With Qigong Master
Mingtong Gu
A 12-Module On-Demand Video Training

Learn in-depth practices to work effectively with energy and emotions to foster physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing and well-being especially during the winter season.

Many of the world’s greatest healing practices come from thousands of years of experimentation by ancient and modern Qigong masters in China.


These masters were the original scientists of the subtle body working with the circulation of Qi (life force energy) for health, longevity, fertility and more.

Their capacity to heal and focus energy is legendary and eminently practical. They developed an understanding of the body’s subtle energy fields over many centuries that led to techniques that deliver results.

Some of the most important methods involve working with sound: vibrational patterns that dislodge and shift stagnant or blocked energy in the body. When we experience trauma or even everyday stressors we often accumulate dense and blocked energy which can persist for decades and lead to disease.

Specific sounds especially when combined with movement and intention have the ability to shift these blocks, “charge up” areas with diminished Qi, and activate organ systems and their self-healing powers. This results in greater flow of energy throughout your body, which in turn increases immune function and overall good health.

A few minutes a day of this type of focused practice can have dramatic effects on your happiness, well-being, stress levels, and even on long-standing health issues.

Qigong also includes an inner science for working with emotions, as well as practices that address the seasonal shifts in the health of your body. Energy and emotion flow differently during the dark and cold seasons in particular. During this time it’s especially important to restore and clear your energy system so you can stay vital and healthy.

In Deeper Sound Healing Through Qigong, Qigong master Mingtong Gu will guide you in wisdom healing Qigong practices designed to prepare you for a healthier winter and a more vital spring.

Winter is a great time to set a new path for change, but this requires a deep knowing of who we are and where we are going in our creative endeavors, health and community. When this purposeful intention is held with clear resolve, we can nourish a new spring in our lives.


In this comprehensive training, Master Gu will go deeper into the teachings and practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong and Sound Healing by focusing on two organ systems: the lungs for late fall, and the kidneys for winter. These systems are most challenged, both physically and emotionally, during these two seasons.

Through specific sounds and practices, Master Gu will show you how to connect with the lungs and kidneys and transform limiting emotional energy into productive, healing energy.

Perhaps you have been experiencing stress, sleeplessness or have a chronic illness like Lyme Disease, Parkinson’s or depression? By concentrating on the lungs and respiratory system during the first half of the program, you’ll explore ways to transform grief and depression into compassion and deep knowing.

In the second part of the course, we will focus on the kidneys and reproductive system, transforming fear into strength and vitality. Wisdom Healing Qigong guides us to connect with the emotional energy held in these organs from the stories of our past or illnesses and to use gentle movement to release and transform that energy.

The combination of sound, movement and meditation helps students of all ages and abilities develop and deepen their personal practice.

This program includes teachings in the Wisdom Healing Qigong Preliminary Practices.


While sound healing through Qigong might initially seem “far out,” it’s actually one of the alternative healing modalities that’s getting the most attention and respect from Western medicine. This is because it delivers results and fits fairly easily into traditional medical paradigms that embrace sound treatments.

This means there is now a growing body of good science supporting the wisdom of this ancient lineage.

In Deeper Sound Healing Through Qigong, you’ll have the opportunity to learn essential daily practices from Wisdom Healing Qigong the specific lineage taught in this program that will help you take better energetic care of your body and establish a new baseline of health and a long and vibrant life.

You’ll learn how to combine breath, movement and focused intention with sound to create healing interventions that address specific areas of pain, disease and dysfunction.

In Qigong practice, different sounds are associated with the five major organ systems (heart, kidney, digestive, liver, lung). As you discover which sounds address which organ system (and how), you learn how to awaken the biological and energetic resiliency of your whole system an important foundation for healing and wholeness.

In Chinese medicine, imbalances in the organs and elements within the body are seen as the root of almost all disease, creating opportunities for illness through weakened immune function, low energy and stagnant Qi.

As you work with the subtle energies connected to different organs, you’ll become more adept at creating a healing, nourishing and balanced flow throughout your body so that you can better prevent disease, boost vitality and even slow aging.

The Importance of an Authentic Teacher


During this program, you’ll have the honor of studying with Master Mingtong Gu, one of the pre-eminent teachers of Qigong for the past twenty years.

Through The Chi Center, the organization he built in the West, Master Gu has trained thousands of students and teachers to work with Qi in ways that get results.

Over the course of the 12 modules, he’ll illuminate both the philosophical and practical components of working with Qi and give you simple practices and positions that allow you to connect with the energy that supports and nourishes your body.

You’ll benefit not only from his verbal teachings but also from video-recorded exercises that demonstrate the proper movements, sounds and ways to direct the flow of energy.

These principles of energetic healing will help you address and heal the underlying issues that can result in disease, imbalance and disharmony.

There is something empowering about learning practices of self-care that complement traditional biomedical approaches. Rather than passively waiting to be fixed by a doctor, you can work effectively work with your personal energy system a crucial dimension of holistic health.

During the course, you’ll also work with the principle of “integrative oneness,” which allows you to truly experience your consciousness, heart, body and mind as a united whole.

You’ll learn to circulate Qi to weaker parts of your body as well, and deepen your understanding of the energetic connections between your body, emotions and spirit.


When you join Master Mingtong Gu for this special training, you’ll benefit by:

  • Discovering sound healing techniques that activate and help heal the lung and respiratory organ system for a healthier late fall.
  • Learning techniques that heal your kidney and reproductive organ system for a healthier winter.
  • Learning the Preliminary Practices, a core teaching of Wisdom Healing Qigong, that focuses on the health of the spine and the energy flow of body to mind.
  • Strengthening your connection between your mind and body energetically as the Qi flows more freely through the organs, spine and mind.
  • Unlocking deep healing potential for your physical body that is held in all your organs, including healing chronic disease, grief and fear.
  • Improving your ability to change your creativity and health, by transforming negative Qi of grief into compassion, and fear into alertness and determination.
  • Feeling more grounded and energized throughout your day.
  • Having a stress-free and joyful holiday season, through powerful preparations of compassion.
  • Enhancing your wellbeing and your ability to contribute to the well-being of self, community and world.
  • Realizing the spiritual dimension of your physical life.
  • Developing more resiliency to meet life’s challenges moment-to-moment.
  • Enhancing your other spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga and movement.
  • Learning to express your voice more fully and naturally.
  • Discovering techniques that help release trauma from the past.
  • Reducing pain by improving the flow of energy to areas of the body in pain.

Applying the daily practices of Qigong, you’ll learn to heal chronic emotional and physical issues AND develop the foundations for lasting, radiant wellbeing. You’ll experience more connection, inner peace and a feeling of wholeness.

Join us for an illuminating journey with one of the world’s most esteemed Qigong masters and receive practices you can use for a lifetime.

Please note that this course does not have a pre-requisite. Students enrolled in the recent Sound Healing Through Qigong Course will be able to delve more into sound healing for a stronger, dedicated practice.

And remember, when you heal yourself, you contribute to the healing of our world.

Greater Connection Through Video


As a special addition to this course, Master Gu will offer supplemental video teachings in each module, so that you can have an even more powerful transmission of his teachings. These extra video lessons will be easy to use and greatly increase your learning and transformation.

What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules

During the 12-part program, Master Mingtong Gu will guide you through powerful Wisdom Healing Qigong practices to successfully connect with your body as energy and harness its potential.

You’ll engage with sound healing to awaken the physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions of your organs, helping to release stress and renew vitality. In addition to foundational and advanced teachings, you’ll learn how to shape a gentle, personal practice that can transform the effects of aging, illness and stress.

Each session will build harmoniously upon the next and include teachings, movement, sound and meditation practices. The program is appropriate for all ages and abilities and does not require special clothing or exercise equipment.

Practice Component: The deep benefits of Qigong come from doing the sounds, movements and meditations yourself, so you can feel and experience the transformative effects. Each session will help you create a practice of your own.

During class, Master Gu will lead a practice and invite you to follow along with him. After class you can download special practice tools that include video, audio and illustrations, so that you can practice along with these tools when it fits your schedule.

Every module of the course adds new, powerful teachings and practice tools, so that over the 12-module program you will integrate a deep Wisdom Healing Sound practice into your daily life.


Module 1: Qigong Perspective: Understanding Our Emotional Body & the Role of the Organs & the Seasons


We will study the role of the emotional body in our health, joy and wellness from a Wisdom Healing Qigong perspective and Western medicine approach. We will explore the role of the seasons in our organ health through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

As this course focuses deeply on two organ systems the lungs and the kidneys our exploration will include how stories from our past, including events of illness, disappointment and tragedy can transform our energy body and limit our ability to heal and be happy or creative.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn about the ancient energy system of Wisdom Healing Qigong.
  • Discover the important role of emotions in the health and wellness of the five organ systems and the brain.
  • Learn how sacred healing sounds support the lung and kidney systems and the benefit of transforming negative emotions into healthy emotions.
  • Review the relationship of the five organ systems and seasons in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
  • Learn the elements of a beneficial Qigong Practice: movement, meditation, sound and visualization.
  • Discover the steps for starting a 100-Day Gong and tips for creating a dedicated practice for best results.

Module 2: Awakening Self-compassion


This session begins the first half of the course when we focus on deeper sound healing and practices for the lungs and the fall. This module’s teachings and practice allow us to cultivate sympathy, self-compassion, and release sorrow for the self. The lungs feel our self-criticism on both a physical and energetic level. The winter months make this even more evident because we spend more time indoors and isolated by ourselves during the long nights.

Our bodies start to slow down much like animals hibernate. The respiratory system, from lungs to skin, gets sluggish, and congestion develops. During this time, our brain isn’t hibernating, instead our thoughts can lean into self-criticism.

But we can change how we talk to ourselves and to our bodies and we can build up our internal Qi to renew our health. For those who are self-critical, because they experience sadness, loss or depression, Qigong sounds can transform tears and sorrow into compassion.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the movements of Chen Chi for building internal Qi.
  • Practice the sounds for the lungs with the intention of cultivating deeper compassion for self as well as health for the late fall.
  • Explore the steps to inviting a more restful sleep through a Deeper Sleep Meditation.
  • Learn ways to quiet critical self-talk and invite kind compassion for ourselves to emerge.
  • Start your home practice with sound, movement and meditation.

Module 3: Cultivating Compassion for Family & Self During the Holidays


Many of us are excited about the holidays and the chance to be with family and community, for others these times can be stressful and draining as they can be reminders of our loved ones who have passed.

The lungs are very susceptible to this season and its stressors. Master Gu will explore the joy and compassion each of us can cultivate before and during family gatherings for ourselves and for each member, so that our holidays can be healthy and transformative.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the movement of Lachi that allows you to feel and direct Qi to the lungs and any part of the body that needs healing.
  • Deepen exploration of the voice and tone of the lung sounds to help transform stress into joy during the holiday seasons.
  • Learn practices to cultivate compassion with family and friends.
  • Explore the Six Golden Keys teachings, starting with Haola.
  • Continue your home practice with sound, movement and meditation.

Module 4: Extending Peace for All Life to Heal the Planet


In this session, the compassion that has been cultivated for self and family will now be extended to the Earth. A healthy, balanced respiratory system has the resilience to breathe out to the world, without feeling overwhelmed.

Through these Qigong teachings, we can be a part of a growing people worldwide who are setting intentions in their meditations and daily living for shifting the consciousness of the Earth into states of peace and compassion. Master Gu will also lead a meditation for world peace that each student can include in their practice.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn about the role of intention and helping others, while practicing lung sound healing.
  • Learn the movement of Fachi that allows you to feel and direct Qi to others.
  • Explore the benefits to humanity of setting our intentions for world peace through dedicated practice.
  • Practice setting The Chi Field for the World Blessing Meditation.
  • Continue your home practice with sound, movement and meditation.

Module 5: Deep Knowing & Resolve: What is Your Purpose?


In this session, Master Gu will explore the path into deep knowing and setting our intentions to align with deep resolve. Winter is the natural season for getting quiet and gaining clarity and compassion, allowing us to wholly claim health, happiness and harmony.

Through this module’s teachings and daily practices, we can move forward from deep knowing to cultivate the profound resolve required to heal ourselves and our world.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the Inner Smile Teaching, and discover the healing benefits of living from your center and strengthening fortitude for resilience for this season and the seasons ahead.
  • Learn the practice Standing Meditation: Three Centers Merging.
  • Continue your home practice with sound, movement and meditation.

Module 6: Resilience & Resolution for Your Health & the New Year


In this session, we will cultivate further inner resilience in our lungs and our whole body, mind and heart to promote vitality and purposeful living for self, community and the world.

Each of us holds great wisdom, yet sometimes challenges in our mental, physical or emotional wellbeing can weaken our resilience. We will also explore the role of the Gong or daily practice in returning us to home in the heart, mind and body, renewing our connection with deep knowing and resolve.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand how to practice Chen Chi and lung sounds for deeper resilience through health and life challenges.
  • Learn how to recognize deep knowing and resolve on all the energy levels of heart, mind and body.
  • Set your intentions at the midway point in the course to continue your 100-Day Gong of Sound Healing for self, community and world.
  • Continue your home practice with sound, movement and meditation.

Module 7: Making Friends with Yourself


In this session we will explore the sounds for a healthier kidney and reproductive system in the winter. The challenges of modern life pull our minds in many directions. If our health is challenged by chronic or acute illness or aging, the kidney energy gets further depleted. Qigong helps us make friends with our kidney and reproductive system. Specific sounds, movement and meditations release the stress and cultivate kindness for our body, mind and heart, so we can begin the process of healing.

The kidney system includes the kidneys, bladder, adrenal gland, ovaries, prostate and testicles; and governs the reproductive, glandular, bone marrow and cellular systems. Other body parts include the ears, teeth bones and stem cells.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the movement of Spinal Bone Marrow for spine strength, resilience and posture and for the flow of internal energy.
  • Learn the kidney sounds for kindness to self.
  • Explore the role of all the Preliminary Practices of Wisdom Healing Qigong for internal energy flow.
  • Continue your home practice with sound, movement and meditation.

Module 8: Melting Frozen Energy into Abundant Freedom


In this session, we will further explore how stress contracts the flow of Qi in the kidney, causing us to experience excessive hatred and shock. Kidney energy is just like water, which is the element of winter when it is healthy it is flowing, when it is contracted it is frozen.

Master Gu will share sounds that can help kidney energy flow freely again, which can transform a negative experience (that makes us pull back, get angry, and retreat to our old stories) into a gentle openness to new thinking and creativity. When our kidney energy is flowing, we can release the stickiness of old stories and fears that are wearing at our immune system.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the movement of Dragon Arms for relaxing the mind, releasing thinking, and transforming energy.
  • Practice the Kidney Sounds for abundance.
  • Learn the three A’s for deeper practice and results.
  • Continue your home practice with sound, movement and meditation.

Module 9: Transforming Fear & Fright
into Vitality


In Session 9, we explore neutralizing ours fears so they don’t weaken the kidney system. Modern times tend to heighten the sense of fear, not only because we are afraid about our own health or life condition, but also because we share in others’ fears.

In the winter season, we can experience fear even more deeply because our physical activity slows, but our to-do list usually does not. When our kidney energy is frozen, we experience fear. Through Qigong, we transform fear into mindful alertness, using chanting sounds that enable us to act rather than react.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the movement of Hip Rotation for the kidneys for neutralizing fear and awakening the spine.
  • Explore the deeper essential role of kidney sounds for awakening new vitality.
  • Continue your home practice with sound, movement and meditation.

Module 10: Awakening Creativity & Empowering the Flow of Life


In Session 10, we learn the steps to awaken creativity to empower the flow of life.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Practice the Spinal Bone Marrow and Hip Rotation of the Preliminary Practices.
  • Explore the role of postural alignment and awareness of the body for releasing blocked emotions and balancing the energy of the body.
  • Continue your home practice with sound, movement and meditation.

Module 11: Refreshing Your Practice
with Resilience


In Session 11, we will explore the role of will power and mindful determination in caring for our emotional health and physical wellbeing and see how this practice can help renew our resilience in all the seasons of the year. A deep knowing that will continue to flow with healthy lungs, combined with the deep determination of healthy kidneys, lets us live our purpose everyday anew.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Practice Crane’s Neck and Bending Spine for spinal strength and resilience and to open the free flow of Qi energy throughout the body.
  • Explore the Six Golden Keys teachings of Trust and Belief to give yourself permission and confidence to participate in the recovery of your own health and healing through more effective practice.
  • Practice the kidney sounds for commitment.
  • Continue your home practice with sound, movement and meditation.

Module 12: Connecting Mind, Body & Heart for a More Bountiful Spring


In this final session, we’ll discover how to realize the full potential of our DNA. The new health and flow of energy of the lungs and kidneys can now help shape a more bountiful spring. We will learn the sounds to nourish the brain, and bring the mind, body and heart together.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Practice the Awakening the Jing Practice for connecting mind and body
  • Explore the five organ sounds and the seasons for manifesting a more bountiful year ahead.
  • Explore the Six Golden Keys teachings of Diligent Practice for releasing the linear mind and exploring the energetic experience.
  • Continue your home practice with sound, movement and meditation.

The Deeper Sound Healing Through Qigong Bonus Collection

In addition to Master Gu’s transformational, 12-module intensive, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions to complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Deeper Sleep Meditation
Audio from Master Mingtong Gu


A restful night’s sleep is essential for your health and wellbeing. Getting too little sleep affects alertness and vitality, increases anxiety and weakens the body’s immune system. Master Gu will guide this gentle meditation so the body, mind and emotions can learn to relax. You can listen to this meditation at the start of your sleep. Turn the lights out and allow the meditation to calm and settle you. As you also commit to your dedicated practice in Wisdom Healing Qigong, and your lungs and kidneys move into deeper balance, you can begin to notice the stories from today, worrying about tomorrow, or fear of yesterday have less power during the day and night.


Sound Healing Technologies
Ebook with Audio Teachings from Master Mingtong Gu
($45 value)


The experience of joy, aliveness and wholeness awaits you.

This bonus introduces the jewels of Wisdom Healing Qigong Sound Healing that bring balance to the five organ systems for emotional health and wellbeing, and includes an audio album, with Qigong Master Mingtong Gu as your guide.

Qigong recognizes that emotions are a very powerful energy force, creating either a positive and beneficial experience in health, relationships, work creativity or a negative and defeating experience. From a Qigong perspective, emotions are an energetic experience in the organs, rather than a feeling arising in the brain. The book features Wisdom Healing Qigong Sound Healing teachings with step-by-step practice instructions, illustrations and organ system charts, and the album includes the five sets of healing sounds, meditations and a Five Organ Integrative Sound Healing Practice Session.

Practicing these sacred sounds helps to bring harmony to the deep energy patterns in each organ, so that when all organs are harmonized, a new, healthy and stable emotional pattern can emerge. For example, the sound for the kidney transforms fear or a sinking feeling into alertness; and the sound for the heart transforms hate into happiness. Sound Healing is one of the foundational practices of Wisdom Healing Qigong. It is helpful for chronic and acute health conditions, for discovering wellness at any age and especially beneficial during times of stress or loss. Master Gu says, “The emotional patterns that are held in our organ systems can keep us in our past stories of pain and loss, or be transformed to support realizing our true capacity.”


Sounds for Will & Determination: The Kidney
Organ System

Video with Master Mingtong Gu


Because these modern times are infused with deep worries about health of oneself, others and the planet, Master Gu leads these teachings to bring balance to the kidney and reproductive system. A sound healing practice allows the Qi to stay strong and gentle like water, yet flowing. When fear, shock or hatred consume us consistently, which can occur from health, financial or planetary concerns, this flow is interrupted, and the water “turns to ice.” Your kidney Qi is unbalanced if you feel depleted, or unnecessarily afraid or angry. A frozen Qi affects the hormonal, reproductive and skeletal health. People who are undergoing intense health treatments for cancer, for example, can naturally experience great fear, but this practice can allow the Qi to flow, and students report a positive change in their experience.

This teaching invites you to watch, listen and practice along with Master Mingtong Gu. The kidney system is one of five organ systems that the Sounds of Wisdom Healing Qigong focuses on for renewing balance and harmony.


100-Day Gong Chart


This 100-Day Gong Chart makes it simple to record every Wisdom Healing Qigong practice, and includes tips to stay motivated. “Gong” means “practice of,” and 100 days of dedicated practice is the key to beginning a new journey cultivating health, happiness and vitality through Wisdom Healing Qigong. Master Gu invites students to take one day at a time until you reach a month allowing the mind-body to start to connect on new levels until you reach 100 days of practice. This chart helps you on the way to completing your first Gong! At the end of 100 days, students can send in their completed Gong for a certificate from The Chi Center.

The ancient masters have long recommended 100 days to realize deeper benefits for aging, and especially for chronic or acute health conditions. Modern medical neuroscience research now confirms that it takes about a month for sufficient neural pathways in the brain to start being built and a new habit to feel natural, otherwise it feels normal to slip back into old ways, even if it made you unhealthy and unhappy. See how many Gongs you can complete!


What Graduates of Sound Healing Through Qigong are Saying...

I feel that this was the course I had been waiting for. Sound can be so tremendously healing and I can feel the organs of my body so resonating and loving and healing in the bath of these sounds. The teaching is very clear and easy to follow, the movements simple but profound, joyous and nurturing. Mingtong Gu radiates a powerful healing energy which comes over in the transmissions. There is so much material that we can keep discovering long after the course finishes!
Diane Richards, Sheringham, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Sound Healing Through Qigong is the greatest birthday present I’ve ever received. These sound technologies are absolutely powerful in creating lasting happiness. I am now a happy person, and I know how to keep the fire glowing! Master Mingtong Gu is a loving, compassionate and generous Master. I am totally grateful. Thank you!
Virginia, Buenos Aires, Argentina

A great benefit was being in the presence of Mingtong Gu and experiencing his focus, silence and delicious sense of joy. Also watching his intent focus, listening and response to the questions asked during the Q&A. It was a very important lesson in a different possibility of being present to one another, of being truly seen and heard.
Helene, Lansdowne, PA

I am a student of Kundalini Yoga. I took the course to enhance my learning of the sound current. Qi and prana I believe are the same thing. I experienced heightened vibrations and a deeper tapping into the energy currents in my body, more vivid mental concentration in directing the flow of the qi. Practicing in the evenings at sunset is a powerful time to extract this energy. I noticed from the message board on the website that there are a lot of people who took the course for healing and I would definitely agree that this course will aid in that purpose. I thank you for the opportunity to open up what for me is a journey into the sound of the universe.
Sharyn Ginyard (Tejpreet Kaur is my spiritual name), Philadelphia, PA

I am a Tai Chi Instructor with Seniors who are healing from this practice. I am excited to incorporate Mingtong Gu’s techniques and see our Seniors shine their healthy lights for many years to come. I can feel the subtle energies working in my body & am committed to continuing my practice!
Marion, Florida

This course is a blessing using ancient sounds to awaken and heal your body that works from the first time you try it. Just amazing!
BA, Dallas, TX

Immediate effect and benefit. The course was easy to take individually without the constraints of being physically present at a specific time.
Peggy Pierotti, Milwaukee, WI

Mingtong Gu is one of the bright lights on our planet. Just being in his presence will make you feel better and how he passes on the teachings is very skillful. Being in the presence of a master is always a blessing. I feel very grateful to have connected with his teachings. They will be my companions for the rest of my life’s journey.
Grita, Santa Cruz, CA

I loved everything about this course and wish it go on and on forever. It awakened me deeply and also gently and organic.Thank you.
Xie Xie


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions with Mingtong Gu

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with master teacher Mingtong Gu from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to enhance your practice.


Supplemental Video Teachings for Every Class Session

In addition to the core teachings in each module, Master Gu will be sharing guided practices and further teachings via video recordings to deepen your learning and transformation.


Twelve PDF Transcripts of
Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way, you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


The Deeper Sound Healing Through Qigong Bonus Collection

  • Deeper Sleep Meditation
    Audio from Master Mingtong Gu
  • Sound Healing Technologies
    Ebook with Audio Teachings from Master Mingtong Gu
    ($45 value)
  • Sounds for Will & Determination: The Kidney Organ System
    Video with Master Mingtong Gu
  • 100-Day Gong Chart

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Deeper Sound Healing Through Qigong
Virtual Training

We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored that Mingtong Gu has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive, online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a master Qigong teacher whose powerful practices and wisdom are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also be able to benefit from Master Gu’s empowering teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you are serious about creating your own personal Qigong practice for fostering a healing, nourishing and balanced flow throughout your body so that you can better prevent disease, boost vitality and even slow aging then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


More Praise For Master Mingtong Gu...

Mingtong lives what he teaches, exudes vibrancy and love, supports the empowerment and health of each person and shares his experience and knowledge as a wisdom master.
Bruce Fabric, M.D., Board Certified Psychiatrist

Master Mingtong Gu has brought a level of transmission of mind-body practice that is unparalleled in my experience. Since making these teachings available to patients in my medical practice, they become healthier and happier.
Brian Bouch, MD, Director of Hill Park Medical Center

Mingtong is full of vitality, wisdom and skill. He is a real healer, and the practices he teaches can change your life.
Jack Kornfield, Ph.D., Co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center and the Author of Several Bestselling Books

Master Mingtong Gu and Wisdom Healing Qigong are the partners I have been searching for during my 40 years as a western physician. My personal experience with this powerful mind-body practice has confirmed its amazing (in some cases, miraculous) ability to heal emotional distress and physical illness, from life-threatening to life-altering.
Jerome Weiss, MD, Director

He is definitely one of the rare true healers that are very hard to find. I strongly recommend for anyone to spend some time with him and experience his powerful healing energy.
Dan Vicario, MD, Founder of San Diego Cancer Center


About Mingtong Gu. . .


With his joyous and skillful Wisdom Healing Qigong teachings, internationally respected Master Mingtong Gu brings ancient wisdom to the west to improve health and happiness in modern times. His teachings empower people of all ages and with chronic or acute health conditions, to discover more joy, health and vitality of mind, body and heart through a dedicated practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong. As founder of The Chi Center and author of numerous books, including Empowered Healing, he leads workshops, retreats, online courses and professional certification programs worldwide. Born and raised in China, Master Gu trained with Grandmasters in Tibet and China and was awarded Qigong Master of the Year by the 13th World Qigong Congress.

He received his master’s training in Wisdom Healing Qigong at the largest medicine-less Qigong hospital in China, where he worked with people facing major physical and emotional challenges. Witnessing these profound healing experiences inspired his dedication to the teaching and practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong. Through this practice, he recovered from his own chronic conditions of asthma, scoliosis, back pain and kidney weakness. And in working with his students, he found his life passion, purpose and fulfillment in this union of spiritual practice and applied healing wisdom. The Chi Center now reaches a global audience through online programs and is based at the EarthRise at IONS campus in Sonoma County, California.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?

A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?

A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
