A 6-month Immersion
With Author, Mystic Scholar & Interspiritual Teacher
Mirabai Starr
A 21-module On-demand Video Training

Discover the radical wisdom of women mystics breaking free from rules and dogma to forge your own path of transformation.

Embark on a journey to unite with the Beloved, ignite your creativity, and realize your inner mystic.


Are you looking for deeper connection to yourself and a spiritual community of sisters?

Have you been disillusioned with religious traditions, yet still yearn for tender intimacy with the Beloved?

You’ve undoubtedly gone deep on your spiritual path... and the stack of books on your nightstand is forever growing...

Yet, many spiritual practices and belief systems (both ancient and new) can feel dry and disconnected from the heart... and lack the wisdom, guidance, and refuge you’re seeking.

So where can you look for guidance, when traditional practices, teachers, and religions are rooted in the old “paradigm”?

The Journey of the Modern Mystic

The great female mystics of history can guide you...

Their hearts burned for the Beloved. Their souls spoke the language of love and justice.

As such, they offer a path for realization that is profoundly relevant.

A path in which you can fill your cup when the world gets to be too much, and then re-enter the fire of life spiritually quenched and grounded in your power.

As a woman, a leader, a healer, you’re likely feeling an even greater need to tap a deeper wellspring of mystical wisdom to sustain you and help heal the planet.

Mirabai Starr creates the space for you to come home to your full Self... a sanctuary where you can lay down your burdens, nourish your soul, and receive guidance for your daily life.

And she offers us spiritual and literary access to the inspiration, wisdom, and practical action of the original feminine mystics from many spiritual traditions.

Often rebels, these wisdom beings helped heal and transform others and pioneered the feminine mystical path that we desperately need today.

Nourish Your Yearning for the Beloved


This new soul sanctuary with world-renowned interspiritual teacher Mirabai Starr will give you permission and a refuge in which to nourish your yearning for the Beloved...

As part of the journey, you’ll be initiated into the sacred writings and timeless wisdom of many women mystics. Taking inspiration from their example, you’ll re-awaken (and fulfill) your longing for deep connection, meaning, beauty, and healing.

You’ll respond from your deepest feminine heart to the “cries of the world,” doing what is yours to do...

Each month, you’ll explore, access, and integrate different women mystics and sacred texts, in communion with other seekers who have grown tired of dogma and spirituality “lite” that bypasses human struggle and suffering.

Mirabai has selected goddesses and mystics for their specific essence and wisdom, sacred texts to support and deepen their teachings, and guest faculty to act as your guides as you find deeper refuge, ignite your creative fire, and commune with your spiritual sisters and brothers.

Be Guided by a Respected Interspiritual Teacher & Mystic Scholar

Your teacher and guide for this journey is author, mystic scholar, and interspiritual teacher, Mirabai Starr.

An expert in feminine mysticism, Mirabai has written many acclaimed books on the great Goddesses and mystics, including Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Teresa of Avila, and she has walked a path that includes Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist practices woven together in a deeply honoring way. She is one of the most eloquent and passionate voices for the resurgence of the Sacred Feminine in contemporary spirituality.

An “interspiritual” pilgrim who practices vipassana, observes Shabbat, and honors all spiritual lineages, Mirabai will take you into the depths of your own wisdom drawing inspiration from goddesses and women mystics from multiple lineages.


During this 6-month video training with world-renowned interspiritual teacher Mirabai, you’ll:

Reclaim love-longing as a powerful path to union with the Divine Embrace your passion, emotionality, and sensitivity as spiritual gifts, rather than as symptoms of weakness or imbalance Practice relaxing your effort to fix and control your spiritual awakening Connect with your desire to dissolve into Boundless Love Activate the power of devotion and ecstatic union Learn about the Shekinah as the embodiment of sacred creativity Find beauty and meaning in artistic expression, nature and the Sacred Call into your heart the prophetic voices and radical wisdom of the Three Marias (Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and Miriam) Explore the Earth Mother archetype across the spiritual traditions and world mythologies Create an altar to the Sacred Feminine, to be added to as this journey unfolds Discover replenishment through mercy, compassion ,and stillness

What You’ll Discover in This Journey

In this new advanced program with Mirabai, you’ll immerse yourself spiritual practice, meditation guided and silent chanting, dharma talks, deepening practices, and more. You’ll discover a deeper refuge, ignite your creative fire, and commune with your spiritual sisters and brothers.

You’ll spend time over live video with world-renowned, spiritual teachers, musician-activists, and authors; share in the joys and sorrows of mystical poetry; engage in creative projects; and receive devotional, contemplative, and non-dual practices.

Deepening your intimacy with the Beloved, you’ll feel less compelled to seek it outside of your own heart, where so many of us have often been disappointed. The mystics, sacred texts, teachers, and themes you engage with, will become a path for wholeness and healing your human relationships and the Earth, meeting each person and challenge with an open, generous heart.

Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you develop a holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you need to fill your cup and ignite your creativity and acts of service.


Module 1: Opening Your Heart to the Beloved:
Activate the Power of Devotion & Ecstatic Union (8/29, 9/5, 9/12, 9/26) (Pre-recorded)


You’ve long yearned to be in direct communion with the Divine, yet you may have set aside this desire in pursuit of a more mature and “sober” spirituality that has neglected your heart.

If the ember of spiritual longing still smolders in you, bursting into flame from time to time when you fall in love, have your heart broken, or come into close proximity to death, this time in sanctuary with Mirabai will open your heart for an intimate, impassioned relationship with the Beloved.

You’ll nourish your longing for deep love with the Great Mystery drawing sustenance from devotional practices and ecstatic poetry of the feminine mystical tradition.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Reclaim love-longing as a powerful path to union with the Divine and healing in the world
  • Embrace your passion, emotionality, and heightened sensitivity as spiritual gifts, rather than as symptoms of weakness or imbalance
  • Revitalize your intimacy with the Great Mystery
  • Allow your love affair with the Divine to infuse and inform all your human relationships
  • Find freedom from expecting your human partner to fulfill your hidden longing for divine connection
  • Savor the devotional poetry of women mystics from across the spiritual traditions, such as Mirabai, Lalla, the Song of Songs, Layla and Majnun
Guest Teacher: Nina Rao, internationally renowned musician and teacher of kirtan and chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa

Nina Rao learned traditional chants (bhajans) from her grandfather in a village in South India when she was nine years old. The chants quietly stayed with her until she rediscovered chanting with Krishna Das in New York in 1996. She now tours and records with him, playing cymbals and singing. Her own albums include Antarayaami Knower of All Hearts. She regularly leads kirtan, chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa, and sings in her hometown of Brooklyn, New York, and beyond.


Module 2: Opening to Boundless Love
Release the Illusion of Separation & Control (10/3 (Pre-recorded), 10/10, 10/17, 10/31)


Many of us suffer from the illusion of separation from the Beloved, God, Spirit, the Divine... and each other. We engage in practices designed to “get us somewhere and give us something,” driven by a false belief that we are impure, imperfect, disconnected.

Unwittingly, you may also put your attention on the mechanisms prayer, meditation and mindfulness, for example forgetting you’re already one with the Beloved, and always have been, and ever shall be.

In this session, you’ll discover non-dual teachings that invite you to release your illusion of separation and surrender to a boundless, unconditional love. You will begin to recognize the presence of the sacred in what is. .. in the ordinary and each moment.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Practice relaxing your effort to fix and control your spiritual awakening
  • Investigate teachings of self-emptying and “holy annihilation” across the spiritual traditions
  • Connect with your desire to dissolve into the Boundless
  • Learn basic inquiry practice as a means for experiencing the grace of non-dual reality

Guest Teacher: Miranda Macpherson, renowned teacher and author of awakened living and non-dualism

Miranda Macpherson is a celebrated teacher of non-dual spirituality, known for her presence and refined capacity to guide others into direct experience of the Sacred. Within a tangible atmosphere of unconditional love, she teaches and transmits a synthesis of self-inquiry, devotion, meditation and psychological wisdom. Her integrated approach to non-dual realization is borne out of her own awakening process, inspired by the silent presence of Sri Ramana Maharshi, A Course in Miracles, extensive study of the world’s wisdom traditions and the Diamond Approach. She’s the author of Boundless Love and The Heart of Being mantra CD.


Module 3: Unleashing Your Sacred Creativity
Find Beauty & Meaning in Artistic Expression, Nature & Shakti (11/7, 11/14 (Pre-recorded), 11/28)


Daily demands can take precedence over the things that truly feed our hearts... if only we can get all of the items checked off our to-do list, then we can get on with a meaningful life. Activities like resting and restoring our bodies and minds, making art, and connecting with nature take second place.

It’s time to reclaim your relationship with beauty and nature. You don’t have to be a master artist to revel in the joy of painting or drawing, poetry or fiction, music and dance. When you engage in creativity, you become a conduit for the Divine and an instrument of peace.

We’ve disconnected from the “wild child” of our true nature. In our vulnerability and our creativity, however “unrefined” it may be, we channel Shakti, the sacred life force. Creative expression is not about the outcome, but is an opening for connecting with Beloved.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn about the Shekinah as the embodiment of the Divine infusing all of creation
  • Establish a Sabbath practice to restore your body and mind, aligning you with the Sacred
  • Commit to creating a work of art, to be completed by the end of the course, and shared on the community page
  • Explore the archetypes of beauty and creativity across the spiritual traditions, such as Saraswati and Athena
  • Discover the ancient yogic teachings of the Radiance Sutras

Guest Teacher: Azima Kolin, internally renowned classical musician and Sufi artist

Azima Melita Kolin is an award-winning, world-renowned musician, writer, and scholar. In 1997, inspired by the 13th century Persian mystical poet Rumi, Azima began a series of concert-readings, combining Rumi’s poems with classical music by Bach, Beethoven, Scriabin, and Brahms. In a joint effort with readers of various nationalities, she’s given hundreds of concerts in England, Scotland, Germany, and Spain. In 1991, she collaborated with Persian artists in a performance in Queen Elizabeth Hall in London.


Module 4: Finding Sisterhood With the 3 Marias
Wise Allies for Your Journey (12/5, 12/12, 12/19)


Rarely do we have access to the true telling of women prophets speaking the voice of feminine power and wisdom, meeting depraved humanity with deep compassion, or creatively overcoming life’s adversities...

Yet through powerful guides such as Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, and Miriam, a profound path of transformation for our lives and our world is revealed.

Their prophetic voices, their radical wisdom, and their loving actions can nourish, empower and support you on your own journey of healing.

Our ability to connect authentically with the Beloved AND respond to the cries of the world is rooted in feminine wisdom and the heart.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Restore Mary Magdalene to her rightful place in the mythos of the Christ
  • Uncover your own story in stories of Miriam
  • Engage in a guided meditation to deepen your connection to the Divine Feminine
  • Access Mother Mary as a universal source of unconditional love
  • Reframe the Mary and Martha story from the New Testament in light of integrating the inner life with service

Guest Teacher: Mona Haydar, globally celebrated rapper, poet, sacred activist, and tireless God-enthusiast

Mona Haydar is a celebrated rapper, poet, sacred activist and tireless God-enthusiast. Her debut song Hijabi (Wrap My Hijab) was one of 2017’s top protest songs and is considered one of the top feminist anthems of all time. Born in Flint, Michigan, Mona lived in Damascus where she studied Arabic and Islamic spirituality. She’s lived in the mountains of northern New Mexico at Lama Foundation, the redwood forest of northern California, and now lives in Harlem, New York, where she’s pursuing her MA in Christian Ethics.


Module 5: Grounding Your Being in the Earth
Reclaim Your Connection to the Web of Life (1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30)


Cut off from the feminine, humanity has caused immeasurable damage to our precious planet. In the process, we’ve lost our connection with the land, our bodies and the very life force.

If you ache for the aching Earth, how can you practice not turning away from her pain, but rather leaning in to listen to what she has to tell you?

In this module, you’ll find meaningful separation between the grief of your own losses and your capacity to hold the anguish of other beings and of our Sister, Mother Earth (as St. Francis of Assisi so sweetly calls her). You will reclaim your connection with the web of life and clearly perceive the earth’s wounds, tend to them, and heal your separation from the feminine.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Cultivate a relationship with the Earth as a cherished relative
  • Develop a practice of spending time in nature every day (expanding your understanding of what that looks like to include urban environments and accommodate disabilities and other restrictions)
  • Explore the Earth Mother archetype across the spiritual traditions and world mythologies, especially Gaia, Pachamama, Mayan and Aztec deities, Greco-Roman fertility goddesses, and the insights of contemporary environmental science
  • Create an altar to the Sacred Feminine, to be added to as the journey unfolds

Guest Teacher, Pat McCabe “Woman Stands Shining,” Navajo mother, grandmother, artist, writer, ceremonial leader, and international activist

Pat McCabe is a voice for global peace, and her paintings are created as tools for individual, Earth, and global healing. Pat believes what the elders have been speaking to: “what we are suffering from at this time on the planet is a crisis of relationship.” She points to the “Ways of Knowing” in Indigenous culture as the key to sustainability and restoration of the planet. Her teachings are deeply rooted in the feminine.


Module 6: Finding Sanctuary and Refuge
Replenishment Through Mercy, Compassion & Stillness (2/13, 2/20, 2/27)


The multiple crises unfolding in the world can leave us battered and helpless. Soul-weary, we may feel alone, unworthy, even unloved.

We may also mistake self-care for self-indulgence fearing that refilling our empty cup will take us away from the urgent tasks of perfecting ourselves and fixing the world.

Yet, fill our cups we must. Embracing ourselves with tenderness and compassion, we can restore and re-energize so we may be a force of goodness in this world.

Lay down your burden. Take refuge in the stillness of solitude and the plenitude of community...

In this module, you’ll:

  • Engage in simple practices to counteract burnout
  • Connect with existing communities or create new circles of connection around a common interest
  • Study the inspiring life and radically optimistic teachings of the medieval visionary, Julian of Norwich
  • Explore the bodhisattvas Quan Yin and Tara as archetypes of compassion
  • Discover how you can find your unique prophetic voice

Guest teacher: Father Bill McNichols, icon painter, philosopher, and former Jesuit priest

Father Bill has spent his life navigating the intersection between beauty and spirit. A former Jesuit priest, his passionate about philosophy, theology, and art. He holds a Master of Fine Arts in landscape painting from Pratt Institute.

During the time of his AIDS ministry, he illustrated more than 25 books for Paulist Press. He’s published various collections of icons with Orbis Books, in collaboration with the writings of prophetic figures of our times, Daniel Berrigan, John Dear, Megan McKenna, and Mirabai Starr. Father Bill resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he studies icon painting with Russian American master, Robert Lentz.


The Goddesses & Mystics Soul Sanctuary Bonus Collection

In addition to Mirabai’s transformative online training, you’ll receive these powerful bonuses with some of the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These powerful offerings complement what you’ll discover in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


For Your Eyes Only: Sneak Preview of As Yet Unpublished Work
Mirabai Starr Reads From Her New Book, Wild Mercy


In this series of readings from her soon-to-be-published book, Wild Mercy, Mirabai shares with you an intimate sampling of her beautiful work which will be published by Sounds True in 2019.

Secret Fiesta
Mirabai extends a bold invitation to join a party bound to delightfully disrupt the prevailing religious paradigm.

Cultivating Contemplative Life
Mirabai evokes the connection between radical awe and deep stillness, reminding us about how beauty can be a doorway to transcendence.

Mustard Seed
Mirabai retells the famous parable in which the Buddha counsels a bereaved mother to gather a mustard seed from every household that has not been touched by death.


Prayer-Poems to the Divine Feminine
Audio Collection From Mirabai Starr


This special audio collection includes poetry, prayers, and jewels of lyrical prose from an array of women mystics from Hildegard of Bingen and Julian of Norwich to Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Black Madonna as well as Mirabai’s ecstatic reflections on the wild heart of the Divine Feminine and the call to embody her in our own lives.


Awakening the Divine Feminine
Two Guided Meditations From Mirabai Starr


In these deeply heartfelt and transformative guided meditations, Mirabai leads you with her soothing voice into a peaceful calm that can be accessed anytime.

You’ll receive the following meditations from Mirabai:

  • Guided Meditation for Awakening the Divine Feminine
  • Into the Arms of the Mother (featuring music from Jenny Bird)

St. Teresa of Avila: Ecstasy & Common Sense
Audio Dialogue With Mirabai Starr and Tessa Bielecki


Tessa and Mirabai met over ten years ago, when Mirabai read Tessa’s groundbreaking work on St. Teresa of Avila, Ecstasy & Common Sense, and tracked her down. They have been soul sisters ever since, teaching and writing together, weathering transformational losses, and celebrating the sacred every chance they get. Listen in on their love song.

Tessa Bielecki was a Carmelite monk for almost 40 years, co-founded the Spiritual Life Institute, and served as Mother Abbess of the contemplative community until 2005. She teaches at Colorado College, gives lectures and retreats, participates in East-West dialogues, and writes. She’s the author of three books on St. Teresa of Avila and recently recorded Teresa of Avila: The Book of My Life for Shambhala Audio and Wild at Heart: Radical Teachings of the Christian Mystics for Sounds True.


Living Love as Modern Mystics
Audio Dialogue With Mirabai Starr and Sister Greta Ronningen


In this bonus session, Mirabai will be joined by Sister Greta Ronningen to discuss the little-known yet highly intriguing teachings of Beguine Mysticism. The Beguines were a 13th century movement by and for women which existed for 800 years. They wrote Love Mysticism, exhorting one another to participate in the divine nature, not only in self-emptying contemplation but through self-giving love by engaging with the suffering of the poor and sick.

Sr. Greta Ronningen, CDL, MA, is a founding member of the Community of Divine Love, an Episcopal monastic order in San Gabriel, California. Sr. Greta serves as a chaplain in the Los Angeles county jails and is implementing a 3-year spiritual formation program that she developed for the young women at Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall called The Good Seed Project. She holds a master’s degree in Spiritual Formation from Claremont School of Theology.


Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy Bonus Classes
Two Video Teachings From Mirabai Starr


Mirabai created two special 60-minute bonus sessions as companion teachings for the Soul Sanctuary. These teachings will enhance your experience of the 6-month journey.


Session 1: The Bhagavad Gita & The Sacred Feminine

The Bhagavad Gita is a classic Hindu text in which Arjuna, a prince who is reluctantly facing the task of leading his army into a civil war, and Krishna, the God of Love disguised as the royal charioteer, engage in a transformational dialog about devotion and awakened action.

What happens when we shift our perspective on this classic teaching of spiritual warriorship to gaze at it through the lens of the feminine? In this session, we carry the Gita off the battlefield and into the land of the heart.


Session 2: Hildegard of Bingen & the Greening Power of the Divine

The medieval Rhineland visionary, Hildegard of Bingen was a seer, a poet, an artist; a healer with herbs and crystals; a social critic; and a composer of sublime music. She was also a worshipper of the One accessed through the manifold attributes of the natural world.

In this session we explore Hildegard’s radically feminine teaching of “Vriditas” God’s “greening power” permeating every particle of Creation.


What Graduates of Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy Are Saying...

“... Mirabai has affirmed, healed, and deepened my personal journey”

The course with Mirabai has affirmed, healed, and deepened my personal journey. I loved every session. Every woman and man I highly encourage you to take this course if you feel called to. I’m also very impressed with The Shift network team too! How they put everything together that I can easily access to each session. Thank you!

“I now have an expanded view on the Divine...”

I loved Mirabai her beautiful appearance and nature and her wonderful structuring of the course with the chants from different traditions, the breathing technique and visualisations and the lovely readings plus her insightful talks on the different goddesses and mystics made this a very healing time for me. I now have an expanded view on the Divine and my yearning for the Beloved is now intensified... I’m in remission from cancer and at 81 years of age have felt the need of something more spiritual in my life. I highly recommend the course to anyone searching for a richness not usually provided by organised religion...
Patrice Buetefuer, Brahma Lodge, South Australia

“I feel more connected to and loved by the universe”

Since the age of eight, I’ve felt like an outsider as I participated in organized religion in the U.S. I, at the age of 68, realize that it’s the goddesses that I have always needed. I’m overcoming hurdles in my personal life, mostly with being, as Clarissa Pinkola Estes would name me, an unmothered child, and am learning to trust the goddesses as I do my friends. My meditation practice has been enriched and I feel more connected to and loved by the universe. I hold this entire process in my heart with joy!
Julie Sanders, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

“I don’t feel as alone on my journey as I did...”

I’m so grateful for this course and profound level of spiritual care. Thank you, Beautiful Mirabai, for sharing your truth and fierce love in action! Through your books, the stories and poetry, spiritual practices, talking about spiritual activism and difficult conversations even among friends and the writing prompts, thought processes, heart beats, and breaths, I’ve grown a ton and will continue to do so and grow in spiritual awareness with both feet on the ground cultivating and growing compassion and gentleness. I don’t feel as alone on my journey as I did at the beginning of the course. I can see that there is a whole world out there going through it too and we’ve all got each other and we’re all one, and we’re gonna be alright... because we have each other. Thank you Mirabai for offering us so much! You are such a gift to my being! Blessings of Peace to you!
Laura, Ohio

“What a wonderful, heartfelt, richly creative tribe of women!”

Mirabai is not only an accomplished scholar, but a deeply heart inspired human being. I loved being with her, feeling her presence, her sincerity, and her wisdom. And learning about the blessed goddesses and female mystics she has been inspired to learn from directly. I was also deeply touched by the incredible artistry shown on our group page... What a wonderful, heartfelt, richly creative tribe of women! Thank you all, and especially you, dearest Mirabai!

“... it felt so good to be held by the Feminine Mystics”

I lost my husband just nine months ago and it felt so good to be held by the Feminine Mystics. I’m not sure I understand, but this program came in my email box at the right time for me.
Carolann, Ontario, Canada

“... gave me a lot more allies and a lot more energy”

I found out that people all over the world are experiencing parallel changes to what I’m experiencing in Louisiana. A lot of struggles I thought were local are actually global. My larger perspective gave me a lot more allies and a lot more energy.
Cindy Levy, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

“This planet is a better place because of [Mirabai]!”

Wonderful experience! I looked forward to every class and meeting Mirabai’s spirit was a priceless gift. This planet is a better place because of [Mirabai]! As St. Catherine would say “Be who the Divine calls you to be and set the world on fire.” Mirabai is a great source of light. Blessings to all!

“It has all been a real joy”

Each session was a beautiful experience and it has made me want to watch it again and to go more deeply into some of the facets of the Divine Feminine. I’m reading again some books I already have about Mary Magdalene, because I have been so inspired by the course and Mirabel’s delivery of it. It has all been a real joy.

“Mirabai Starr is an international treasure”

Mirabai Starr is an international treasure. I highly recommend this course to anyone on a contemplative journey.
Annie, Australia


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Twenty-one 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Mirabai Starr

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from mystic-scholar and interspiritual teacher Mirabai Starr from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to discover the specific skills and abilities to understand the interconnected wisdom at the heart of the teachings of the goddesses and mystics.


Twenty-one PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.


The Goddesses & Mystics Soul Sanctuary Bonus Collection

  • For Your Eyes Only: Sneak Preview of As Yet Unpublished Work
    Mirabai Starr Reads From Her New Book, Wild Mercy
  • Prayer-Poems to the Divine Feminine
    Audio Collection From Mirabai Starr
  • Awakening the Divine Feminine
    Two Guided Meditations From Mirabai Starr
  • St. Teresa of Avila: Ecstasy & Common Sense
    Audio Dialogue With Mirabai Starr and Tessa Bielecki
  • Living Love as Modern Mystics
    Audio Dialogue With Mirabai Starr and Sister Greta Ronningen
  • Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy Bonus Classes
    Two Video Teachings From Mirabai Starr

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy Soul Sanctuary

We feel honored Mirabai Starr has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from an internationally renowned mystic-scholar and interspiritual teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken the Divine within us, and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Mirabai’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

Among Mirabai’s many gifts are her own interspiritual practices and authentic embodiment of the teachings of the ancient traditions. She lives a life grounded in love and creates a teaching environment in which you’ll feel truly held in a safe and compassionate container as you experience this profound inner journey.

If you’re serious about experiencing the Oneness and deep unconditional love at the core of the teachings of the goddesses and mystics and opening to a life of wholeness, service, and sacred balance, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


More Praise for Mirabai Starr...

“Mirabai will help open up your heart to love”

Ever since I met her when she was a teenager at the Lama Foundation, Mirabai Starr has been absorbed in the teachings of the great mystic saints, especially the women. Like her namesake, the poet-saint Mirabai, she brings to her work an intense love of God and a passion for the Beloved. My Guru said, “Love is the best medicine.” Mirabai will help open up your heart to love.
Ram Dass

“Blessed with the capacity to inspire others...”

It’s with great pleasure and delight that I endorse the work of Mirabai Starr, who I find to be a soul companion as well as a professional colleague. In addition to being a gifted author, Mirabai is blessed with the capacity to inspire others with her wisdom and understanding of mystical theology. I referred to her translations of Teresa of Avila’s great masterpiece, The Interior Castle, while writing my own book, Entering the Castle, because of the excellence of her work. Mirabai is a rare jewel.
Caroline Myss, Author of Anatomy of the Spiritand Entering the Castle

“Anyone who comes to her will find their cup will be filled”

Mirabai is an authentic mystic, a true teacher, and a wonderful soul. Anyone who comes to her will find their cup will be filled. I recommend her as a person and as a teacher with great confidence and joy.
Andrew Harvey, spiritual teacher and mystic scholar

“Mirabai Starr possesses passionate eloquence...”

Mirabai Starr possesses passionate eloquence when speaking about mysticism, making the ineffable tangible and real as eating delicious food that's good for you.
Jenny Bird, Singer-songwriter

“She brings understanding, and especially compassionate wisdom”

I have been present during Mirabai Starr’s classes at the University of New Mexico in Taos, on both philosophy and the theologies of the major world religions... One would expect from such a background that she has gathered and synthesized a dazzling amount of knowledge, but in addition she brings understanding, and especially compassionate wisdom. These are godsent gifts that are simply given to her. Her life experiences of suffering and love pour into the cup of different levels of understanding which she offers so generously as a teacher, lecturer, writer, and guest speaker. I’m enriched and honored by her friendship.
Fr. William Hart McNichols, Iconographer and Roman Catholic priest

“Her presence leaves a residual of joy...”

Mirabai has a profound respect for our deepest, most ordinary humanity as seekers of Truth. Her presence leaves a residual of joy in the hearts of those she works with, no matter how difficult their lives might be.
Anne Scott, Author and spiritual guide

“A gentle dynamite for opening and awakening...”

Mirabai’s words point toward the ineffable. She has an outstanding gift for language, plus penetrating insight, married to a heart of authentic compassion. Combined, the result is a gentle dynamite for opening and awakening.
Sara Morgan, Psychotherapist and spiritual guide

“She points us at once to and beyond ourselves”

What makes [Mirabai’s] teaching so powerful is that her vast spiritual knowledge is rooted in the real experience of being human. Her genius lies in the profoundly humble way she opens her life as a guide to ours. In making this connection, she shows us the deep and mysterious spiritual truths that hold all our lives together. A truly gifted teacher, she points us at once to and beyond ourselves. She does all of this with a spirit so light that all who share her presence are also lifted. Oh, did I say that she’s also a lot of fun?
Rev. Bob Thompson, senior pastor, Lake Street Church, Evanston, Illinois


About Mirabai Starr


Mirabai Starr writes creative nonfiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature. She taught Philosophy and World Religions at the University of New Mexico-Taos for 20 years and now teaches and speaks internationally on contemplative practice and interspiritual dialogue. A certified bereavement counselor, Mirabai helps mourners harness the transformational power of loss. She’s received critical acclaim for her revolutionary new translations of the mystics John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, and Julian of Norwich. She’s the award-winning author of Mother of God Similar to Fire, a collaboration with iconographer William Hart McNichols; God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, and Caravan of No Despair: A Memoir of Loss and Transformation. Her latest book, Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce & Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics, will be published in the spring of 2019. She lives with her extended family in the mountains of northern New Mexico.


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