With the Founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI)
Dr. Shamini Jain

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Use the power of your voice to connect with Vedic and Tantric goddesses through sacred sound and mantra while also learning the underlying science exploring how the many forms of the Divine Feminine can help you foster joy, creativity, and grace.

Receive a Kali mantra to clear disease patterns in your biofield and a Tripura Sundari mantra to open your crown and allow divine healing energy to pour into all your cells.


Do you feel burdened by the complex state of the world today? Are you feeling anxious, depressed, or perhaps blocked creatively? Are you wondering how you and your loved ones will adapt to the new world that’s emerging from a series of global crises?

Perhaps it’s time to call on the healing and empowering energy of the Great Goddess in ALL her forms!

This is a special invitation to embody your deepest feminine nature and catalyze your healing... by calling the Goddess through sacred sound.

By liberating your own voice, you will feel vibrations that cleanse, heal, and create new possibilities allowing your truest self to emerge and awaken to peace, purpose, prosperity, and actual progress.

Modern science has been validating what ancient yogis have known for ages that sacred phrases called mantras have remarkable powers to heal, elevate, and enlighten us.

The ancient science of mantras uses sound to connect your biofield with elemental and planetary energies (air, fire, earth, water, space, solar, and lunar) to foster significant personal and planetary healing.

When used with intention and care, the right mantras can help you realign your nervous system, strengthen your spiritual connection, slow cell aging, release anxiety, focus your mind, and more.

Mantras can also connect you with specific goddesses archetypal forces that help you access the power to effect positive change in your body and life.

Each of these ancient goddesses is a face of the Divine, with specific healing abilities and qualities. When you explore the many facets of the Goddess, you learn how her forms can aid you in creativity… clear away negativity and attachments… foster abundance… and re-connect you with bliss.

Every goddess is connected to sound and other vibrational forms of energy that you can bring into your body through the biofield to help you clear blocks within you so you can co-create with your spiritual force, and bring in the changes you wish to see in yourself and the world.

Discover more about this powerful process in this self-paced course from Dr. Shamini Jain, psychologist, scientist, and social entrepreneur.

She shares how you can work with mantras and elemental energies to clear away your patterning, heal yourself, maintain emotional balance, and realign with your spiritual core.

Be Guided by a Leading-Edge Practitioner of Consciousness Healing & the Science of Wellbeing

Ancient Eastern and Western perspectives of healing are converging with modern research to reveal the tremendous power you can have on your health. Scientist, psychologist, and healer Dr. Shamini Jain teaches both the science and the practice of healing that’s required for living a fully embodied, joyful life.

Born in an Indian Jain household, Shamini is rooted in Jain dharma as well as Tantric teachings and practices. A recognized expert in biofield science and healing, she has conducted pioneering research in the areas of meditation and hands-on energy work. In addition to sharing her knowledge and expertise via keynote speeches and TEDx talks, Shamini teaches healing self-practices at leading retreat centers across the U.S. She is also a performing singer and a student of Rev. Rosalyn Bruyere in the healing arts.

Deepak Chopra calls Shamini “a visionary scientist and collaboration catalyst, with the energy and heart of a healer.”

Shamini's course teaches you to use your voice to experience spiritual liberation through connection with the elements. You'll also learn the use of your voice beyond just mantra practice so you can recognize and create sounds that relate to air, earth, water, and fire. 

You’ll also open up the power of your voice for manifestation and healing activating your own healing power through the current of inner sound.


During this deep and inspiring Shakti upgrade from Dr. Shamini Jain, you’ll:

  • Create a personal connection with the Divine Feminine
  • Connect with grace through mantra chanting so you can co-create our new world with spiritual support from the Divine Feminine in ALL her forms
  • Become empowered to use your voice for self-healing
  • Understand how the ancient science of mantras connects your biofield with elemental and planetary energies (air, fire, earth, water, space, solar, and lunar)
  • Identify where elemental energies show up sonically in your life through music and other environmental sounds (nature) and discern how it makes you feel as you bring those sounds into your body
  • Harmonize your immune and nervous systems creating a bodily shift that could show up as better sleep, improved mood, and more
  • Feel divine support all around you even when things seem challenging
  • Bridge the ancient and modern to inner sound making by integrating music and your voice
  • Discover whole-person healing spiritual, emotional, and physical with integrations and mantra practices that bring the energies into your body to help you better deal with the world
  • Understand how to use sound for devotional purposes to connect with the Divine
  • Explore how science and spirituality aren’t at odds, but speak to different parts of the human experience

Seize this opportunity to work more deeply to liberate the full power of your voice, welcome divine vibrations into your biofield, and use sacred mantras to call forth powerful goddesses as portals to your own healing abilities.


Cyndi Dale: “Shamini Is an Expert in Everything Energy”


What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-module, self-guided transformational intensive, you will learn how to use the power of your voice to connect with Vedic and Tantric goddesses through sacred sound and mantra.

The Beauty of On-Demand


This course features step-by-step teachings and experiential practices from Shamini. Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to access little-known insights so you can experience the many forms of the Goddess as divine portals  catalysts for joy, creativity, and grace. Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content, allowing you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.


Module 1: Liberate Your Inner Soundmaker to Expand Consciousness & Connect With the Goddess for Healing & Inner Harmony


Who is the Goddess, really, and how can her divine energy be accessed? In this introductory module, you’ll explore the integral role of the Goddess in ancient cosmology and the various traditions that associate her with the creative force behind the entire universe. Unveil the profound connection between the Goddess and Sound, and release the transformative power of vocal expression, so you can embody the versatile essence of the Divine Feminine in all its splendid forms.

During this initial session, you’ll liberate your energetic potential by aligning your sound currents with your biofield, awakening the Goddess within you. You’ll also explore the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern science regarding the healing power of sound and chanting.

You will examine any obstacles that may hinder your own vocal expression, and you’ll learn how to fully embrace the sacred presence of the Goddess within.

Plus, you’ll discover time-honored singing exercises and ancient vocal sound-healing techniques to clear and harmonize your energetic field, preparing yourself for manifestation and spiritual growth.

In this module, you’ll find your voice, learning:

  • What ancient and modern science say about the power of inner and outer sound for healing
  • The relationship of sound with consciousness and your interaction with the world
  • How to scan your energy field and release stuck energy using your voice
  • How to free your voice to free your life

Module 2: Sacred Seeds of Sound Resonate the Goddess & Your Elemental Self for a Beautiful Soul-Filled Life


Ancient Vedic and Tantric teachings based on thousands of years of collective practice recognized that specific sound vibrations were connected with elemental and planetary energies. These energies are often represented by goddesses who can help us on our spiritual path. 

You’ll find out how to connect with these energies through your biofield by using specific seed mantras. Then, you’ll start working with these seed mantras to restore harmony, strength, and peace in yourself, no matter what the outer circumstances.

In this module, you’ll connect with sound and:

  • Learn specific seed mantras and how to resonate them powerfully in your biofield, to better feel and harmonize your energies
  • Explore the connection between seed mantras and lunar, solar, fire, water, air, space, and earth energies
  • Assess which energies are strong in you and which ones you feel you need to connect with more
  • Learn the power of the GODDESS as Generating, Orchestrating, Destroying Devis who Empower Soul Service
  • Work appropriately with seed mantras to further open your biofield to divine assistance, for a beautiful soul-filled life

Module 3: Ground Into Fierce Compassion & Strength With the Wisdom of Durga Ma for Protection During Challenging Times


Durga Ma, often considered the Mother Goddess in Vedic teachings, enables us to persevere through difficult times with grace and strength. She teaches us how to vanquish our enemies and rule with compassion.

Learn how to connect with Durga Ma through mantra and visualization to bring a sense of groundedness, wholeness, and compassion for all living beings in your life.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Connect with the strong yet compassionate energies of Durga Ma through a deep energetic meditation
  • Assess areas of your life where you could use Durga Ma’s assistance
  • Cultivate groundedness and stability through your biofield, with a simple yet powerful Durga mantra
  • Receive protection and strength through a powerful Durga mantra
  • Learn how to connect with Durga Ma to “Hold your Ground” during challenging times

Module 4: Clear, Transform & Integrate Blocks & Limitations Through the Power of the Great Goddess Kali


In this session, you’ll explore how to seek assistance from Kali most often affectionately referred to as “Kali Ma” in a safe way to unlock powerful transformation and clear away negativity. Kali is both a fierce and compassionate goddess whose divine force can help you raise your kundalini energies, clear away habit patterns and attachments, and transform your life

Also called Maha Kali (which means “Great Kali”), she teaches us about the boundlessness of consciousness and the ability to transcend space and time to experience life beyond dualities. Her lightning-quick abilities also remind us that while change is inevitable, transformation can happen in an instant.

In this module, you’ll clear and transform your energy field by:

  • Discovering the different faces of Kali from Vedic and Tantric teachings and how her manifestations relate to your release process
  • Experiencing deep cleansing and energetic clearing of disharmonies through a deep Maha Kali meditation 
  • Exploring where Kali’s lightning and motion energies of transformation are needed in your life
  • Learning how to work with Kali and clearing away attachments, etheric noise, and unresolved emotions with a powerful Maha Kali chant

Module 5: Ignite Your Creative Flow & Deep Wisdom With Saraswati & Matangi


In this module, you’ll learn how to unlock your creative flow and open up your wisdom channels with the goddesses Saraswati and Matangi. Saraswati, one of the three main Vedic goddesses, is known as the goddess of wisdom and the mother of the creative arts. Saraswati’s energy is also reflected in the goddess Matangi, one of the Mahavidyas (Wisdom Goddesses) in the Tantric tradition.

While Saraswati teaches us about the beauty of timing and precision, Matangi takes us beyond the confines of cultural conditioning to explore the unbridled, ecstatic nature of the creative force and the ultimate reality of subtle sound. Explore how these powerful goddesses can help you unlock your creative bliss and the flow of wisdom.

In this module, you’ll become a co-creator by:

  • Awakening the creative, flowing energies of your second chakra through mantra and sound practices
  • Exploring how sound, lunar, and water energies foster an energetic relationship between creative freedom, flow, bliss, and wisdom
  • Experiencing yourself as a limitless, creative being
  • Connecting with Saraswati and Matangi to bless your creative pursuits and help you gain wisdom
  • Learning a powerful mantra to receive blessings for creative pursuits

Module 6: Experience the Flow of Abundance & Beauty With Lakshmi Devi & Kamala Devi


Lakshmi Devi is a highly revered goddess in the Vedic tradition who fosters abundance in all forms. While she is often worshiped for material wealth and fame, she, as well as the Goddess Kamalatmika (Kamala) in Tantric tradition, teaches us about the attractive force, devotion, and fulfillment through purity of intention. Learn how to connect with Lakshmi and Kamala Devi for powerful manifestation and spiritual ascension.

In this module, you’ll become abundance by:

  • Engaging in a powerfulI inner light meditation to bring forth Lakshmi and Kamala Devi inside you
  • Learning how magnetic energies can be combined in mantra practices to attract goodness and abundance in your life
  • Becoming aware of things that can hinder the appearance of Lakshmi in your life and how to clear them
  • Understanding the relationship between purity and manifestation
  • Receiving a simple mantra to align with flows of abundance in all forms

Module 7: From Pleasure to Bliss Unfold & Receive the Magic of Tripura Sundari for Ultimate Wellbeing


Tripura Sundari, one of the ten Mahavidyas or Tantric Wisdom Goddesses, is known for her qualities of bestowing sensual pleasure and playfulness in her manifestation as Lalita. Tripura Sundari also teaches us of the ultimate liberating power of Shakti, the Divine Feminine

With Tripura Sundari’s guidance, we follow the Divine Feminine energies and unify them with those of the Divine Masculine to taste transcendence, and experience reality in its full unfolding as bliss and unity consciousness. 

Find out how connecting with the energies and forms of Tripura Sundari in your life can help you break through to bliss even in ordinary life.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Understand why Tripura Sundari is revered as one of the highest goddesses in Tantric tradition
  • Explore what she teaches us about the ultimate nature of wellbeing
  • Connect with Tripura Sundari through mantra to unlock your sensuality and playfulness
  • Pray to Tripura Sundari through powerful meditative practices to help move beyond the veil of duality and experience blissful union


The Voicing the Goddess Bonus Offering

In addition to Shamini’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Healing Circle: Honoring the Feminine
Video Dialogue With Dr. Shamini Jain and Guest Speakers Grace Sesma, Sue Morter, and Eileen McKusick

The Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) is a nonprofit collaborative of scientists, healing practitioners, educators, and artists working together to prioritize healing in healthcare and self-care. In this special one-hour CHI Healing Circle video, you’ll explore honoring the feminine in medicine, healing, and daily life with leading teachers Dr. Shamini Jain, Dr. Sue Morter, Eileen McKusick, and Grace Sesma.


Healing, Wholeness & the Quantum Self The New Science of Spirituality
Video Teaching From Dr. Sue Morter

According to Dr. Sue Morter, everything is energy, including you! Quantum science states that everything in our world including our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs is energy held in different patterns. In this 21-minute video, you’ll discover how these patterns are the basis of our reality, impacting our perceptions… our vitality and health… and even our capacity for joy, abundance, and love. By listening to the unspoken language from within the deep core of your body, you can work with the raw energy to activate new neurocircuitry in your system.


What Graduates of Shamini’s Courses Are Saying…


Natalie Backman: “I Was Shocked in a Very Pleasant Way by the Amount of Pure Shakti That Is Within Shamini”

Radha Krishnan: “I Was Very Moved Because My Worldview Had Shifted”

Sarah Albrecht: “Shamini Knows Exactly What She’s Talking About”

“She delivers this course with beautiful heart and a depth of wisdom that she herself truly embodies.”

Dr. Shamini’s light, love, passion, and reverence for the goddesses and their mantras was such an honor to witness. She delivered this course with beautiful heart and a depth of wisdom that she herself truly embodies. Each module was such a healing experience as she chanted and taught in detail the different aspects of the goddess. I have felt truly enriched and blessed by the abundance of goddess energies in all their many forms. The Shift Network made this a very professional and supported experience also. Thank you, Dr. Shamini and The Shift Network.
Sorcha, Ireland

“I feel much more empowered, more in control of my emotions.”

This course was an amazing experience. I am now much more open-minded because I realize that the Divine is only one, regardless of the entity you choose to pray to. Also, it has given me precious tools of connection with my own needs and the people around me. I feel much more empowered, more in control of my emotions. THANK YOU!
Ana Sousa, Portugal

“I only take courses with those who are able to transmit healing directly through their being, and Shamini is one of those.”

Shamini is amazing! From the first time I heard her sing a short mantra in the introductory session I was transformed from the inside. This deepened throughout the course as I learned to embody and balance the qualities of the goddesses through the mantras and stories and was blessed with their grace. I only take courses with those who are able to transmit healing directly through their being, and Shamini is one of those. Thank you, Shamini!
Jane, Manchester, United Kingdom

“She embodies all of what she teaches and is an inspiration of real empowerment for women…”

This course was superb. Shamini is beautiful, well qualified, has great integrity, and I felt complete trust in her teaching of this most sacred material and ancient practices. She embodies all of what she teaches and is an inspiration of real empowerment for women and indeed for humans living together in a truly reverent and spiritual way.
Wendy Sager Evanson, Tarpon Springs, Florida

“Because Shamini lives what she teaches, this course was transformative.”

Because Shamini lives what she teaches, this course was transformative. She’s not just imparting information, but is the living truth of the mantras she practices. I signed up for the course just because she’s such a beautiful presence, but I am amazed at how much transformation I’m experiencing just by doing what I can: sometimes only five repetitions of a very short mantra is enough to change the energy I’m experiencing. I’m also finding great psychological benefits it’s so much easier for me now to ask for what I want and include myself in various situations.
Joy, Boston


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Dr. Shamini Jain

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Dr. Shamini Jain, founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a streaming video option and will guide you to use the power of your voice to connect with Vedic and Tantric goddesses through sacred sound and mantra exploring the many forms of the Divine Feminine.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive session transcriptions. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Voicing the Goddess Bonus Offering
  • Healing Circle: Honoring the Feminine
    Video Dialogue With Dr. Shamini Jain and Guest Speakers Grace Sesma, Sue Morter, and Eileen McKusick
  • Healing, Wholeness & the Quantum Self The New Science of Spirituality
    Video Teaching From Dr. Sue Morter

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, Voicing the Goddess


We feel honored that Dr. Shamini Jain has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about catalyzing joy, creativity, grace, and personal power, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind course.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Voicing the Goddess or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Dr. Shamini Jain…

“... inspires and empowers us to ignite infinite healing potential...”

Dr. Shamini Jain is a visionary scientist and collaboration catalyst, with the energy and heart of a healer. She’s a master synthesizer of diverse wisdom streams, weaving together scientific discoveries and practical wisdom in a way that inspires and empowers us to ignite infinite healing potential for ourselves, each other, and the planet.
Deepak Chopra, MD, author of How to Know God

“... a potent bridge... between science and spirituality...”

Shamini Jain is that rare integration of open-hearted, open-minded, divinely feminine mystic, and grounded, pragmatic, rational scientist who serves as a potent bridge in a time when the divide between science and spirituality has never been more polarized. Weaving this bridge together with the alchemy of her personal medicine, Shamini can be trusted to take you down rabbit holes you might otherwise be scared to explore, with the understanding that you won’t fly off the earth like a disembodied balloon or get too stuck in the morass of materialism that is so rampant in the dogmas of science right now. At the edge of where science and spirituality meet, transformation through Shamini’s guidance awaits you.
Lissa Rankin, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine and founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute

“... elevating, enlightening, mind-expanding, and fun.”

I am honored and proud to call Dr. Shamini Jain my friend and colleague. I am continually amazed by her energy, her incredible amount of talents, and her ability to make just about anything happen. I highly recommend that if you are considering undertaking anything with Shamini, no matter what it is, that you do it! She will deliver above and beyond whatever is promised in ways that are elevating, enlightening, mind-expanding, and fun.
Eileen McKusick, author and sound researcher


About Dr. Shamini Jain

Dr. Shamini Jain is a scientist, singer, social profit leader, and transformational teacher. She is founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a nonprofit collaborative accelerator that connects scientists, health practitioners, educators, and artists to help lead humanity to heal ourselves. 

CHI was formed through Shamini’s deep desire to bring key stakeholders together to create a coherent and effective movement to move us beyond models of “disease thinking,” and into the age of whole-person healing and personal and societal empowerment.

Shamini is a student of Reverend Rosalyn Bruyere in the healing arts, and a student of the Divine Feminine. Her award-winning book, Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health, has been hailed as a breakthrough book in healing by leaders in the field, including Deepak Chopra, Cyndi Dale, Donna Eden, Eileen McKusick, and many more. 

A seasoned singer with experience in performance genres from bel canto and musical theater to classic rock, folk, and heavy metal, Shamini’s debut album, “Kaliyuga Blues,” will be released in late 2023. Shamini integrates her background in vocal performance, clinical psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, and biofield and spiritual healing to teach people how they can best heal themselves and live with joy and spiritual alignment. 

Shamini, a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, teaches regularly at leading retreat centers, including Esalen, Sivananda Ashram, Omega, and more. Her research has been featured in TIME, US News and World Report, and on CNN, Good Day LA, and more. 

She shares research on the science and practice of healing in diverse venues, including TEDx, major universities and medical centers, health-related conferences, and corporations. She also serves as a board member and scientific advisor for several nonprofit and social benefit companies.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How long will I have access to my Course Homepage and materials?
A: Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content online via your Homepage unless refunded or otherwise specified. We currently don't have an expiration date for our online materials. This will allow you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
