With World-Renowned Scholar in Religious Studies, Spirituality & Psychology
Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD

New 11-Week Live Video Course Starts
Thursday, January 9, 2025
PLUS Neil’s 7-Module Introductory Program!

Experience what it was like to hear Jesus speak during his lifetime, see the world through the lens he intended, and explore the healing practices he shared including chanting, energy healing, psychic clearing, psychological healing, and somatic release to reveal a deep spirituality that can transform your life.

Delve deep into Yeshua’s (Jesus’) way of the heart based on the Beatitudes (or blessings) in their original Aramaic, to heal your past, expand your consciousness, and pursue your higher purpose so you can walk through the world with a greater sense of happiness, fulfillment, and heart-centered wholeness.

Regardless of what your upbringing, religion, or cultural traditions might have taught you about who Jesus was and what message he conveyed during his time on Earth...

... can you imagine what it might have been like to live in his lifetime before organized religion translated (and often misrepresented) his message? To actually sit before him and hear him speak?

Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD, world-renowned scholar and researcher in Middle Eastern spirituality, wants to bring that experience to you!

What many people don’t know is that Jesus’ native tongue was an ancient Middle Eastern language known as Aramaic.

Neil has dedicated 40 years of pioneering work on the Aramaic words of Jesus (or Yeshua, as he was known in his native language), and he’s standing by to guide you through the next stage of your evolution in his new advanced 11-week live video course, in which he’ll take you deep into Yeshua’s healing practices...

… and share methods for clearing your heart of the heavy residue of painful past memories or fears about the future whether in your personal life or in the collective with his “healing words,” revered as energetic vessels of magic.

We all, at some point, carry regrets, grief over losses and missteps, and anxiety about what lies ahead they clutter our hearts and can block us from moving fully forward in our lives.

The clearing processes Neil will be sharing are the same ones that Jesus proposed would free ourselves of excess emotional burdens, so we can act effectively in the outer world and focus on answering the call of “What is mine to do?”

These practices chanting, meditation, and more  are also meant to help us experience happiness and satisfaction in every moment... so, whether we succeed or fail in our external endeavors, we can still always reside in the true home of our infinite soul (or ruha).

This advanced course centers around the two collections of Jesus’ sayings in their original Aramaic, conventionally called the “Beatitudes,” or blessings, which he spoke to his close circle of friends.

While some other Western scholars and theologians have seen these as a random collection of disconnected wisdom sayings, Neil has uncovered the inner links within them that reveal a deep process of releasing and healing one that embraces psychological, energetic, psychic, and somatic healing.

As you’ll experience, all these dimensions of healing were really one integrated process, revealed in Yeshua’s teachings and miracle stories in the Gospel of Mark and elsewhere.

This is a deep, multi-step approach that requires courage, love, and attention to whatever arises within you... and to what’s reflected back to you from the outer world.

It’s a process of clearing the surface of your heart and feeling your heart’s potential to connect inner and outer worlds, including your receptivity to the help offered by angels, teachers, and guides who have passed.

As such, Yeshua shows his students how they can become channels of peace and be empowered to “do the things I have done and greater,” as he says in the Gospel of John.

In Neil’s brand-new program, you’ll delve deep into the worldview and philosophy that guided the lives of the ancient Middle Eastern culture in which Jesus lived, to heal your past, transform your sense of separation, and feel grounded amidst the changes in the world...

... while gaining profound insight into your soul’s purpose and your relationship with the spiritual and natural worlds.

The original translations will expand your perspective and enable you to embody Jesus’ way of spirit and breath.

In these changing and uncertain times, many of us feel confused, unsettled, and lost. Yeshua’s healing way will help gather you back together, set you back on your path, and release your emotional turmoil and wandering.

Many of the Beatitudes teach us how to start a new life, and what happens when we do.

As you absorb and embody them, you’ll undergo a deep cleansing of your heart, connecting your inner and outer worlds and opening to help from the unseen spiritual world.

In each of the 11 sessions, Neil will guide you in teachings, chants, meditations, sacred breathwork, body movement, and other week-by-week deepening practices based on Yeshua’s healing way as stated in the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke. As you experience them, you’ll uncover more and more about yourself and what’s holding you back from living the life of your deepest desire.

Neil affirms that when you study and experience the Beatitudes in their original Aramaic, your heart will open, and feelings and memories will naturally arise within you perhaps things you haven’t allowed yourself to feel before.

As they do, you’ll dissolve them into your breathing, making them a part of you... such that when you need them again as your life progresses, their healing impact will automatically come into play.

During this deepening program into Yeshua’s way, you’ll:

  • Discover the subtle yet powerful use of healing language that Jesus used in Aramaic reframing and altering your consciousness so you can release the stories you tell yourself about who you think you are
  • Receive chants that can bring a healing connection immediately into your life with and through Holy Wisdom
  • Experience Yeshua’s own way of energy healing and psychic clearing through a depth process that connects inner life to outer and allows us to act in life with more joy and freedom
  • Open to the sacred healing breath, which is Yeshua’s Beatitude way
  • Uncover more and more of what lies on the surface of your heart and clear away whatever no longer serves you and holds you back from your higher purpose
  • Learn what happiness really means, according to Yeshua and all the ancient wisdom teachers
  • Learn how to allow your soul (ruha) to save your self (naphsha) without fear and guilt
  • Open to the miracle interventions of Holy Spirit and Sacred Sense, (ruha d’qudsha and ruha d’shrara) two ways your Big Heart can channel the light, life energy, love, and healing you need at any moment
  • Engage in a profound inner psycho-spiritual process that brings the various voices within you agreeable and disagreeable to a common table of love and respect (presided over by Hakima, or Holy Wisdom), where life decisions are made
  • Hear Yeshua’s deeper teachings in the form of his healing stories and parables from the various memories of different groups (the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene)
  • Learn how Jesus’ way of teaching and healing stemmed from his deep connection with the natural world and what is created through it each moment from the Source Reality he called Alaha
  • Learn to engage with the bigger Universe with an expanded consciousness that connects all of the Cosmos
  • And much more...

You’ll learn what Jesus’ sayings were actually intended to mean in the original Aramaic, including how “seeing God” is actually translated.

You’ll explore ways to increase your emotional honesty, deal with mourning and being comforted, and experience the sense of rejoicing.

Neil brings together his 45 years of research into the Aramaic words and teachings of Yeshua, his background in somatic psychology, and his half-century spiritual practice in multiple traditions to teach a program and lead a process group that will be unlike any he’s shared before!

This is the first time that Neil is bringing together in one course both of the “Beatitude ways” those in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. He’ll also share the inner side of many of the healing stories in the Gospel of Mark, as well as his research into how healing and “magical” practice worked in the ancient world.

Neill aims to provide you with more tools to accelerate and deepen your transformation in a time when the world and our lives are increasingly more complex and fraught with anxiety.

He believes that the desire and need for advanced healing practices have consequently increased exponentially. At the same time, he proposes that you carry a greater potential than ever before to transform your own life and that of the planet, due to the ongoing evolution of human consciousness and the ever-present creation that still continues from the first dawning of life.

Although many tools have been offered in the past century, Yeshua approached healing from a place that’s embedded earlier and deeper in your psyche a place that unites what we call mind, body, emotions, and spirit...

... which are not separate in the ancient Aramaic language. His presence and atmosphere is palpable and can be accessed today, freeing you to allow your own soul to “save” you.

What You’ll Discover in These 11 Weeks

In this 11-week transformational course, Neil will guide you through practices that will help you unburden your heart, heal your past, and transform your life so you can walk through the world with an elevated consciousness and a greater sense of happiness, fulfillment, and purpose.

Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience

You’ll connect with Neil and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Neil’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 9:00am Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Neil. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to experience Jesus’ healing Beatitudes in his original Aramaic, and pursue a journey of elevated wellness and higher purpose with an unburdened heart.

If you have not experienced Neil’s teachings before, you’re welcome to join this next-level course, but we ask that you complete the foundational 7-module The Way of Aramaic Jesus program on your own as a prerequisite. It will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.

Module 1: Opening to the Healing Breath Introducing Yeshua’s “Beatitude Way” to Embrace a Larger Consciousness (January 9)

While sayings like “Blessed are the poor in spirit...” have been interpreted by mainstream Christianity to mean that one should always be humble (and often humiliated by authoritarian systems), the Aramaic view of Yeshua’s saying reveals something totally different.

In this opening session, you’ll come to understand and experience how his way of deep healing begins from a unified view of breath and heart, one that embraces the larger consciousness, which Yeshua called ruha, that’s streaming through both. You’ll begin to clear the surface of your heart from whatever prevents you from experiencing this radiance more often.

In this first class, you’ll discover:

  • The background of the healing methods Yeshua offered to his close students in Matthew and Luke
  • The first step of Yeshua’s healing way in Matthew, experienced and embodied in chant, contemplation, and body prayer
  • Advanced ways of allowing your soul (ruha ) to revive your self (naphsha) without fear or guilt
  • The wisdom of the healing breath in ancient creation stories, and a chant to feel it in yourself
  • What “poor in spirit” really means in Aramaic and how it can free you to enter a larger universe

Module 2: The “Wake Up” Part of Yeshua’s Healing Way to Understand the True Power of Your Heart (January 16)

Like many native healers and teachers, Yeshua offered different types of healing to his students at different times. Even in his day, the tendency toward self-inflation was present, even in those who were closest to him.

He warned his students against feelings of entitlement or superiority, based on their impression that they knew or understood more than they did. In this session, you’ll learn about the remedy Yeshua offered for the subtle subversion of the heart’s true power.

This week, you’ll explore:

  • Yeshua’s recommendations of different medicines for his students at various times, depending on how he read their inner state
  • The first step of Yeshua’s healing way in Luke, experienced and embodied in chant, contemplation, and body prayer
  • Yeshua’s “wake up” therapy in the Gospel of Thomas
  • A chant that introduces you to Yeshua’s way of “tough love” healing in Luke
  • What happiness really means for Yeshua and all the ancient wisdom teachers
  • How and when a focus on “thinning out” our naphsha (self) can be a remedy for healing

Module 3: Allowing the Sacred Breath to Go Deeper Within You for Healing & Clearing (January 23)

Many of the Beatitude sayings of Yeshua have been used by conventional Christianity to mean, in effect, “If you suffer now, you’ll have your reward later.” In Aramaic, however, Yeshua simply shows how breathing more deeply, with the heart open, automatically allows us to experience emotions that we haven’t been allowing ourselves to feel.

He uses an ancient method similar to the modern psychological one of reframing, along with a type of ancient psychic clearing to create efficient, effective healing.

In this session, Neil will guide you through:

  • The voice of Holy Wisdom (aka “Sacred Sense”) and Holy Spirit (aka “Sacred Breath”) and their role in inner healing and clearing
  • The second step in Yeshua’s healing way in Matthew, experienced and embodied in chant, contemplation, and body prayer
  • The ancient stories of feminine wisdom in various ancient native Middle Eastern traditions
  • A chant to invoke Holy Wisdom as a creative being that’s active in your life
  • What “mourning” and “being comforted” really point to in Matthew’s Beatitude

Module 4: Blessing & Warnings Ways of Healing & Protection (January 30)

Yeshua recognized our human tendency to ride on the surface of life rather than plumb its depths toward the Source (Alaha) from which everything arises.

In this module, you’ll explore forced hilarity, or a person shedding “crocodile tears.” It seems that, at least in Western culture, a person’s ability to recognize when another is really being sincere in their expression of emotion has diminished, as each person has become more isolated within their own small self.

As you proceed further in his healing and psychic clearing way, you’ll find how Yeshua balanced what we called “inner” and “outer” worlds in each moment to achieve ripeness a sense of simple presence.

In this class, you’ll discover:

  • The place of both heart and mind in releasing what holds you back
  • The second step in Jesus’ healing way in Luke, experienced and embodied in chant, contemplation, and body prayer
  • The “all-embracing, transforming, heart” of an ancient Coptic Holy Wisdom text, usually titled “Thunder, Perfect Mind”
  • Yeshua’s view of emotional honesty and examples of it in the Gospel of Thomas
  • The link between healing practices and protection practices in Yeshua’s way
  • The balance of Yeshua’s healing blessings and warnings both rooted in ripeness to experience your soul and larger heart in any moment

Module 5: Opening to Your Natural Inheritance From Nature for Healing & Creation Potential in Your Own Being (February 6)

The notion that the “meek shall inherit the earth,” while verbally supported by most Christian theologies, has appeared counterintuitive to many when compared to the state of the world around us.

This would have been true even at Yeshua’s time. Here you’ll learn how the phrase has been mistranslated and interpreted to hide its deeper, more radical effect, one that takes you into a more direct relationship with the healing power present in the natural world.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Yeshua’s ecological vision of healing and the many examples from nature in his teaching
  • The third step in Yeshua’s healing way in Matthew, experienced and embodied in chant, contemplation, and body prayer
  • The ancient experience of the elements of the natural world as living beings within and around you, and as healing potentials of creation in your own being
  • Another example of Holy Wisdom’s voice on this theme from the ancient Coptic text
  • How softening what is most rigid does not mean collapsing
  • The role of balanced tension and strength in body and emotions in Yeshua’s healing way, as well as modern body awareness psychology

Module 6: Accessing Yeshua’s Inner Alchemy of Khenuta to Stay True to Your Authentic Longings (February 13)

Many of us were raised with the notion that, according to Jesus, we had to become “righteous” by believing certain ideas or principles.

In this session, you’ll learn how the Aramaic meaning of this word becomes one of the most important keys to staying true to your deeper heart and soul by connecting inner honesty to outer justice.

This week, you’ll uncover:

  • The relationship of the ancient Middle Eastern view of the natural elements as living beings, to the Western alchemical methods of dissolving and combining substances to produce “gold” and what that gold really is, psychologically and spiritually
  • The fourth step in Yeshua’s healing way in Matthew, experienced and embodied in chant, contemplation, and body prayer
  • What, according to Yeshua, people really hunger and thirst for on both the inner and outer levels
  • How Yeshua contrasted this medicine with what’s offered in Luke holding onto feelings of being empty or full
  • The third step in Jesus’ healing way in Luke, experienced and embodied in contemplation and body prayer

Module 7: “Soul Sickness” & Reconnecting to Sacred Sense in the Unseen World to Receive Assistance, Guidance & a Larger Love (February 20)

The miracles of Jesus as presented in the Gospels have presented both theologians and academics with a conundrum, which many have attempted to solve with materialistic explanations. In the ancient worldview, outer phenomena were experienced by human consciousness very differently than they are today a way that’s more fully embedded in both nature and the unseen world.

People acted from this unified perception and handled life in a way that made what we call miracles or magic possible.

As you’ve seen, a key to many of Yeshua’s healings in the Gospels is his connection to Holy Wisdom in the inner world, and his ability to reconnect those who had “unclean spirits” to her... and what that really meant in Aramaic.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • Some of the miraculous healing methods that Yeshua used to cure “soul sickness” in the Gospel of Mark, and how to apply them in your own life
  • A chant to bring a healing connection immediately into your life with and through Holy Wisdom
  • A further foray into the ancient Holy Wisdom text, which Yeshua embodied, and examples from the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the Gospel of Philip
  • How deep love and breath leba and ruha allow you to connect to assistance in the unseen world
  • That Yeshua’s clearing and transformation process frees your heart to allow a larger love and Source to stream through you
  • The fifth step in Yeshua’s healing way in Matthew, experienced and embodied in chant, contemplation, and body prayer.

Module 8: A “Changing, Transforming” Heart & Yeshua’s Model of Planting a Healing Peace in a Sustainable Way (February 27)

The idea that there are those who are “pure in heart” and able to “see God” is frequently connected to ideas of religious purity. You’ll learn what these expressions actually meant for Yeshua.

In this next step of heart healing, the union of all of your outer senses in the one Sacred Sense becomes a key to a new way of human consciousness. This opens the possibility of “planting peace” in the world in a sustainable way the Aramaic meaning of being “peacemakers.”

In this class, Neil will share:

  • Jesus’ views about the heart’s process of completing itself, contrasted with notions of a religious purity that separates people
  • The sixth step in Yeshua’s healing way in Matthew, experienced and embodied in chant, contemplation, and body prayer.
  • What “seeing God” actually means, both in Yeshua’s words and in the ancient Hebrew scriptures
  • What “peace” means in the ancient native Middle Eastern way of using the word a peace that goes beyond ideas of “war or peace”
  • The seventh step in Yeshua’s healing way in Matthew, experienced and embodied in chant, contemplation, and body prayer.

Module 9: Moving House for the Sake of Inner Honesty & Outer Justice How to Manage Other People’s Projections of You (March 6)

The ancient native Middle Eastern view of light as an active force brings us back into the territory of Holy Wisdom, and her place in creation.

How you see and are seen by others in your embodied life can vary, and Yeshua addressed this directly. He provided his own healing solution of what to do when, for the sake of khenuta inner honesty with outer justice you’re forced out of your community (either around you or within you).

During this module, you’ll discover:

  • How the word “light” meant more than outer, visual light in the ancient native Middle Eastern tradition and stories
  • An inner contemplation invoking this light, which can be used as a method for channeling healing and protection from the unseen worlds
  • Yeshua’s solutions for what to do when you face projection or ostracization, which can take place in both your inner and outer communities
  • The eighth step in Yeshua’s healing way in Matthew, experienced and embodied in chant, contemplation, and body prayer.
  • How, according to Yeshua, having a “sparkling profile” can also be a great challenge
  • A breathing meditation from step four in the Luke Beatitudes to counteract this challenge

Module 10: Dealing With Difficult People (or Difficult Parts of Yourself) to Free Yourself From Unhealthy Ties (March 13)

Jesus’ saying, usually translated as “love your enemies,” has also been one that has caused much confusion. Are we really supposed to feel the same love for an enemy as for a friend? Jesus’ Aramaic language clarifies this, in that it has different words for different varieties of what we call love.

In this session, you’ll experience a very subtle form of psychological intervention as well as a powerful way to psychically free yourself from unhealthy inner ties to a person who’s “out of step” with you.

You’ll also learn:

  • The very different ancient Semitic language words that are all translated as “love” in the Bible, and how a native Middle Eastern view reveals their true meaning and application
  • What the Aramaic Jesus says about dealing with projection
  • The conclusion of Yeshua’s healing way in the Luke Beatitudes, and his method of dealing with “enemies”
  • A chant and meditation with the “table of Holy Wisdom” to experience and embody this last step in the Beatitude way in Luke
  • A review in meditation through all of this particular way

Module 11: Finding Joy in the Soul’s Guidance to Travel More Lightly Through Life & Continue Your Healing Journey (March 20)

As your inner journey of healing and protection comes to a pause, you’ll return to Yeshua’s native language to clarify a confusing point from the end of Matthew’s Beatitudes that is, how you’re supposed to “rejoice and be exceedingly glad” when you’re being slandered, projected upon, and forced out of a community.

In this closing session, you’ll learn how Yeshua pointed to the way that he and all of the prophetic wisdom figures before him allowed themselves to move on in life, finding a larger community and their home in a wider universe of life and love.

In this last class, you’ll discover:

  • What “rejoicing” and “being glad” meant in the Aramaic version of the end of Matthew’s Beatitudes, and what medicines Yeshua was really recommending to his students
  • The last step in Yeshua’s healing way in Matthew, experienced and embodied in chant, contemplation, and body prayer
  • How you can continue healing through the Aramaic Jesus way
  • How to go beyond healing the naphsha to experience an ongoing relationship with ruha whenever you need it
  • How to connect to helpers in the unseen world, including Yeshua
  • One final chant to complete your time together

Neil Douglas-Klotz’ The Way of Aramaic Jesus Introductory Course Is Included!

This intensive builds upon the core teachings from the 7-module program, The Way of Aramaic Jesus. When you purchase the 11-module intensive, you gain access to this powerful resource as well! You can complete the core teachings at your leisure, but it’s best to begin before the new sessions start.

In this 7-module introductory program, explore how to heal your past, transform your sense of separation, and understand your soul’s purpose through the wisdom of the most famous misunderstood mystic of all time Yeshua (Jesus), as experienced through chants and meditations. In each of seven sessions, you’ll learn one line of the Lord’s Prayer (or Yeshua’s Prayer) in the original Aramaic.

Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the chants, meditations, breathwork, and movement you’ll need to learn Yeshua’s Prayer (the Lord’s Prayer) in its original Aramaic, so you can embody the compassionate, humane, and interconnected way of life that Jesus taught.

Module 1: The Ancient Native Middle Eastern View Uniting Nature, Humanity & the Divine as a Healing Way of Life

Module 2: Focusing on Your Heart’s Light to Understand the True Meaning of “Holiness”

Module 3: Learning to Walk Into Our Transformed “I Can!” An Empowered Healing Path

Module 4: Bringing Heaven & Earth Together Uniting Life, Our Planet & the Cosmos to Bring You Into Rhythm With All of Life

Module 5: Re-entering the Deeper Heart of Letting Go for Transformed Relationships With Yourself & Others

Module 6: Releasing Conventional Christianity’s Ideas of Good, Evil & Temptation to Reclaim Your Sense of Worthiness

Module 7: Embodying the Healing Impact of Yeshua’s Song to Return to Wholeness, Peace & Renewed Energy in Any Moment

PLUS, you’ll get the The Way of Aramaic Jesus Bonus Offering

Bonus #1

Holy Wisdom & Sophia: Discovering Sacred Sense
Video Teaching From Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD

Bonus #2

Holy Wisdom & the Aramaic Jesus: Snakes & Doves
Video Teaching From Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD

The original price of The Way of Aramaic Jesus on its own was $349, but it’s INCLUDED in your registration for the advanced course!

The Advancing Along the Way of Aramaic Jesus Bonus Offering

In addition to Neil’s introductory program and transformative 11-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Seek First…
Video Teaching From Neil Douglas-Klotz

In this presentation, chant, and meditation recorded in 2020 for a private group of Neil’s students, he shares about the real meaning of Jesus’ saying, usually translated as “Seek first the Kingdom of God.” (Matthew 6:33). You’ll discover what “seeking” really means, and why “kingdom” is really queendom in the original Aramaic. You’ll acquire tools for dealing with feelings of anxiety and impatience, and to transform them into empowerment. 

The Aramaic Book of Days
PDF Excerpt From Neil Douglas-Klotz’ New Book

Enjoy this 20-page excerpt from Neil’s new book, The Aramaic Book of Days: 40 Days of Contemplation and Retreat, set for publication in February 2025 by Hampton Roads Publishing. This can serve as an oracle, a meditation-a-day, or a guide for a 40-day retreat in everyday life. Neil discusses what our life experience may be in today’s modern society, and offers you an opportunity to hear Yeshua’s wisdom about life. You’ll find that Jesus talked about life in a very different way from what most branches of Christianity express. 

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What Graduates of The Way of Aramaic Jesus Are Saying...

Maryam Weidner: “I Have Been Able to Develop a Relationship With a Very Different Jesus Than I Grew Up With”

Sylvia Murillo: “The Teachings of Yeshua Have Been a Source of Healing”

Travis Rybarski: “Neil’s Work Has Helped Bring Me Into a Direct Experience of Reality”

James Boutin-Crawford: “Neil Has Helped Me Understand Scripture in New Ways”

Morgan Rivers: “With Each Encounter With Neil, I Come Away With My Consciousness Raised and My Heart More Open”

Ellen Bush: “Learning to Pray and Chant the Native Words of Jesus Has Literally Changed My Life”

“The expanded peace still resonates in my heart.”

The practices I learned in this course helped me find inner bliss and peace during a very turbulent time in my life. The expanded peace still resonates in my heart.


Portland, Oregon

“I feel renewed, excited, and joyful.”

All of my life, I’ve felt a spiritual connection to Jesus the teacher, but the religion of my childhood felt incomplete and disconnected. I found myself alone, without a community and unable to articulate what I felt was missing. The Way of the Aramaic Jesus has helped me find a way to explore the words of Jesus as he would've actually spoken them, helping me to clear a path forward and away from the conventions that have contained his words in translations I often sensed were not Jesus’ original intent. I feel renewed, excited, and joyful.


Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

“I could fully experience what Jesus’ words most likely meant.”

I have always had a deep love for Jesus, but organized religion fell short of what my heart told me about him and God. The instructor, through explaining this ancient culture and the ancient Semitic languages, removed the barriers so I could fully experience what Jesus’ words most likely meant. I am so thankful for this class.


Sparks, Nevada

“... you are made to feel like you’re getting to know Yeshua personally.”

Neil is an amazing wealth of knowledge. Through his insightful discussions and the sharing of ancient traditions and language, you are made to feel like you’re getting to know Yeshua personally. Neil helps you reflect on the beauty and power of your heart by learning about the purest heart to grace our world.

Michele Dhyne

Shirley, New York

“I find myself expressing my thoughts and feelings very freely.”

For me, the biggest shift was in realizing that my spiritual life was growing. I really feel that my mind/brain has expanded/opened more fully. I’ve always been a quiet, contemplative person and now I find myself expressing my thoughts and feelings very freely. Very liberating. Thank you so much for this gift.


Adelaide, Australia


Join the Global Community

Advancing Along the Way of Aramaic Jesus offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD will share in this powerful program.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Eleven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD, world-renowned scholar in religious studies, spirituality, and psychology from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to delve deep into Yeshua’s way to continue your journey of elevated wellness and consciousness expansion using the healing practices based on his Beatitudes (or blessings). Course sessions are on Thursdays at 9:00am Pacific.

Eleven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Eleven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Eleven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Eleven 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions

With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the Zoom call to interact, share, and do additional practices to help you further integrate the weekly lessons. Practice sessions are not recorded for playback; if you’re unable to attend the live sessions, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to a deep level.

The Way of Aramaic Jesus 7-Module Course and Bonuses

When you sign up for this 11-module journey, you’ll get instant access to Neil’s first 7-module online course explore how to heal your past, transform your sense of separation, and understand your soul’s purpose through the wisdom of the most famous misunderstood mystic of all time Yeshua (Jesus), as experienced through chants and meditations. In each of the seven sessions, you’ll learn one line of the Lord’s Prayer (or Yeshua’s Prayer) in the original Aramaic.

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Advancing Along the Way of Aramaic Jesus

We feel honored that Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD, has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a world-renowned scholar in religious studies, spirituality, and psychology whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about healing your heart so you can focus on what’s yours to do in the world, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

Note: If you’re a graduate of Neil’s 7-module course, The Way of Aramaic Jesus, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Advancing Along the Way of Aramaic Jesus or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before January 23, 2025 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Neil Douglas-Klotz...

“Neil Douglas-Klotz is a rare jewel...”

Neil Douglas-Klotz is a rare jewel; a brilliant scholar with heart whose words have the power to reconnect us with our sacred source. Original Meditation is truly a book for our times. The perfume of divine belonging rises from every page as this modern mystic skillfully guides us into the essence of the sacred mystery.

Joan Borysenko

Author of Seven Paths to God

“Neil has distilled his decades of rigorous scholarship... into a potent elixir for our times.”

In Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus, a luminous offering, we discover the wisdom teacher this burning world is yearning for: a native Jesus deeply connected to the Earth and her wisdom, a Jesus long-ago silenced by the religion founded in his name, a Jesus who speaks directly to the heart of people of all faiths, and maybe especially to those of us who cannot fit ourselves into the confines of a single tradition. Neil Douglas-Klotz has distilled his decades of rigorous scholarship, deep practice, and revolutionary insight into a potent elixir for our times.

Mirabai Starr

Translator of Julian of Norwich and author of Wild Mercy

“[Neil’s translations] bring us to the deeper meanings of Jesus’ teachings...”

Religion easily dies when it succumbs to rote. The Aramaic translations of Neil Douglas-Klotz cut through the rote and bring us to the deeper meanings of Jesus’ teachings that can still touch our hearts, move our souls, and ignite our action. It can open our hearts anew. My original foreword to Neil's first book, Prayers of the Cosmos, began with these words: “Reader beware; though this book is brief, it contains the seeds of a revolution.” More than 40 years later, I do not think history has proven me mistaken.

Matthew Fox

Author of Original Blessing, from the foreword to Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus

“... this teaching, which enlightens us, awakens us, heals us, and saves us.”

For more than 40 years, Neil Douglas-Klotz has been exploring the mysteries of the Syriac and Aramaic languages to better understand what Yeshua wanted, and still wants, to tell us. This patient work is not in vain, it is necessary to bring us closer to this presence and this teaching, which enlightens us, awakens us, heals us, and saves us. Neil Douglas-Klotz is not only a scholar but also a man of the desert, where the breath and energy of the words join the prayer of the sands to trace a path in the heart of what remains without path.

Prof. Jean-Yves Leloup

Author of The Gospel of Thomas: The Gnostic Wisdom of Jesus and The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

“Neil Douglas-Klotz’s depth of study gives new life to these great teachings...”

Neil’s work returns us to the original Aramaic of Jesus’ words, where the breath, the body, and the soul are part of a living wholeness in which nature and the Divine are not separate. Here, language is a part of the creative flow of the seasons and our inner being, awakening us to the holy wisdom that is within. Neil Douglas-Klotz’s depth of study gives new life to these great teachings, helping us to be in harmony with our original nature, our own connection to sacred unity.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Author of Prayer of the Heart in Christian and Sufi Mysticism


About Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD

Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD, is a renowned writer, researcher, meditation teacher, and musician in the fields of Middle Eastern spirituality and the translation and interpretation of the ancient Semitic languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic. Living in Scotland, he was for many years the co-chair of the Mysticism Group of the American Academy of Religion. He also co-founded the International Network of the Dances of Universal Peace in 1982.

A frequent speaker and workshop leader, he is the author of several well-known books. His books on the Aramaic spirituality of Jesus include Prayers of the Cosmos..., The Hidden Gospel..., Original Meditation... Blessings of the Cosmos..., Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus..., and his latest work, The Aramaic Jesus Book of Days.

Neil’s books on a comparative view of native Middle Eastern spirituality include Desert Wisdom: A Nomad’s Guide to Life’s Big Questions and The Tent of Abraham, with Rabbi Arthur Waskow and Sr. Joan Chittister.

His books on Sufi spirituality include The Sufi Book of Life: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish and A Little Book of Sufi Stories. He has also edited four collections of the work of Middle Eastern mystic Kahlil Gibran and written a mystery novel set in the first century C.E. Holy Land entitled A Murder at Armageddon.

His biographical collections of the works of his Sufi teachers include Gardens of Vision and Initiation: The Life Journey of Samuel L. Lewis and Illuminating the Shadow: The Life, Love and Laughter of a 20th century Sufi.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s a virtual course?

It’s a great way to engage with live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is any connected device. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?

Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.

Can you tell me about the private online community group?

We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.

Are there scholarships available for this training?

Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

What’s your refund policy?

Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is January 23, 2025. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

How can I reach Customer Support?

Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Note: If you’re a graduate of Neil’s 7-module course, The Way of Aramaic Jesus, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!

Advancing Along the Way of Aramaic Jesus
Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD