With Dream Shaman and Bestselling Author
Robert Moss
A 7-module On-demand Audio Training

Reclaim your vitality, creativity, and joy as you dream with the Bear and connect to the healing animal spirits in your body and life.

Discover how to use your dream images to create a new blueprint for your body, “rewrite” a nightmare, or dream for another in need of healing.


The Bear is the great medicine animal of North America. In ancient Greece, girls danced in bearskins in honor of the goddess Artemis as “She-Bear” in their rites of passage into womanhood.

And since Paleolithic times in Europe, the Bear has been considered the king of beasts, and there’s been a sacred kinship between bears and humans.

Most of us no longer live close to the Bear in nature, but bears still appear in our dreams, and we can find our way through shamanic dream journeying to the realms of Bear wisdom and the Great Earth Mother.

World-renowned dream explorer and author Robert Moss has enjoyed a special connection to Bear since he faced a huge bear in a recurring nightmare by reentering the dream.

Through Active Dreaming, a “waking” dream journeying practice of dream reentry (or dream creation) to the beat of a drum, Robert was able to shift his fear of the animal to an embrace.

And in doing so, he received from the Bear what he needed to heal a gift that includes his ability to consistently call on Bear wisdom for his own healing and for insights into what others need to heal. It was Bear who called him to become a dream healer.


In Dancing With The Bear, you’ll join Robert on a 7-step online adventure into healing and growing your life through Active Dreaming, imagination, and “deep” play, supported and protected by the Bear.

You’ll dream journey to reclaim ancestral wisdom, call on the power of the animal spirits, and visit places of healing and transformation in the world-behind-the-world.

You’ll discover that dreaming is medicine...

... that our dreams show us what’s going on inside our bodies and what we need to stay well. And when we do become ill, our dreams give us fresh and powerful imagery for self-healing.

By working with our personal imagery and changing those images in positive ways we can actually create a new blueprint for the body. And when we learn to go back inside our dreams and dream them onward, we can open paths of healing for ourselves and others.

Over the seven modules of this exciting new training, you’ll learn and practice the core techniques of Active Dreaming, Robert’s powerful and original synthesis of shamanic journeying with lucid dreaming and the best of modern dreamwork and dream science.

And you’ll use this potent practice and the magic of your own imagination to travel to the realm of Bear wisdom.

You’ll learn from Bear and our other “animal doctors” how to follow the natural paths of your energy, and to honor the animal spirits in your body and your life.

And you’ll discover that active dreaming is central to soul recovery reclaiming vital energy you may have lost through pain or heartbreak, guilt, or addiction.

You’ll also learn to grow healing stories, and how to bring a dream to someone who needs a dream.

Within the course’s virtual community, you’ll help grow the sacred space and compassionate circle energy that make the extraordinary easy.

You’ll learn to honor your healing journeys through spontaneous ritual, art, storymaking, and story sharing. You’ll play wonderful games that will delight your inner child, tone up your immune system, and make your soul clap its hands and sing.

Dream Journey With a Renowned Dream Teacher


Robert Moss is one of the world’s most respected and beloved dream experts and shamans, who’s inspired hundreds of thousands to look to their dreams for guidance and healing.

He’s traveled the world sharing his teachings as an independent scholar. His dozen books on dreaming, shamanism, and imagination have been heralded as essential reading for those on this path.

Robert has an uncanny way of helping you shift your core beliefs and self-perceptions to see the bigger story of your life. And he uses story as a teaching tool one of the most enjoyable aspects of his teaching, according to his students.

In this exciting 7-step journey with Robert into the realm of Bear wisdom, you’ll:

Journey to the Cave of the Medicine Bear for immediate healing, guidance, and renewal Open the path to the Magical Child (who loves the Bear) Apply the very best prescription for nightmares and scary dreams Call on Great Mother Bear to support acts of soul recovery and integration that can make you the healer of your own soul and life Master the 9 key ways to help kids (including our own inner child) work with dreams and nightmares Journey through your 7 major chakras to diagnose your current state of physical, emotional, and mental health Journey across time to play mentor and helper for a younger self who needs support in her own Now time Release your Windhorse of spirit and ride it to claim gifts from many parts of your self and soul that have not been fully present in your life Develop a treasury of living symbols you can use to release the creator in you, connect with spiritual traditions that are calling you, and help to heal yourself and others Perform simple rituals to open our own passage to the sacred guide and healer Grow a vision of healing and life possibility so strong that it wants to take root in your body and your world And much more

The Bear shows up in dreamers’ lives in many different ways as a guide, a protector, and a healer. And in Dancing With The Bear, you’ll have the opportunity, with Robert’s expert guidance, to discover what Bear wisdom holds for you.

Robert tells the story of how one dreamer met this powerful “animal doctor”...

How a Physician Was Called to the Medicine Bear

A woman physician in Alaska dreamed that her two grandmothers, one Athapaskan Indian, the other Euro-American, paid her a visit in the same dream. They told her, “Go to Robert Moss. You need to meet the Bear. Until you meet the Bear, you will only be a doctor, not yet a healer.”

At the time, the doctor had never heard of me. But she made a search and immediately pulled up the details of a workshop I was leading in Oregon a few weeks later. The title of this program was “Dancing with the Bear: Reclaiming the Arts of Dream Healing.”

The physician did not hesitate. She booked a plane ticket, flew down the coast, drove in a rental car out to a small center near Bend, and was soon singing an Indigenous song to call in the healing power of the Bear. On our first morning together, we journeyed together down into the Cave of the Bear to receive its gifts.

After the drumming, the physician from Alaska came back with tears of joy in her eyes. She told us, “I now know what is required for me to be a true healer as well as a physician. When my patients come to me, they will get the best that modern medicine has to offer. At the same time, they will receive the healing power of the Bear because it’s all around me.”

She told me later that when she worked with patients in her office, she felt Bear paws over her hands, gently guiding her in diagnosis and healing. And that when she had to accompany a patient to an operating room, she would get everyone present nurses, orderlies, even the occasional radiologist to sing the song I had given her to call the Bear.

Dancing With The Bear will be exciting and mind-expanding on both intellectual and experiential levels, as you draw on ancient wisdom traditions, mythology, cross-cultural shamanic practices, and Mystery traditions.

Prepare to unfurl your imagination, step up and face your fears, and reach for the furry paw of a guide that can bring you courage, strength, self-empowerment and best of all remind you how to play and feel the magic and joy of your inner child.

This dance is yours....

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

During this 7-part program, Robert will guide you through the fundamental insights, skills, and practices you’ll need to reclaim your vitality, creativity, and joy as you dream with the Bear and connect to the healing animal spirits in your body and life.

Each teaching session will build upon the next so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to use your dream images to co-create healing for yourself or dream for another in need of healing.

Module 1: Enter the Cave of the Dreaming Bear


Get ready to go deep at the very start of this course, into a place of healing and regeneration and reconnection with the animal spirits. You’ll discover, or grow stronger, your personal Tree of Vision, and find you can use it as a portal to many worlds.

In a shamanic journey, powered by drumming, you’ll be invited to enter the embrace of the Great Mother Bear and discover what you need in order to heal yourself and help others to heal. You may meet other animal doctors. Our connections with the many animal spirits offer us distinct gifts and wisdom.

Come ready to:

  • Grow your personal Tree of Vision as a gateway between worlds
  • Journey to the Cave of the Medicine Bear for immediate healing, guidance, and renewal
  • Learn from the animal doctors how to follow the natural paths of your energy
  • Honor the animal spirits in your body and your life
  • Turn your adventures into stories, art, and creative expression to delight your inner child
  • Find your voice in a community of creative dreamers who will support your soul odyssey

Module 2: Bring Home Your Beautiful Dreamer


The child in you is the master of dreams and imagination, the Great Imagineer. If we have lost our dreams and have trouble visualizing, it is often because we have lost touch with the beautiful bright dreamer in our soul. She may have gone missing because of soul loss caused by pain or abuse or grief, or withdrawn her energy because she has forgotten to play and isn’t much fun to be around.

In this class, we’ll play games designed to bring back the Magical Child and grow your powers of creative visualization. You’ll also learn how to deal with nightmare terrors, bring juice into any day, and grow creative friendships by sharing dreams and life stories the right way.

In this class, you’ll:

  • Open the path to the Magical Child (who loves the Bear)
  • Learn how to step through a picture into another world
  • Apply the very best prescription for nightmares and scary dreams
  • Learn dream sharing games and multiple ways of understanding dreams
  • Master the 9 key ways to help kids (including our own inner child) work with dreams and nightmares
  • Learn the power of using a personal dream or image as the portal for a voyage of imagination

Module 3: Create Your Living Totem Pole


You’re now invited to make a 7-part shamanic journey through the major centers in your energy body. You’ll find this gives you a remarkable diagnostic picture of the present state of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

You’ll return with an energy map you can use for further journeys of healing and self-understanding. You’ll find your connection with the animal powers comes richly alive and that you develop a fabulous treasury of living symbols. The artist in you will come vividly alive, as well, as you’re invited to create a living totem pole from your adventures.

In this class, you’ll:

  • Journey through your 7 major chakras to diagnose your current state of physical, emotional, and mental health
  • Connect more deeply with animal helpers and see where they want to live in your energy body and how they want you to live
  • Develop a treasury of living symbols you can use to release the creator in you, connect with spiritual traditions that are calling you, and help to heal yourself and others
  • Open and find the voice of your heart
  • Release your inner artist and creator

Module 4: Create Your Own Apothecary Shop, Stocked With Magical Images


The body believes in images. Abundant evidence from medical science and sports psychology demonstrates that the body responds to an image as it might to a physical event it can even pump out self-generated pharmaceuticals according to where we place our attention.

Any image that belongs to you can be a source of power and healing, even the scary stuff you would rather keep in a locked box. The trick is to learn how to develop your personal imagery so it can help you to get well and stay well. Your body is waiting for you to get good at this.

In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Harness the diagnostic power of dreams
  • Stock your mental shelves with healing imagery from dreams and life memories
  • Understand what is going on with recurring dreams
  • Create a personal dictionary of symbols
  • Use active imagination and dream reentry to transform scary dreams and disturbing images
  • Journey back inside a dream to dialogue with a dream character, claim a power for healing, solve a mystery, or continue the adventure as a lucid dreamer
  • How to incubate a dream of healing or guidance

Module 5: Build Your House of Healing


You’re invited to journey to a place of direct encounter with the sacred guide and healer, as your ancestors did when the arts of dream healing were fully alive as pilgrims journeyed to the temples of Asklepios from all over the Mediterranean, as Celts journeyed to the shrine of Sequana at the source of the River Seine, as Japanese seekers came to the sanctuaries of Kanon to ask for healing in the sacred night.

We’ll build anew the temples of dream healing with creative imagination, supported by the exact research of dream archaeologists both scholarly and experiential into ancient practice that delivered extraordinary results. We’ll review the testimonies and evidence for the successful ancient practice of dream healing in the temples of Asklepios, Sequana, and other patron deities.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Invoke the sacred guide in the right way
  • Recognize and celebrate the role of the animal powers in this mode of healing
  • Perform simple rituals to open our own passage to the sacred guide and healer
  • Journey to the temple of healing and pass through successive stages of purification and initiation, leading to the invitation to a direct encounter with a divine healer
  • Bring away with us an inner House of Healing to which we can return any time for renewal and regeneration

Module 6: Two Ravens, Mother Bear & Riding Your Windhorse


You’re a time traveler in your dreams. On any night, you may travel into past, future, or parallel times. As an active dreamer, you can embark on conscious adventures in time travel, to heal the past, make better choices about the possible future, and draw on the gifts and lessons of parallel lives.

In this class, we’ll call on the sight and flying ability of the Two Ravens Thought and Memory to see where we need to journey now to accomplish transtemporal healing. You may be called to journey to a younger self in her own Now time and act as the mentor and protector she needs. You may also be called to reclaim a part of your own vital energy and imagination that went missing, and bring it home, within the embrace of Great Mother Bear.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Claim the power of seership that comes with enlisting the help of the Two Ravens, Thought and Memory
  • Call on Great Mother Bear to support acts of soul recovery and integration that can make you the healer of your own soul and life
  • Journey across time to play mentor and helper for a younger self who needs support in her own Now time
  • Release your Windhorse of spirit and ride it to claim gifts from many parts of your self and soul that have not been fully present in your life
  • Bring back vital energy and imagination for a juicier, more joyful life!

Module 7: Live Your Bigger Story


We’re all living a story. If we don’t know that, it may be because we are trapped inside the wrong story, one woven from disappointment, self-limitation, and the negative projections of others. We want to allow ourselves the power to step out of the old histories and live a bigger and braver story, one that gives us courage to get through whatever life throws at us. This becomes easier when we awaken to the fact that, as Australian Aborigines say, the big stories are hunting the right people to tell them. The trick is to put ourselves in the places where we are easily found.

In this class, you’ll:

  • Find your bigger and braver story, a myth to live by
  • Learn how to tell your stories so well that others will want to hear you
  • Grow a vision of healing and life possibility so strong that it wants to take root in your body and your world
  • Bring a story a healing image, a vision of possibility, a path to the Magical Child or the next world to someone in need of healing
  • Entertain the spirits with fresh words

The Dancing With the Bear Bonus Collection

In addition to Robert’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions are being offered to complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to a deeper level.

A Voyage Into Healing Through Active Dreaming
Audio Dialogue With Robert Moss and Wanda Burch


Wanda Burch has an amazing story to tell of how she survived a life-threatening illness by working with dreams that diagnosed her disease, gave her personal imagery for healing and recovery, and brought her to a face-to-face encounter with Death in which she renegotiated her life contract. Since that indelible encounter, she has been leading healing retreats, recording original songs, and writing books that bring the core techniques of Active Dreaming to people everywhere. Her friendship with Robert is also an extraordinary example of what dreaming can be. They shared adventures in the dreamworlds as children while living on opposite sides of the world, 30 years before they met in the ordinary world and recognized in each other the sibling they had never had. Learn from Wanda how to make dreams a potent ingredient in a “healing cocktail” for your body and your life, how to bring life-affirming images and rituals to others, how to communicate with the departed in dreams for family healing, and how to build deeper and richer relationships through everyday dream sharing.

Wanda Burch, author of She Who Dreams: A Journey into Healing through Dreamwork, is a long-term breast cancer survivor, alive because of vivid dreams of warning and diagnosis. Wanda presents healing retreats for women surviving chronic illness and for women veterans. Her programs use dreams and music as gateways for claiming easily accessible gifts of the imagination that can help those suffering from illness, trauma, pain and everyday anxiety find a place where souls and hearts can mend. Her current book is The Home Voices Speak Louder Than the Drums: Dreams and the Imagination in Civil War Letters and Memoirs.

The House of Time: Accessing Past, Future & Parallel Lives
A Trio of Journeys From Robert Moss


Your present life is intimately related to dramas and relationships that are playing out in other times past, future, and parallel. In these powerful journeys, Robert offers you the keys to a fascinating locale in non-ordinary reality that can become your basecamp for adventures in time travel, soul remembering, and communication with other selves in other lives. The House of Time is a created locale in the Imaginal Realm. It has been developed through the active imagination of hundreds of dream explorers and archaeologists who have traveled here over many years. It stands on the foundation of ancient structures dating back thousands of years. It offers multiple portals for traveling to past or future, and into parallel worlds, fully conscious. You can connect mind-to mind with personalities in other times whose life dramas, and gifts and challenges, are related to your own. You may find a doorway to a limitless field of information that some may regard as the Akashic records. You may be able to converse with a master teacher in any field.

In this bonus packaged exclusively for this course, you’ll receive the following journeys:

  • Journey to the Gatekeeper of the House of Time
  • Journey to the Gallery of Time
  • Visit to the House of Time

Active Dreaming Toolkit


Any Active Dreamer’s repertoire will be enriched by these three tools for deepening their experience. For your convenience, we’ve gathered together these fundamental resources from Robert’s previous courses at The Shift Network and offer them to you as the basic toolkit for Active Dreaming.

Drumming Track
Audio Recording
This 12-minute drumming track was created by Robert to complement your Active Dreaming practice.

The Lightning Process for Sharing Dreams & Life Stories
Audio Recording and Transcript
The Lightning Dreamwork Game, invented by Robert Moss, is a fun, fast way to share dreams and life stories, receive helpful feedback, and encourage each other to move towards creative and healing action.

Creative Journaling
Audio Recording and Transcript
In this powerful recording, Robert Moss offers you many fun games to play with your journal, from formulating your daily one-liner... to reading signs and symbols from the world around you... to turning reports into poems, stories, and scripts.

What Graduates of Robert’s Courses Are Saying...

“Answered a deep need for me...”

This course answered a deep need for me in many ways. It provided a structure and a place from which to vision, and travel into other dimensions, it allowed me to access my light, my guidance, and my connection beyond death...
Hilary Farberow Stuart, Portland, Oregon

“Clarified the focus for my professional, creative, and spiritual work”

This course helped me to deepen my journeying practice, and clarified the focus for my professional, creative, and spiritual work. It created a space for me to tune in and expand out into new realms of understanding. I learned new ways to explore dreams and communication through the veils of death. And I always enjoy Robert’s wonderful storytelling style of teaching!
Marta Aarli, Boulder, Colorado

“Opened doors, gates, and paths that delight my soul”

This is my fifth online course with Robert and The Shift Network. My understanding of the multiverse has deepened under Robert’s expert guidance. I’m braving up to fresh experiences as I reclaim animal allies and my relationship to higher and deeper selves. Making death my ally teaches me how to live, and to live well is to marry the worlds of soul. I feel like a bride! I offer my deepest gratitude to the gatekeeper who has opened doors, gates, and paths that delight my soul.
Julie Douglas, Melbourne, Australia

“I have within me the power to offer healing and comfort to others...”

This course gave me a powerful and amazingly simple awareness of my connection to guides and ancestral spirits that are ever near. I gained a deep and abiding realization that my world of guidance and inspiration is so much larger and more easily accessible than I ever knew. I also discovered that I have within me the power to offer healing and comfort to others, of this world and beyond. Robert Moss is one of our great modern wisdom teachers. I will be continuing to learn from this course for a long time to come.
Lauren-Miranda Gilbert, Brentwood, California

“A compassionate and supportive community”

I personally believe there is no more profound and necessary teaching of Robert Moss needed at this time. His wisdom, gift of storytelling, compassion, and tools that he provides assuredly takes the dreamer beyond and ordinary life into an extraordinary one. PURELY MAGICAL. Another benefit is the group of dreamers that he attracts as this community is a compassionate and supportive community. This course is a blessing in every sense! Thank you dear Robert!
Christopher Barrett, Boca Raton, Florida

“I’ve shifted old standing patterns...”

I have learned things about traveling in other realms that I never learned in my shamanic training. I have “braved up” and gone to places and depths I didn’t know were possible. In the process, I’ve shifted old standing patterns that had stubbornly hung on. Robert Moss is an amazing instructor, highly knowledgeable, and worth every penny.
Janice Dietert

“I learned how to interpret my dreams...”

The course gave me great insights about my own dreaming process. I learned how to interpret my dreams which allows me to understand myself better.
Laura Gamboa, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

“I have had some fascinating experiences...”

Nobody does it like Robert Moss! Any Robert Moss class is an enlightening and amazing experience. You gain so much, in both education and growth via journeys and dreamstates, you hate to see the class end! I have had some fascinating experiences I would not have had if I had not taken his classes. I will always be grateful to Robert Moss, The Shift Network and fellow classmates who opened up and shared their own experiences, so everyone gained from all experiences shared and discussed. Loved his classes and hope to take another class in the future! Thank You for making these experiences possible!
Lynniah, Erie, Pennsylvania

“This is a great way to connect with your dreams...”

I loved this course. If you are a dreamer this is a great way to connect with your dreams in a very intriguing way. And there are many wonderful people to share your dreams and experiences with through taking this course. Robert Moss is an amazing teacher and knows what he talking about!
Jennie, Snohomish, Washington

“Immense vitality, excitement, and erudition...”

Linking shamanic approaches to dreaming and death, Robert Moss brings immense vitality, excitement, and erudition to these topics that affect all of us. His brilliance and true mastery shine as he eloquently and generously shares his prodigious wisdom, always respecting individual choice and accountability. He’s adept at bridging worlds and making previously esoteric metaphysical “secrets” accessible to anyone who is interested.
Peggy Bartlett, San Anselmo, California

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Robert Moss

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to empower your dreaming and your life.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning.

The Dancing With the Bear Bonus Collection

  • A Voyage Into Healing Through Active Dreaming
    Audio Dialogue With Robert Moss and Wanda Burch
  • The House of Time: Accessing Past, Future & Parallel Lives
    A Trio of Journeys From Robert Moss
  • Active Dreaming Toolkit

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Dancing With the Bear Virtual Training

We feel honored Robert Moss has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from an internationally-renowned dream shaman whose powerful insights and transformational work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also be able to benefit from Robert’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re serious about connecting with Bear wisdom to discover what you need to heal and what others need to be healed, then you owe it to yourself and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

More Praise for Robert Moss...

“Robert Moss reveals a powerful map of how to recover our soul...”

Robert Moss reveals a powerful map of how to recover our soul through shamanic dreaming.
Sandra Ingerman, MA, Author of Soul Retrieval

“Robert Moss is one of our wisest guides...”

Robert Moss is one of our wisest guides to dreams and dreaming... [He] is dragging us, kicking and screaming, into a new vision of consciousness, space, and time.
Larry Dossey, MD, Author of The Power of Premonitions

“Deeply healing and useful!”

Robert Moss demonstrates how to explore the universal language of the imagination and the soul, which together bridge the inner world of spirit and the outer world of action. Deeply healing and useful!
Angeles Arrien, PhD, cultural anthropologist and author of The Four-Fold Way

“Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds...”

Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds... He shows us how conscious dreaming can lead us into the non-space-time regions of the inner universe, where all things are connected from whatever time, place, or reality.
Julia Assante, Author of The Last Frontier

“Transcends disciplines...”

Transcends disciplines and provides an agenda for the role that dreams can play in ensuring human survival.
Stanley Krippner, PhD, Co-author of Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them


“Reminds us magic is a breath away...”
What Robert Moss does again and again and with such clarity and greatness of heart is reminds us magic is a breath away and that everyone has the capacity to tap into the heritage that is truly ours.
Manda Scott, bestselling author of the Boudica Novels


“As a spiritual teacher he is world class”
Robert Moss opens ancient and modern pathways into the realms of the soul, giving us insights into our deep humanity and into our American heritage. As a spiritual teacher he is world class.
David Spangler, Author of Everyday Miracles: The Inner Art of Manifestation


“Power and grace...”
Robert Moss ignites the runway for the returning soul’s touchdown with both power and grace.
Caitlín Matthews, Author of Singing the Soul Back Home and Celtic Visions


“You’ll be enthralled and forever changed...”
If you have any interest in your dream life, you’ll be enthralled and forever changed by this work.
Jennifer Louden, Author of The Life Organizer and The Woman’s Comfort Book


“The consummate guide to this grand multiverse...”
Robert Moss is the consummate guide to this grand multiverse in which we live.
Bonnie Horrigan, Author of Red Moon Passage

About Robert Moss


Robert Moss is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of modern dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He leads popular seminars all over the world, including a 3-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he’s a bestselling novelist, poet, journalist, and independent scholar.

His dozen books on dreaming, shamanism, and imagination include Conscious Dreaming, The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead, Dreamgates: Exploring the Worlds of Soul, Imagination and Life beyond Death, Dreaming the Soul Back Home and his spiritual memoir, The Boy Who Died and Came Back. His latest book is Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity in Everyday Life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Dancing With the Bear
Robert Moss