, portals, and tribal admonishments shape the way we perceive the intimate language of love we share in our relationships.

Mario will also share the biocognitive terminology he’ll be using throughout the course.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the language of the biocognitive paradigm
  • Understand how mind and body communicate in culturally constructed contexts
  • Identify the cultural editors that shaped your self-valuation
  • Explore the foundational contemplative method you’ll apply throughout the course

Module 2: Archetypal Wounds, Their Antidotes & the Immune System


In this module, you’ll explore how cultures can sometimes block the development of selfhood through archetypal wounds.

During his extensive ethnographic research on five continents, Mario found that cultures wound us with abandonment, shame, or betrayal “for our own good.”

Mario will explain how these archetypal wounds have psychoneuroimmunological (mind-nerve-immune) implications and can affect the quality of your relationships and health.

In this module, you’ll learn to untangle archetypal wounds from your culturally assimilated language to bring pristine love to your relationship with yourself and others.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Identify your archetypal wounds and their antidotes
  • Explore how each archetypal wound affects the immune system through stress hormones and inflammatory reactions 
  • Discover how to free archetypal wounds from the intimate language of love
  • Learn to navigate the path of the outlier within you

Module 3: The First Centenarian Factor Aging Consciousness


In this module, Mario will walk you through the pathways of chronological and biological aging...

As Mario explains the first centenarian factor, aging consciousness, he’ll share the difference between aging and growing older. Aging is the passing of time, while growing older is how we experience the survival and existential beliefs we absorb from our cultures across time.

Research in cultural epigenetics (how cultural beliefs affect gene expression and how they’re inherited and passed down through generations) indicate that your chronological age (how old you are) and your biological age (the aging of your cells) are different.

Fortunately, you can reverse your biological age by learning centenarian consciousness and other methods Mario will share in the modules to come.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the difference between growing older and aging
  • Be introduced to cultural epigenetics and its impact on personal wellness
  • Recognize how family illnesses are tendencies rather than genetic certainties
  • Identify Mario’s principles of centenarian consciousness

Module 4: The Second Centenarian Factor Time Consciousness


Time is only an affordance for the duration of space.

The second centenarian factor, time consciousness, defines the difference between perceived time expansion and perceived time compression.

As Mario will explain, centenarians have a way of viewing their journeys and confronting adversity as if they have all the time in the world.

You’ll discover how this perceptual view has implications regarding how we age and identify with cultural portals that are shaped by our collective beliefs, rather than being biologically determined.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to elongate your perception of time
  • How to reverse cultural aging
  • Why time doesn’t actually contribute to your biology
  • How to live a lifet that's free of cultural portals

Module 5: The Third Centenarian Factor Health Consciousness


In this module, you’ll explore how family illnesses are predispositions rather than genetic faits accomplis.

While conventional gerontology studies the pathology of aging, biocognitive science identifies the causes of health in the process of growing older.

Mario will discuss the latest research on how illnesses attributed to aging are reversible in many instances and why growing older is a progression from simple to complex, rather than from order to disorder.

He’ll also explain how the mind and the brain age differently, and introduce methods to reverse the difficulties of diminished function often associated with biological aging.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Determine the limits and flaws of conventional gerontology
  • Explore how most illnesses including hypertension, fibromyalgia, and more have a learning component that can be reversed 
  • Identify the cultural editors of health and illness in your life
  • Discover how the mind and the brain age differently

Module 6: The Fourth Centenarian Factor Self-Love Consciousness


In this module, Mario will discuss the transition from self-neglect to self-significance.

Did you know that most centenarians believe that everyone loves them? It’s a mindscape that Mario’s mentor, Dr. George Solomon, a pioneer in psychoneuroimmunology, called healthy narcissism.

Although the term can be confused with the pathological diagnosis of narcissism, this centenarian way of perceiving love is quite different and it’s one of the causes of health you’ll learn to incorporate.

Additionally, Mario will explain how most cultures teach false humility, which can cause you to deny your excellence or minimize compliments you receive. You’ll also be introduced to the psychoneuroimmunology of gratitude and learn how to embody personal excellence.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover the 3 pillars of self-esteem
  • Examine healthy narcissism and how to transcend the cultural restraints on growth
  • Dissect and redefine the common and harmful teaching of false humility
  • Explore the mind-body response to gratitude and generosity

Module 7: Creating Subcultures of Wellness Supporting Outlier Life Beyond the Pale


In this closing module, Mario will share how you can find communities of excellence full of people who share your new views on aging.

Mario’s research and the research of his colleague at Harvard, Dr. Ellen Langer, independently found the importance of social support in maintaining cultural beliefs about longevity-wellness.

As this course comes to a close, Mario will discuss how the centenarian consciousness and other wellness practices you’ve learned require supportive co-authors to help you maintain gains and continue to grow.

A convergence of the four centenarian consciousness factors affords a mind-body perception of growing older as time simply passing, free of the cultural construct that aging means inevitable deterioration.

Centenarian consciousness includes a sense of having sufficient time for a meaningful life, viewing the genetics of illnesses as propensities that can be avoided, and understanding that self-love is the foundation for loving others.

In this final module, you’ll discover:

  • The power of subcultures of wellness and how to create them
  • How to live beyond the pale for health and longevity
  • The psychoneuroimmunology of self-love
  • More secrets of centenarians

The 4 Longevity Factors Bonus Collection

In addition to Mario’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Expanding Ceilings of Abundance
Video Dialogue With Dr. Mario Martinez and Marabina Jaimes

The limitations we place on our health, wealth, and love are culturally learned. In this teaching, Mario and Emmy-winning actress Marabina Jaimes reflect on how unknown joy is more stressful than known misery because of how the brain codes adversity. The two also discuss how you can raise your ceilings of abundance to accommodate greater love, health, and wealth without self-sabotage.


Excerpt From The Phoenix Self: In Search of Methuselah
PDF Chapter From the Book by Dr. Mario Martinez

In this psychological novel, Mario applies credible mind-body research on longevity to a fictional scenario. By learning five secret attainments, people can live several hundred years of productive life. Read along as the novel’s protagonist responds to the question “Breogan, since your remarkable longevity has given you so many opportunities to explore your private self, what can you tell me about what matters most to you in life?”


How Cultures Shape Our Self-Valuation & Sense of Worthiness
Video Dialogue With Dr. Mario Martinez and Baisakhi Saha

Explore two empowering perspectives on how we can shift and uplift the ways we perceive ourselves... and the ways we experience life. In this teaching, Mario discusses how our worthiness and acceptance of our excellence is mostly culturally learned. Baisakhi is a thought leader who teaches how she overcame the prejudice of her Indian culture and disdain from other cultures as she traveled worldwide.


What People Are Saying About Dr. Mario Martinez...

“This is the new medicine for the 21st century!”

In a conversational style that’s easy to read, yet packed with timeless wisdom, Mario Martinez leads us on an 11-chapter journey of self-discovery that reveals the hidden links between our family, our culture, and our life’s potential. This is the new medicine for the 21st century!
Gregg Braden, New York Times bestselling author of The Divine Matrix, The God Code, and Resilience from the Heart

“Mario Martinez is a great teacher who knows how to translate complex subject matter into poetic, inviting language.”

This book is that of a masterful MindBody guide, whose breadth and depth are truly admirable. Mario Martinez is a great teacher who knows how to translate complex subject matter into poetic, inviting language. The result for the reader is a gentle unfolding of self-discovery that is life-changing.
― Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters

“Dr. Martinez presents ideas and techniques that are so startlingly original and innovative…”

There is genius at work in these pages. Dr. Martinez presents ideas and techniques that are so startlingly original and innovative that they actually expand the reader’s capacity for astonishment. A must-read book for therapists, physicians, and transformational change agents of every kind.
Gay Hendricks, PhD, author of The Big Leap and co-author of Conscious Loving Ever After

“By putting [Dr. Martinez’s] wisdom into action, we can transform the unhealthy, culturally-based language we mindlessly learned into a mindful, bio-symbolic language to bring about health and vitality.”

Dr. Martinez’s book gives new meaning to the saying, “Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt you.” In fact, he shows us that words can cause illness. By putting his wisdom into action, we can transform the unhealthy, culturally-based language we mindlessly learned into a mindful, bio-symbolic language to bring about health and vitality. Others have written about the power of the mind to create health. The MindBody Code successfully goes one step further by incorporating the profound effect culture has on our wellbeing. If you’re interested in becoming or remaining healthy, read this book.
― Ellen Langer, PhD, Harvard psychology professor and author of Counterclockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility

“As with all visionaries before their time.... [Dr. Martinez’s] courage and insight are to be acknowledged.”

In The MindBody Code, Dr. Martinez brilliantly introduced a critical concept for human evolution before the collective was ready to see it. As with all visionaries before their time.... his courage and insight are to be acknowledged. His work with biocognition is coming to the forefront as a central theme for epigenetic transformation.
Dr. Mickra Hamilton, CEO and co-founder of Apeiron Zoh, Inc., and international epigenetics expert


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Dr. Mario Martinez

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from the author of The MindBody Code from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to embody the four longevity factors of people who live happily and healthily to age 100+.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The 4 Longevity Factors Bonus Collection
  • Expanding Ceilings of Abundance
    Video Dialogue With Dr. Mario Martinez and Marabina Jaimes
  • Excerpt From The Phoenix Self: In Search of Methuselah
    PDF Chapter From the Book by Dr. Mario Martinez
  • How Cultures Shape Our Self-Valuation & Sense of Worthiness
    Video Dialogue With Dr. Mario Martinez and Baisakhi Saha

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the 4 Longevity Factors of People Who Live Happily & Healthily to 100+ Online Training


We feel honored that Dr. Mario Martinez has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the author of The MindBody Code, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about exploring how longevity is a culturally learned consciousness that can biologically prevent physical illness and disease and help you thrive as you live to 100 and beyond, then you owe it to yourself to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE 4 Longevity Factors of People Who Live Happily & Healthily to 100+ or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


About Dr. Mario Martinez

Clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Mario Martinez lectures worldwide on how cultural beliefs affect health and longevity. He is the founder of biocognitive science, a new paradigm that investigates the causes of health and the learning of illnesses in cultural contexts. He is the bestselling author of The MindBody Code: How to Change the Beliefs That Limit Your Health, Longevity, and Success.

In his biocognitive model, Mario identifies complex pathways showing how our cultural beliefs affect our immune, nervous, and endocrine systems, and translates them to create practical applications. He is the preeminent proponent of cultural psychoneuroimmunology, and has published numerous articles on “causes of health” based on his research with healthy centenarians on five different continents.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
