With Leading Authority on Energy Medicine,
& Bestselling Author
Deborah King

A 5-module On-Demand Video Training

Experience the “seeding” of 20 sacred phrases in your consciousness  and transform your personal energy field.

Apply the Vedic sutras to clear out energy blocks and past events… and connect with the high spiritual beings who are there to guide and protect you.


One of the oldest forms of energy healing are found in the Vedic sutras...

And now, you can unlock these mystical Hindu scriptures to clear energy blocks in your mind and body... and transform your entire energy field.

These potent spiritual vibrations are divine frequencies that will activate your next level of healing and transformation.

When “seeded” in the fertile ground of your consciousness, the sacred phrases of the Sutras evoke in you the power of ancient, awakened lineages...

And, you don’t have to become a Vedic scholar to transform your energy field and life through the sutras... or connect with the spiritual guides that are standing by to help and protect you!

Through simple yet powerful sutra practices, you’ll be empowered to release stories that are thwarting you... and clear any blocks to your intuitive and psychic abilities.

The Vedic sutras, seen as divinely inspired revelations, were received by ancient Hindu sages after intense meditations, preserved and passed on for thousands of years.

Renowned for her ability to make esoteric teachings accessible and practical (and fun!), energy medicine pioneer and New York Times bestselling author Deborah King distills this remarkable ancient knowledge to help you apply it to your modern life.

In this journey, you’ll be initiated into 20 powerful Sutras, the mystical phrases from the ancient Hindu Vedas, that hold the key to accessing the higher realms of consciousness and unleashing the magnificent gifts and powers that are your birthright.

With these 20 sutras as your launch vehicle, you can release and heal past traumas, unleash your creativity, and be initiated into awesome realms of Spirit, such as the Order of Melchizedek. This is the fastest and most sure-footed path to make a massive shift in your energy that will affect every aspect of your life in a positive, heart-opening way.

As a result of the spiritual expansion that’s possible through this program, you’ll likely feel more in control of destiny... because you’re no longer leaving it to chance. Rather, you create what’s truly in your heart to bring forth and into the world.

Anger, fear, frustration, envy, and impatience will no longer have dominance on you. Instead, your emotional landscape will be calm, serene, and focused.

The ability to access your intuition is directly proportional to the depth of your connection to Spirit. So expect a higher sense of intuition as well as other psychic abilities such as clairvoyance...

You’ll start seeing things differently as if a veil was lifted from around you. You’ll begin to see clearly the absolute truth in every situation, past or present. And, you’ll trust your knowing... that what you “see” is your truth.

Your connection to Spirit, Source, God, the Divine will be strengthened so that you’ll receive the wisdom and guidance you most need.


During this 5-module initiation you will:

  • Experience the seeding of 20 sutras with high spiritual vibrations that carry the wisdom of awakened lineages
  • Apply the sutras to clear out the buried emotions and past events that are holding your life force hostage, so you can get free mentally, physically, and emotionally
  • Activate certain centers in the body that expand your spiritual potential.
  • Find and use responsibly the spiritual gifts that start to manifest when you do the sutra practice
  • Evoke and connect with the high spiritual beings who are there to guide and protect you
  • Discover who you are within the spectrum of the 7 spiritual rays
  • Connect to your Soul Star, a profound source of power and wisdom
  • Meet the Ascended Masters and learn about the Seven Rays, and how these teachings can spark your journey
  • Experience a personal space clearing, so the energy of the sutras can be conducted into you
  • Notice the effects of the sutras in your personal energy field within just a few days... yes, the power is that strong (and effortless) and they work that quickly
  • Receive YOUR unique gifts of the sutras (not everyone’s gifts are the same)
  • Discover how the shattering life experiences you’ve lived, crack you open to your future
  • Have the entry point of your transformation revealed to you... your portal to greatness
  • Be initiated into expanded realms of Spirit, such as the Order of Melchizedek

Your Special Invitation From Deborah King

I credit the Vedic sutras with everything good that has happened in my life. These mysterious, magical little phrases only take five minutes a day but transport you into the person you always wanted to be.

I first learned the Vedic sutras when I was in my twenties and dealing with cancer. I went all the way to India and Nepal to learn them and they are, by far, the best healing I ever did for myself.


I had been meditating briefly when I was first exposed to the Vedic sutra teachings, so I had a modest base. Once I put the Sutras on top of that base, I soon took off. I had the most amazing experiences: first off, I experienced a massive improvement in my health; next, I morphed from someone who had never written a word and who was absolutely terrified of public speaking into someone with a NYT bestselling book who absolutely loved being on stage. Who knew?!

After doing the Sutras a little longer, I started to develop even more esoteric gifts, like super-charged intuition, sudden hits that foretold the future, and even the gift of healing.

I’ve now been teaching some 40 years, and it’s my favorite thing to teach: I know from personal experience the Sutras are a direct route to your heart’s desire. And I love seeing students turn their lives around and achieve the success, health, and relationships they truly deserve.

I can’t wait to share the Sutras with you, seeding them, and witnessing their spiritual gifts unfold in you...



What You’ll Discover in These 5 Modules

This transformative 5-step program will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices. In each module, Deborah will guide you in your spiritual initiation in the Vedic sutras. As the program unfolds, you’ll discover more secrets along the path of initiation, and receive practical exercises and mystical tools that allow you to clear and balance your core energy so the sutras can be seeded in the fertile ground of your consciousness.


Module 1: Clearing Your Personal Energy Field to Receive the First 5 Sutras


In Module 1, Deborah will share a special space-clearing exercise that you can do anywhere, anytime no fuss, no muss. A clear space is crucial if you want to fully take in the spiritual energies of the sutras.

Deborah will also lay the groundwork for the sutras and then seed the first 5 sutras in you. These first five are revolutionary they will take action, first in your personal energy field, and then in your body/mind, sweeping out all the old trauma that you’ve stored there since day one. They often work instantly so you’re likely to notice their effect within just a few days.

  • Be guided in a space clearing practice so that you can receive the sacred energies of the sutras
  • Experience the seeding with you of the first 5 sutras
  • Begin to activate their alchemical powers so that you receive your unique gifts from these sutras
  • Notice the shifts in your mind, body and emotions which may be subtle or dramatic

Module 2: Receiving Your Spiritual Gifts & Seeding the Next 6 Sutras


In Module 2, you’ll discover more about the gifts of the Sutras, those spiritual powers that will soon be yours. They will differ for each person: for you, they may be physical powers, for someone else, mental, and for another, psychic or spiritual.

Whatever you are meant to develop, that’s what will happen. Deborah will also teach you all about how to not misuse these powerful gifts, plus seed the next six Sutras in you.

  • Experience the seeding within you of the next 6 sutras
  • Explore the many spiritual powers of the sutras
  • Surrender to which gifts Source intends for YOU
  • Recognize the value of being in integrity around sharing the gifts you receive through the sutras

Module 3: Cracking Open Your Heart to Create a New Future


Roaring into Module 3, Deborah will teach you all about initiations, those ineffable, unutterable, indefinable experiences that will shatter the old you and crack you open to your future. You’ll also learn about Deborah’s own initiation into the Order of Melchizedek, so you can start to imagine yours... and she’ll seed the next seven Sutras in you.

  • Shatter old stories and beliefs about your life and what’s possible for you
  • Experience the seeding in you of the last 7 sutras
  • Imagine a future YOU, guided by divine power and love
  • Learn about Deborah’s initiation into the Order of Melchizedek and apply the lessons to your own journey

Module 4: Connecting to Your Soul Star The Source of Your Real Power


In Module 4, you’ll learn even more about initiations, the entry point for your journey of transformation, as you head to greatness. Here, Deborah will do an ancient invocation as she seeds the all-important last two Sutras in you, and connect you to your Soul Star, the source of your real power.

  • Explore initiations as a path to your deepest healing and highest Self
  • Experience an ancient invocation that ignites your greatness
  • Receive the last 2 sutras
  • Learn about your Soul Star and connect with this profound source of power

Module 5: Meeting the Ascended Masters & Seeding All 20 Sutras


In this revelatory final module, Deborah will introduce you to the Ascended Masters, and teach you all about the Seven Rays. She’ll also seed the 20 Sutras one more time into your body/mind and share some of the mystery behind the Sutras, closing with the Great Invocation.

  • Meet the Ascended Masters and learn about the Seven Rays, and how these teachings can spark your journey
  • Discover why the sutras are shrouded in mystery
  • A seeding of all 20 sutras, plus a powerful, parting invocation

The Sacred Tools Bonus Collection

(Valued at Over $200.00!)


In addition to Deborah’s transformative 5-module video course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonuses sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Life Force Energy Healing Meditation
2-Part Video Teaching From Deborah King


Allow Deborah to lead you step-by-step through a powerful process for learning how to effortlessly meditate. This simple daily practice of taking just a few minutes out of your busy schedule is a gift to you. Your body and soul are hungry for the mental ease, physical relief, and spiritual growth that is achieved through this practice. A mantra chosen by Deborah for attendees of this course will be provided.


Everything You Wanted to Know About Meditation But Were Afraid to Ask
Audio Teaching From Deborah King


Take in this 45-minute audio teaching from Deborah King that hits all the dos and don’ts of an effective meditation practice so you’ll be successful in starting a regular practice or improving the one you have.


What Are Your Spiritual Ethics?
Video Teaching From Deborah King


In this video, Deborah explores what it means to live a spiritually ethical life based on the concept that, at heart, we are all One. Uncover secrets deep within yourself and understand the rationale behind your own behavior as Deborah guides you along the path to a fully-opened heart.


Finding Self Forgiveness
Video Teaching From Deborah King


Could you imagine that your flaws enhance your beauty? Imagine, if instead of being ashamed of your “flaw” you were able to open the crack so more light could show through you and out into the world. The broken places begin to look even more radiant and beautiful when they are filled with the gold of wisdom and learning. In this ground-breaking talk, Deborah will give you the keys to forgive yourself and grow into your authentic self through self forgiveness, compassion and love.


What People Are Saying About Deborah King...

“... people stand in line for hours just to get a moment with Deborah King.”

I have seen people stand in line for hours just to get a moment with Deborah King. People just love her and her healing work.
Louise L. Hay, Author of You Can Heal Your Life

“Deborah King reminds us that we’re born with nature’s most powerful instrument of healing...”

Deborah King reminds us that we’re born with nature’s most powerful instrument of healing the gift to be able to sense and direct subtle energy through our bodies.
Gregg Braden, Author of The Divine Matrix and Fractal Time

“Deborah King is a guide for all seekers of higher truth...”

Deborah King is a guide for all seekers of higher truth who are destined to fulfill their purpose of helping others by first healing themselves.
Neale Donald Walsch, Author of Conversations with God

“Deborah King opens us up to realizing the powerful healing nature that lives within us all.”

Happiness comes by living our true nature. Deborah King opens us up to realizing the powerful healing nature that lives within us all.
Robert Holden, PhD, Author of Be Happy and Happiness Now!

“I love Deborah King’s mix of esoteric and practical wisdom, the confluence of ancient and modern healing traditions!”

Marci Shimoff, Author of Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason

“... a straight-forward approach to unlocking your hidden potential...”

If you are looking for truth, light, and a straight-forward approach to unlocking your hidden potential, master healer and teacher Deborah King delivers!”
Jay Adams, Owner, host of Emmy Award winning Breakthrough Medicine

“Deborah King is a spiritual guide to be reckoned with and charismatic and entertaining to boot!”

James Van Praagh, spiritual medium, TV host and producer, author of Ghosts Among Us


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Five 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Deborah King

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from leading authority on energy medicine and New York Times bestselling author Deborah King from the comfort of your own home. Each module includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Five PDF Transcripts of Class Module

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each module is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson


Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.


The Sacred Tools Bonus Collection

  • Life Force Energy Healing Meditation
    2-Part Video Teaching From Deborah King
  • Everything You Wanted to Know About Meditation But Were Afraid to Ask
    Audio Teaching From Deborah King
  • What Are Your Spiritual Ethics?
    Video Teaching From Deborah King
  • Finding Self Forgiveness
    Video Teaching From Deborah King

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Sacred Tools for Modern Masters Virtual Training


We feel honored Deborah King has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a leading authority on energy medicine, and bestselling author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Deborah’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about clearing energy blocks and past events that are holding your life force hostage so you can get free, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Sacred Tools for Modern Masters with Deborah King or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


About Deborah King


Deborah King is a New York Times bestselling author, energy healer, and spiritual teacher. She has developed her powerful gifts through three decades of global study, and is hailed as a premiere master healer of our time. Only in her twenties, Deborah was a successful attorney when a cancer diagnosis compelled her to begin a quest for health that would radically change her life. Her amazing remission at the hands of a healer spurred her to leave the corporate arena for the mysterious world of healing, where she mastered ancient and modern systems, ultimately developing a powerful energy healing technique of her own.

Through her numerous books, live and online workshops, TV appearances, and her popular Facebook live show, Deborah has guided tens of thousands of people to tap into a higher level of consciousness, trust their intuition, and heal themselves in ways they never thought possible. Deborah’s New York Times bestselling books, Be Your Own Shaman, Truth Heals, Entangled in Darkness, and Heal Yourself Heal the World, take you deep into the powerful, esoteric world of healers, sages, and shamans. Featured regularly in the media, W Magazine calls Deborah’s work “electrifying.”


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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