With Author, Spiritual Teacher & Dream Yoga Expert
Andrew Holecek
A 7-module Recorded Video Training

Use your sleep time to explore your higher Self and cultivate a greater awareness that spills into your day and everything you do.

Discover “nocturnal meditation” that can help you make positive changes and enrich your spiritual life more quickly than your daytime practices.


Our spiritual journey is about “waking up” and becoming more aware... yet, what would it be like to imagine that you’re most “awake” when you’re sleeping?

AND, that you’re actually most “asleep” or “unconscious” when you’re awake and going about your day?

These are the beliefs at the core of Tibetan Dream Yoga, an ancient Buddhist practice that uses lucid dreaming to cultivate greater awareness and accelerate spiritual growth.

Scientific evidence of lucid dreaming (being “awake” and aware that you’re dreaming when you’re asleep) dates back only about forty years, yet Buddhists have recognized it as a potent dreamstate for centuries a time when the conscious mind can meet the unconscious mind.

And, while many dreamers use the fascinating moments of lucid dreaming to willfully navigate or initiate dreamtime adventures, Dream Yoga goes beyond self-entertainment to help in the actual transformation of the unconscious, and more.

This age-old practice can be used for such practical pursuits as rehearsing presentations and performances, letting go of a past relationship, addressing fears, processing grief, transforming nightmares, alleviating insomnia, facilitating healing, and even preparing for your death.

Dream Yoga is an opportunity to witness your mind in the same way you do in your daily meditation practice AND to “stretch” your mind to discover new insights about yourself and life.

It allows you to greatly expand your awareness and possibilities for positive change which can result in greater fulfilment, happiness, and even better health.

This is possible because in this dreamstate you can gain a heightened level of clarity while your busy daytime mind takes a backseat AND you get the deep rest you need.

This type of “nocturnal meditation” offers consistent benefits that show up in your daily life in real tangible ways. For starters, you begin to feel more grounded, aware, and even freer.

When Your Daytime Becomes More Illusionary...

A delicious feeling of liberation arises when you start to perceive your dreamtime as your most “awake” and fertile period for transformation, AND view your daily reality as less “solid” and permanent, as even having a more dreamlike or illusionary quality.

This other piece of the Tibetan Dream Yoga perspective doesn’t require that you pretend reality isn’t happening you just don’t hold on so tightly to what appears on the surface of your life, which allows you to feel less burdened and much more joyful.

Viewing your waking life as more dreamlike, also opens you to a greater awareness that everything is constantly changing and may not be as it seems.

ALSO, as you start to practice Dream Yoga, you discover that the more you meditate during the day, the more lucidity you experience at night in your dreams because the more aware you become of your mind by day, the more aware you become of your mind (in lucid dreams) by night.

Adding to this “virtuous” cycle, more lucidity by night leads back to more “lucidity” or moments of deep awareness as you go about your day.

Dream Yoga offers a fast track to awakening 24/7!

What If I Don’t Have Lucid Dreams?


You don’t have to be a lucid dreamer to join the Dream Yoga program. You’ll gain the insights you need to work towards experiencing this foundational dreamstate of Dream Yoga during the 7-part course.

You’ll discover the keys for initiating lucidity strong motivation, good dream recall, and the power of intention.

You’ll also learn to work with the subtle body. As you fall asleep, you don’t only ease more deeply into the mind, you descend into this inner body the part of you that supports the dreaming mind. In this way, Dream Yoga calls in your entire being.

Eastern spirituality and Western science have developed effective daytime techniques to induce lucid dreams. What we do during the day has profound effects on how we sleep and dream at night.

In this powerful new training, you’ll discover that by working with daily meditations and techniques, you can create “pop ups” that will ping into your mind when you dream, instantly transforming a non-lucid dream into a lucid one.

Meet Your Expert Guide in Dream Yoga

Author and spiritual mentor Andrew Holecek is one of the most seasoned Western teachers of lucid dreaming and Dream Yoga.


He’s a longtime practitioner of Buddhism and has explored the further reaches of spiritual practices for many years. He’s helped thousands discover the opportunities that exist in obstacles, including hardship and pain, death and dying, and problems in meditation.

In Dream Yoga, Andrew will guide you in discovering how to change your mind by changing your dreams. You’ll discover how to dissipate fears you may have of the “dark” (your unconscious mind) AND even how to transform nightmares.

You’ll have the opportunity to develop a liberating flexibility in your identity, transforming your very sense of Self as you learn to explore your mind in new and creative ways.

You’ll discover the divinity at the core of your being available to you every night.

AND, Andrew reassures us, you will NOT lose any sleep. There are ways and particular times during your sleep cycle to practice Dream Yoga, so you continue to get the deep, restorative sleep you need. In fact, Dream Yoga can be used to help you overcome insomnia.


Here’s more of what you’ll discover in this exciting, highly experiential new training:

  • How anybody can do these practices and not lose precious rest
  • Why “nocturnal meditations” can be more effective than daily meditations
  • How these meditations can accelerate spiritual development and purify karma
  • How to use Dream Yoga to transform nightmares, alleviate insomnia, and even transcend death
  • How these practices allow you to rehearse presentations and performances
  • How to use Dream Yoga to resolve interpersonal issues and process grief
  • Ways to enhance physical skills, and even facilitate healing through Dream Yoga
  • How to empower meditation as a “super technique” for lucidity
  • The sleep stages, and how to take advantage of “primetime dreamtime”
  • The wake-and-back-to-bed technique, which can increase lucidity up to 2000%
  • The role of diet in lucidity, and the place of supplements like galantamine
  • The power of visualization, prana purification, and the Lotus technique
  • How to play with hypnagogic and hypnopompic states
  • How we suffer because we take things too solidly and seriously
  • How to start to free yourself from the domination of the unconscious mind
  • And much more...

Psychological and spiritual liberation occurs when we change our relationship to the contents of our mind, and Dream Yoga provides a rare opportunity to effect this transformation.

This powerful, new online program is for anyone interested in psychological and spiritual development, the creative powers of the mind, and even in preparing to transition from this life.

Dreamworkers will have the opportunity to spiritually deepen their approach to working with dreams, and those drawn to Buddhist meditation will discover how to bring their cushion time into their dreamtime.

And if you’re new to all of this, you’ll open the door to a greatly expanded and liberating way of approaching your life day and night.

To practice Dream Yoga is to allow a type of constant consciousness, where the aware mind never turns off and you transition into the day bringing your heightened consciousness with you.

As Andrew tells his Dream Yoga students: This is what being “awake” actually means.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Andrew will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to build a foundation for lucid dreaming and Dream Yoga, and open your mind to greater awareness and your life to greater possibilities.

Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to turn your dreamtime into your a time for “nocturnal meditation” and heightened transformation.


Module 1: An Introduction to the Magical World of Nocturnal Meditations (Recorded December 4)


Discover how lucid dreaming evolves into Dream Yoga which develops into Sleep Yoga, which matures into Bardo Yoga and how these practices lead to the deepest psychological and spiritual growth. You’ll learn what these practices are, where they come from, and what they can do for you.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to enter “night school,” and take advantage of up to a third of your life usually lost in oblivion
  • Why these practices can be more effective than daily meditations
  • How these meditations can help you transcend death
  • How anybody can do these practices and not lose precious rest
  • The science that supports these claims

Module 2: Discover the Many Benefits of Lucid Dreaming & Dream Yoga (Recorded December 11)


The physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits of the nocturnal meditations are remarkable and will inspire you to engage and commit to these practices. When you’re working with your dreams, you’re working with your mind at foundational levels. This is why transformation can occur quickly, and often dramatically.

You’ll explore how the unconscious mind dictates much of conscious experience backstage always runs onstage and how lucid dreaming is a hybrid state where the conscious mind meets the unconscious, and can transform it.

In this module, you’ll discover how lucid dreaming and Dream Yoga can:

  • Transform nightmares and alleviate insomnia
  • Allow you to rehearse presentations and performances
  • Resolve interpersonal issues and process grief
  • Enhance physical skills, and even facilitate healing
  • Accelerate spiritual development and purify karma

Module 3: Eastern & Western Daytime Induction Techniques (Recorded December 18)


Eastern spirituality and Western science have developed sophisticated daytime techniques to induce lucid dreams. What we do during the day has profound effects on how we sleep and dream at night. By working with daily meditations and techniques, we can install “pop ups” that will ping into our mind when we dream, instantly transforming a non-lucid dream into a lucid one.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the importance of journaling, and how to increase dream recall
  • Discover the power of intention and belief: “I’ll see it when I believe it.”
  • Learn about dreamstate checks, prospective memory, and dream signs
  • Empower meditation as a “super technique” for lucidity
  • Discover the two-way street (bi-directionality) between the conscious and unconscious mind
  • Learn about sleep stages, and how to take advantage of “primetime dreamtime”

Module 4: Eastern & Western Nighttime Induction Techniques (Recorded January 8)


Science and spirituality offer highly effective nocturnal methods proven to spark lucidity. In addition, Eastern and Western sleep hygiene practices prime us to wake up within our dream and “clean up our act.”

And, by also understanding the subtle body that supports the subtle dreaming mind, we can engage inner yogas that spiritually wake up the body and the mind, while physically helping us sleep.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The wake-and-back-to-bed technique, which can increase lucidity up to 2000%
  • The role of diet in lucidity, and the place of supplements like galantamine
  • The effectiveness of dream goggles, apps, and other gadgets
  • The power of visualization, prana purification, and the Lotus technique
  • How to play with hypnagogic and hypnopompic states
  • How to reconstruct the “lost temple of sleep”

Module 5: Discover the Different Stages of Dream Yoga (Recorded January 22)


Once you become lucid, a fantastic new world unfolds before you. Lucid dreaming delights in indulging that world; Dream Yoga works with transforming it. And by transforming your dreams in the progressive stages of Dream Yoga, you’re transforming your mind what else is a dream made of?

Psychological and spiritual liberation occurs when we change our relationship to the contents of our mind, and Dream Yoga provides a rare opportunity to effect this transformation.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how to change your mind by changing your dreams
  • Develop flexibility in your identity your very sense of Self
  • Remove all fear of the “dark” the unconscious mind
  • Transform your nightmares, or purify them altogether
  • Discover the divinity that lies at the core of your being, and is revealed every night

Module 6: Discover the Antidotes for Transforming Your Obstacles (Recorded January 29)


Wherever there is light, there is shadow; and the brighter the light, the darker the shadow. Common hurdles await any dream practitioner. These obstacles will reveal your blind spots.

You’ll discover how to transform your obstacles into opportunities for greater insight. You’ll even learn tricks for developing a sense of humor in the dark and techniques for playing with your enemies and transforming them into friends.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to transform discouragement and impatience
  • The near enemies of spiritual bypassing and nihilism
  • Tricks for sustaining lucidity
  • Tips for strengthening the clarity and frequency of lucid dreams
  • The skills necessary for success

Module 7: Become a “Child of Illusion” Through Dream Yoga (Recorded February 5)


You’ve discovered how nighttime dreaming practices lead to daytime transformation, and how lucid dreaming leads to lucid living.

During this last section of the course, you’ll find out how to become a “child of illusion” through Dream Yoga and soften the hardships of daily life. You’ll see how the nocturnal practices you’ve learned can make you more open, flexible, and playful, and how everything is enhanced by your heightened lucidity.

The qualities of the enlightened mind that are within you will start to shine!

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the magic behind seeing the world as dreamlike
  • Realize how we suffer because we take things too solidly and seriously
  • Start to free yourself from the domination of the unconscious mind
  • Learn how far the nocturnal meditations can take you
  • Discover that “this is a dream, I am free, I can change”

The Dream Yoga Bonus Collection

In addition to Andrew’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonus materials. These bonuses are being offered to complement what you’ll learn in the course and deepen your understanding and practice.


Dream Yoga & the Daytime Practice of Illusory Form
Audio Teaching From Andrew Holecek


A principal daytime lucidity practice is called “illusory form,” which is fundamentally about seeing our daytime experience as dreamlike. It’s a unique contribution of the Dream Yoga tradition, and a central practice that separates Dream Yoga from lucid dreaming. By practicing to see things now as being dreamlike, we grease the skids for seeing our nighttime dreams as dreams. Illusory form is a “fake it till you make it” practice. We don’t see this world as illusory, but the awakened ones do. They’ve “made it,” and naturally see the world as dreamlike. With the practice of illusory form, we emulate their perception and come to see the world as it truly is.


The Non-lucid View: What Keeps Us in the Dark
Ebook Excerpt From Andrew Holecek


To fully comprehend the view of lucidity, it helps to understand the non-lucid view. As Sun Tzu said in The Art of War: “Know thy enemy.” This will help us appreciate the force of the “dark side,” and the power of our blind habitual patterns. What has kept us in the dark for so long? Where does our night blindness, or lack of lucidity, come from? By understanding our bias for wake-centricity which is fundamentally ego-centricity we can transform it, and wake up to all states of consciousness, including sleep and dream.


How to Meditate: A Detailed Explanation
Ebook Excerpt From Andrew Holecek


Because meditation is so central to lucid dreaming and Dream Yoga, we need to have a comprehensive understanding of how to practice it. As the modern sage and jokester Yogi Berra said: “Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.” With a deeper appreciation of the art of meditation, we’ll grasp this seminal claim: dreams are to dreaming consciousness as thoughts are to waking consciousness. It’s the same mind at work in both states, and meditation trains that mind. In our terms, it trains it into lucidity.


Meditation & the Practice of Lucidity: What It Is & Is Not
Ebook Excerpt From Andrew Holecek


Meditation is a powerful daytime practice for lucid dreaming it’s the diurnal practice of lucidity. The reason we’re non-lucid to our dreams at night is because we’re non-lucid to the contents of our mind during the day. Studies have shown that meditators naturally have more lucid dreams, and for a meditation master, all their dreams are lucid. What the poet Kabir once said about death also applies to dreams: “What is found then is found now.” You want to be lucid at night? Then be lucid during the day.


What People Are Saying About Andrew Holecek...

“A masterful grasp of the vast dharma...”

From Andrew Holecek’s first words, you know you can trust him. He writes from deeply felt experience as well as a masterful grasp of the vast dharma.
Irini Rockwell, Author of The Five Wisdom Energies

“New ways of coping with challenge”

Andrew Holecek helps us to accept the inevitability of difficulty and find new ways of coping with challenge.
Andrea Miller, Editor at Lion’s Roar magazine

“A significant contribution...”

Andrew offers a significant contribution to the continued transplantation of the Buddha’s wisdom in Western culture.
Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Author of Mind Beyond Death

“Profound and pragmatic...”

Andrew Holecek has skillfully integrated the deeply philosophical and spiritual tradition of Tibetan dream yoga with the psychological methods and insights of the modern discipline of lucid dreaming. At once profound and pragmatic, traditional and contemporary, this is a fine contribution to the growing literature on ways of exploring the nature of the mind, and its role in nature by way of awakening to our dreams.
B. Alan Wallace, Author of Dreaming Yourself Awake

“Will introduce many to the wonders of our nocturnal meditations”

Andrew Holecek has written a very comprehensive and much needed book on the interface between lucid dreaming and dream yoga. His own long-term dharma practice and rigorous training in the western scientific tradition helps us to clearly understand the remarkable opportunities that await us each night. Dream yoga practices have been used for centuries in Tibet, leading many beings to awakening. This book will help secure this important practice in the West and will introduce many to the wonders of our nocturnal meditations.
Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Author of Open Heart, Open Mind

“Essential Buddhist teachings and tools...”

Holecek offers a practical guide for meditators to access and use lucid dreaming waking up and becoming fully conscious in your dreams in order to wake up more fully in life, for both those experienced with this practice or attempting it for the first time. With explorations on modern scientific principles, practices of Tibetan dream and sleep yoga, enhancing dream recall, and focusing and amplifying awareness while dreaming, Holecek also provides essential Buddhist teachings and tools for navigating realms of “nocturnal meditation.”
Lion’s Roar

“Brings the shadow side of the spiritual path into the light...”

With brilliance and kindness, Andrew Holecek brings the shadow side of the spiritual path into the light helping the practitioner navigate the hardships he or she will inevitably discover. Holecek shows them for what they are necessary obstacles on all levels of the path that can either hinder or strengthen our practice, and we can indeed be grateful to him for so clearly and completely elucidating this profound and necessary but rarely mentioned side of the spiritual path.
Dr. Jeremy Hayward, Author of Warrior-King of Shambhala: Remembering Chögyam Trungpa

“Profound spiritual insights...”

Holecek intermingles profound spiritual insights with practical and up-to-date advice for people facing death or taking care of those who are dying.
Judith L. Lief, Author of Making Friends with Death

“Make sense of the hardships...”

Through clear and patient wisdom warmed with subtle humor, Holecek helps make sense of the hardships that shock, scare, and surprise us on the path. [He] expands our view of good news to include chaos and destruction as means for transformation.
Elephant Journal


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Andrew Holecek

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with pioneering contemporary spiritual teacher Andrew Holecek from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video recording and guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions to accelerate your learning.


The Dream Yoga Bonus Collection

  • Dream Yoga & the Daytime Practice of Illusory Form
    Audio Teaching From Andrew Holecek
  • The Non-lucid View: What Keeps Us in the Dark
    Ebook Excerpt From Andrew Holecek
  • How to Meditate: A Detailed Explanation
    Ebook Excerpt From Andrew Holecek
  • Meditation & the Practice of Lucidity: What It Is & Is Not
    Ebook Excerpt From Andrew Holecek

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Dream Yoga Virtual Training

We feel honored that author and Dream Yoga expert Andrew Holecek has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a contemporary spiritual teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Andrew’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re serious about discovering how to use your dreamtime as your optimal hours for transformation and bringing greater awareness into your day to expand your life and be of greater service to the world around you, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Dream Yoga with Andrew Holecek or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


About Andrew Holecek


Andrew Holecek is an author and spiritual teacher who offers talks, online courses, and workshops in the U.S. and abroad. As a longtime student of Buddhism, he frequently presents this tradition from a contemporary perspective blending the ancient wisdom of the East with modern knowledge from the West. Drawing on years of intensive study and practice, he teaches on the opportunities that exist in obstacles, helping people with hardship and pain, death and dying, and problems in meditation. Known as an expert on lucid dreaming and the Tibetan yogas of sleep and dream, he is an experienced guide for students drawn to these powerful nocturnal practices.

He is the author of several books, including The Power and the Pain: Transforming Spiritual Hardship into Joy, Preparing to Die: Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdom from the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition, Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep, Meditation in the iGeneration: How to Meditate in a World of Speed and Stress, and the audio program Dream Yoga: The Tibetan Path of Awakening Through Lucid Dreaming.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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