International Singer, Educator, Voice Pioneer & Author
Chloë Goodchild
A 14-Module On-Demand Video Training

Transform difficult emotions, release blocked energy, and heal old narratives to liberate your authentic Self through the healing sounds of your own voice.

Discover 7 musical modes (not taught by Chloë before!) that reveal the tones of your true emotions and your soul.


Your soul is here for its own joy

The great Sufi poet Rumi wrote those words to convey that your natural state is happiness…

Yet how do you liberate this lightness of Being within you?

International singer and voice pioneer Chloë Goodchild shows us that an easily accessible and powerful approach to unveiling your joyful “soul self” and your innate knowing of who you really are is available through your own authentic voice.

She’s taught thousands across the globe that sounding our own voice activates an ancient medicine and a spiritual practice that can help us awaken the inner music of our soul our healing wisdom that dwells beneath the surface waiting to be liberated.

In The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum, you’ll rediscover that this healing sound is the ground of your being and your birthright.

Inspired by seven distinct musical modes and through nonjudgmental listening, you’ll learn to master proven musical meditative practices that can help you evolve your emotional moods into deeper states of positive feelings.

Discover 7 Musical Modes to Transform Difficult Emotions  

The seven musical modes are each named after an ancient Greek tribal community and made up of a specific constellation of seven musical intervals. When sounded or sung, the modes enable you to hear and feel a unique vibration as an emotional tone that can reveal your true feelings your soul wisdom.

In this way, a musical mode is akin to an emotional mood or state of being, such as happy or sad, light or dark.


When you sound the notes of the musical modes, with or without words, you open to a more vulnerable and freeing form of communication, as reactive thoughts and obsessive thinking disappear, opening you to the present moment and the language of your soul.

Your original reactive or negative emotion shifts into a more consciously expressed musical melody either happy or sad that can touch and heal your heart and soul through its expression and recognition.

You’re empowered to be heard from a deeper place within yourself, while also acknowledging and liberating the emotional state that got you there.

You also open up to your inner resources for healing, forgiveness, acceptance, appreciation, and understanding, as you awaken new ways to express yourself more freely, consciously, and compassionately through sound.

(Those who have studied with Chloë before will be interested to know that the musical modes are also made up of the musical scale she calls the Seven Sounds of Love, which expresses seven tonal energies located from the root to the crown of your body.)

You don’t have to have had any “musical” experience in the traditional “trained” sense, to understand or experience the musical modes. You just have to allow the sound of your emotions to lead you into a specific musical mode, or state of being, and the medicine of the sound to “sing you."

During this comprehensive 14-part training, you’ll:

  • Experience the connection between an emotional mood and a musical mode
  • Start to use your voice to gain self-awareness through “sound awareness,” uncovering hidden or suppressed emotions and expressing them through sound
  • Discover your body as a “musical instrument,” as you learn to voice the 7 Sounds of Love
  • Learn to hear and to improvise with the 7 musical modes (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian & Locrian) as transformative vibrational maps of the soul
  • Access open-heartedness as you navigate and express melodies of the Ionian mode
  • Master the art of simultaneously listening, observing, and engaging with an emotion as it arises, expressing and evolving its sound, without fear
  • Experience how the Dorian mode helps you to lighten up, and embrace uncertainty, confusion, and overwhelm
  • Discover how the Aeolian mode can shift depression into longing for a deeper union
  • Meditate on how the shadow and light emotions within you actually balance or generate friction in your life, to discern an essential action to be taken
  • Awaken and explore your heart-song resounding in the Lydian mode, as you let go of attachment to old stories
  • Learn how the Phrygian musical intervals can help you to transmute unresolved anger, shame, and blame into an intense, unstoppable creative energy & passion
  • Explore jazz and blues songs to hear how the Mixolydian mode melts your heart into an irresistible love song and sublime joy
  • Discover which mode is your vocal medicine
  • Explore and build a repertoire of your favorite songs and poems, and discover the modes they express
  • And much more...

Your Vocal Impulse Is To Heal & Transform

Your vocal impulse is an expression of your innate impulse to heal and transform personally and collectively...

In this 14-step vocal journey, you’ll learn to use the seven musical modes and their subtle musical intervals to awaken feelings inside that empower you to express yourself with greater energy and passion, subtlety and sensuality, clarity and compassion.

As you learn to explore and transform your emotions in this way, you discover how sounding your “moods into modes” also leads you into the healthier, happier realms of equilibrium, harmonic resonance, and stillness within.

You’ll discover how it can help you unmask and break through anxiety, anger, depression, grief, alienation, and overwhelm... far more quickly and effectively than merely talking about these feelings.

The latest research in neuromusicology shows that the emotional shift is physical as well, with studies monitoring that the brain “lights up” when subjects sound and sing.

And you needn’t be a singer or musician or even be able to carry a tune to practice this amazing form of musical homeopathy.

These homeopathic musical notes can help you uncover your true feelings, unveiling one to reveal and heal another. Beneath depression, for example, there’s often a deep longing.

Sounding out anger can reveal blocked creative energy that’s needed to take action and be of service. And isolation, once expressed, awakens our courage to connect in dynamic new ways with ourself and others.

The healing is in the doing. The sheer act of sounding relaxes your body-mind, and releases and helps transform negative emotions and the original “fear of separateness” beneath it all.

Be Guided by a World-Renowned Teacher of Sound Healing


Today, the transformative power of sound is recognized in the fields of psychology, medicine, new science, yoga, the arts, and education. Fascinating research is also happening within the relatively new discipline of neuromusicology, which is devoted to the measurement of real-time processes in the human brain while perceiving and creating sound.

In this comprehensive 14-part practicum, you’ll explore sound and voice as “initiation” and “vocation” in service toward creating a new language of consciousness, one through which your most authentic voice can be heard and the raw honesty of your truest feelings can be discovered, expressed, and explored.

With Chloë’s expert and compassionate guidance, you’ll learn to use your voice to illuminate your soul’s wisdom and the most sacred dimensions of your being, all the while, spontaneously deepening your connection to Source.

Chloë’s pioneering Naked Voice method helps people engage with their vocal impulse as both a spiritual practice and an art form, and encourages us to expand our “perceptual field” through our voice and sound awareness.

A world-renowned recording artist, Chloë is also a mystic who was trained in India to approach the voice as a vehicle for liberation and full expression. Her music expresses and illuminates how the voice and body serve together as an interconnected instrument for expressing the essence of your being.

The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum will include 10 modules of guided teachings led by Chloë, plus four special practice session, when you’ll be guided to practice your own vocal medicine.

These special practice sessions will allow you to deepen your experience of the material while also gaining valuable insights as you compassionately witness yourself.

This is not singing to impress, but singing to express. It is sound healing at the deepest level, emanating from the soul and nourishing every cell of your body, while also expanding your consciousness, your capacity to love, to be loved, and to live your life fully.

What You’ll Discover in These 14 Modules

In this 14-part transformational intensive, Chloë will guide you through befriending and shifting difficult emotions, releasing blocked energy, and healing old narratives to liberate your authentic Self through the healing sounds of your own voice.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Chloë. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to learn to sound seven musical modes that can reveal your emotional moods and help you to embody, express, and transform them for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Each module will be accompanied by at least one song, poem, melody line, or chant that communicates a specific sound, color, and mood highlighting the specific musical mode being explored.

If you have not experienced Chloë’s work before, you’re welcome to sign up for this intensive training and we will bundle in her introductory course Your Vocal Impulse for you which you can do before, or in parallel with, this more advanced program. This extra training is described below and is included in your registration.

Module 1: Discover 7 Musical Modes as Sound Medicine for Transforming Your Emotions (July 1)


In this first session, you’ll discover what a musical mode actually is, and how the energy field of your body is like a musical instrument made up of trillions of vibrating cells that bounce about to the ever-changing rhythms of your heartbeat and in concert with your emotional moods.

You’ll learn how your body-field is actually a musician-ship, and a “house of song” with the support of the Seven Sounds of Love, specific tonal energies or “musical chakras” that interconnect, align, and “tune-in” your instinctual body with your intuitive heart, mind, and soul. These tonal energies form a rising and falling sonic line of energy between the root and the crown of your body.

As you learn to navigate your mood swings into deeper feeling states through the sounding of the Seven Musical Modes, and the Seven Sounds of Love within them, you’ll start to experience your unique sound and singing voice as the true messenger and mouthpiece of the inner music inside you.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience the connection between an emotional mood and a musical mode
  • Start to use your voice to gain self-awareness through “sound awareness,” uncovering hidden or suppressed emotions and expressing them through sound
  • Discover your body as a “musical instrument,” as you learn to voice the 7 Sounds of Love
  • Take a tour of the 7 musical modes (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian)
  • Learn songs and a poem that can evoke happy or sad emotions inside you

Module 2: Opening to Innocence & Wonder Sounding the ‘Happy’ Ionian Mode (July 8)


The Ionian mode is the “happy” mode. As you work with it, you’ll discover a very open, magical scale, capable of igniting a deep sense of wonder, delight, and liberation from heavy feelings and emotions.

The “medicine” of this mode is naturally present in the visionary, the wise elder, and the child. It is free of tension. It invites us to be carefree and accepting of all, opens us to positive intentions, and inspires faith.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience an exercise in conscious breathing inspired by the Ionian mode
  • Access open-heartedness as you navigate and express melodies of the Ionian mode
  • Learn Chloë’s “Sound of Music” in the Ionian mode
  • Hear a poem to inspire a happy mood
  • Reflect on a memory where your Ionian spirit was strong
  • Practice the Ionian music scale with energy movements
  • Sing along with the Ionian Vibrational Map recording
  • Meditate on the positive acceptance of who you are

Practicum: Explore the ‘Happy’ Ionian Mode Through Song & Poetry (July 15)

Use your voice for healing and exploration as you sound, embody, and express the homeopathic notes of the musical modes.

You’ll also listen to and then sound the Ionian Vibrational Map practice together (with or without the accompanying recording).

These special practice sessions allow you to deepen your “sound healing” experience of the material through your voice, while also gaining valuable insights as you compassionately witness others’ progress, and in turn are compassionately witnessed yourself.

Module 3: Exploring Silence as a Stabilizer Which Deepens Your Connection to Sound (July 22)


Nonjudgmental listening and respect for silence are both essential requirements in strengthening your emotional and sound intelligence with the musical modes, as potent “sound keys” of your soul. At the root of this deep listening is an awareness, beneath duality, of your fundamental nature or consciousness.

This awareness can be strengthened by sounding the “unchanging note,” such as the sacred Aum sound. Sounding in this way enables you to become aware of the significant role that silence plays notably when your sounding stops creating a grounded presence within from where a musical relationship with your true voice can flourish.

You’ll discover the alchemy that takes place when your mind, soul, and spirit collaborate to awaken the music of your deep Self. When your interior witnessing mind is fully attentive, and in alignment with your intuitive heart, the infinite song of your spirit can arise from silence and return to silence once more.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Focus and strengthen your witnessing mind
  • Meditate on an emotion arising and expressing how it sounds, while simultaneously listening to yourself without judgement
  • Embody the energy movements of the 7 Sounds of Love without sounding them
  • Chant the sacred Aum to access your inner sound more deeply
  • Strengthen self-inquiry with questions such as, “Who is singing or sounding?”
  • Reflect on the stillness within you, and its presence in your life
  • Listen to the quality of silence that your voice leaves behind

Module 4: Sounding the Homeopathic Notes of the Aeolian Mode to Transform Depression (July 29)


The Aeolian mode, known as the “minor” key, is the antidote of the Ionian “major” key. This musical mode makes us feel a longing for that which we cannot name. It is a homeopathic healing remedy for depression, covering a range of melancholic emotional moods. Once heard, it can be a healing sound medicine for depression, unrequited love, alienation, lamenting, and longing. It is often used in Irish and Jewish music. The third and sixth flat notes color the emotional music of the Aeolian.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Sound the Aeolian mode, focusing especially on the third and sixth notes ascending and descending
  • Learn an Aeolian song, chant, and poem
  • Explore how the Aeolian mode visits, influences, and affects your everyday life
  • Honor the lamenting emotional mood of your soul by spontaneously improvising in the Aeolian
  • Practice the Aeolian Vibrational Map recording
  • Improvise spontaneously and express your Aeolian moods focusing on the notes that touch you most
  • Write a homage or love song to your experience of depression, yearning, lamenting, or that which you most long for

Practicum: Evolve Your Musical Mind by Sounding the Aeolian Mode (August 5)

Use your voice for healing and exploration as you sound, embody, and express the homeopathic notes of the musical modes.

You’re invited to share and strengthen your vocal medicine experiences, as you explore and sound the healing power of the Aeolian mode.

These special practice sessions allow you to deepen your experience of the material while also gaining valuable insights as you compassionately witness yourself.

Module 5: Discovering the Balancing Effects of the Dorian Mode for Opening to Uncertainty & Overwhelm (August 12)


The music of the Dorian mode dances between sad and happy musical notes, playing with these apparently opposing emotions of our nature. The sad nature of Dorian is emphasized by the third minor note, while the upper half of the Dorian scale has a happy nature and points us towards new horizons of possibility and a wider field of perception.

Sounding the Dorian mode allows you to explore ways, within one ascending and descending scale, to discover just how uncertain you are about a situation. It enables you to witness, balance, and embrace the lower mood with the higher happier musical mood. You can even begin to feel how “happy” and “sad” can actually complement, rather than oppose, each other.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Notice how your experience and expression of the Dorian mode changes on the ascending scale to the descending scale
  • Find out what it is about these musical intervals that enable you to lighten up, embrace, and integrate the lows and highs of your nature
  • Meditate on how the shadow and light emotions within you actually balance or generate friction in your life, and what new action is calling to be taken
  • Learn the positive music medicine of a Dorian dance song
  • Learn a Dorian folk song or chant
  • Notice which notes really move you within the scale and improvise a simple tune using just those musical notes
  • Meditate on how uncertainty visits you in your life

Module 6: Experiencing the Phrygian Mode as the Great Transformer of Anger & Despair (August 19)


The Phrygian mode has an Arabic or Spanish feel in color. When you invoke the notes, you can visualize a flamenco tango or some other impassioned situation of unstoppable fury and wanting. It is a great healer for the transformation of anger, lustful passion, the “dark night of the soul,” the depths of despair, and feelings of separation, and absence.

The notes of the Phrygian musical scale are all “flattened,” and when they resound together they generate a musical experience of fiery intensity and sensual pleasure fueled by the pressure towards a potentially devastating or self-annihilating outcome.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how the Phrygian musical intervals can help you to transmute unresolved emotions into intense, unstoppable creative energy
  • Familiarize yourself with this mode’s ascending and descending notes
  • Illuminate the fire of your creative passion by improvising within the scale
  • Ignite your fiery intention with a Phrygian song, chant, and prayer
  • Participate in sounding of the Phrygian Vibration Map recording

Practicum: Strengthen the Vocal Medicine of Your Soul With the Phrygian Mode (August 26)

Use your voice for healing and exploration as you sound, embody, and express the homeopathic notes of Phrygian mode and more.

You’re invited to weave your nonjudging presence with your self-observing mind as you vocalize, experience, and strengthen the musical medicine of your soul as it arises through your sounding of the Phrygian mode.

These special practice sessions allow you to deepen your experience of the material while also gaining valuable insights as you compassionately witness yourself.

Module 7: Transforming Fear Into Courage With the Irresistible, Open-Hearted, Compassionate Voice Medicine of the Lydian Mode (September 9)


The Lydian mode enables us to enter into the effortless grace of a new and heartfelt openness available in the musical landscape of the Lydian Soul. In contrast to the Phrygian mode, it is open and free of any tension even more so than the Ionian mode.

The Lydian mode is identical to the Ionian mode in every respect except for its sharp fourth musical note, which opens out ever further, and is, thus, a real antidote to the dark realms of Phrygian. This emphasis on the sharpened fourth note was called the “devil in music” by the Christian church for a period of time felt to be so joyous and happy that it was abolished by the church as being too “dangerous” to sing. Such is the potency of this vocal sound!

In this module, you’ll learn practices to:

  • Discover what it feels like to shift from the dark absence of the Phrygian mode into the light-hearted presence and all-inclusiveness of Lydian mode
  • Discover the “heretical” musical note that was known as the “devil in music” because of how it pries your heart open irrevocably
  • Learn an uplifting anthem in Lydian
  • Explore ways to improvise and hear yourself in this new dimension of vocal experience, as you let go of attachment to old stories
  • Create a poem or song that emphasizes the transformative fourth musical interval in Lydian
  • Participate in the Lydian Vibrational Map recording

Module 8: Awakening the Energies of Inner Peace & Sublime Joy Through the Healing Sounds of the Mixolydian Mode (September 16)


Discover the simple and luminous beauty of this musical mode and how it can simultaneously raise your spirits to new heights and ignite a very warm “bluesy” feeling inside you. This music brings you home to the source of your true self with a love that melts the heart and helps unify your higher aspirations with your grounded purpose on earth.

The Mixolydian mode will awaken your soul in refreshing ways. Its unique impact is created by the diminished seventh note, while all its other ascending-descending notes duplicate the Ionian mode.

This musical mode was used a lot by the acclaimed German visionary, abbess, and spiritual healer Hildegard von Bingen of medieval times, whose inspired singing voice and compositions are still enjoyed and sung today. She was sublimely inspired to dedicate her anthems to the Divine Mother as the spiritual embodiment of Mother Earth. You’ll experience, as Hildegard did, how sounding the Mixolydian mode instils a deep sense of inner peace, self-containment, and unconditional presence.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Embody sublime joy through your vocal sounding of the Mixolydian mode
  • Learn melodic phrases that emphasize the erotic, bluesy seventh note in the mode
  • Listen and learn one of Hildegard von Bingen’s anthems, “Mother of All Joy”
  • Explore jazz and blues songs to hear how this mode can melt your heart into an irresistible, sensual love song

Practicum: Sounding Healing Musical Notes for More Courage & Joy (September 23)

Use your voice for healing and exploration as you sound, embody, and express the homeopathic notes of the Lydian and Mixolydian modes.

You’re invited to become aware of the essential presence of Discernment-Devotion-Determination, as you weave your nonjudging presence with your self-observing and intuitive mind and vocalize, experience, and strengthen the healing medicine of these modes as they transform fear and encourage joy.

These special practice sessions allow you to deepen your experience of the material while also gaining valuable insights as you compassionately witness yourself.

Module 9: Surrendering to the Unknown, Allowing Disorientation, & Opening to Your Deepest Truth With the Healing Notes of the Locrian Mode (September 30)


The healing music of the Locrian mode opens you to an entirely “unknown way,” beyond any understanding of it. The medicine of Locrian mode is activated by the minor fifth note, which has been fixed and unchanging in all the other musical modes. The musical intervals of the Locrian activate a whole new spectrum of sound, opening up a landscape of listening, being, and becoming that awakens the formlessness of Being and the unknown way. As the mystic says, “There is no path; you make it by walking.” Chloe would say, “You make the path by sounding your spirit, or rather, letting your Spirit sound within you, and beyond you.”

Locrian calls us to become true expressions of our evolution, crafting a new story and a true way of Being that is emotionally fulfilling, unconditionally accepting and generous, and in relationship with our deepest truth.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the Locrian mode as a musical medicine for disorientation, as a gateway into union with your Deep Self
  • Sound the notes of the Locrian to experience a landscape of listening, being, and becoming as you open to the formlessness of Being
  • Experience this mode as vocal medicine for surrendering to the unknown and opening to your deepest truth
  • Learn new melodies, songs, prayers, and poems that evoke the emotionally fulfilling nature of this healing musical mode

Module 10: Celebrating Your Wisdom Voice Where Sound Becomes Your Gift to the World (October 7)


In this final module, we celebrate the transformative impact of your Vocal Impulse.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The transformative impact of contacting our individual Vocal Impulse
  • Our courageous journeys on Earth inspired by our authentic voices
  • The return of our original sound, speech, and songs of unification & co-creation
  • The collective evolution that is possible as we sound a new world into Being

Your Vocal Impulse Introductory Training Is Included!


This intensive builds upon the core teachings from Your Vocal Impulse 7-module course. When you purchase the full intensive, you get access to this powerful resource as well! You can complete this material at your leisure, but it’s better to begin before the new sessions start.

In this 7-module transformational course, Chloë skillfully guides you through a rigorous range of core vocal practices and sound initiation. She will challenge you to find out, express, and give voice as an individual and as part of a collective field to the vocal impulse that is your birthright.

Each module is accompanied by a meditative or energy movement, a poem, a love song, and a devotional chant or sacred mantra that highlights the specific mood, emotional energy, or mode of consciousness for that session.

Each training session builds harmoniously upon the previous, so you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to use your voice as an instrument for sound healing and a powerful vehicle for self-exploration and spiritual evolution.

Module 1: The Vocal Impulse Your Initiation Into a Quantum Voice Experience

Module 2: Your Inner Voice Where Silence, Sound & the Witness Meet

Module 3: Your Longing Voice Responding to the Call of Your Soul

Module 4: Your Instinctual Voice Where Sound Meets Intention

Module 5: Your Heart Voice Empowering Your Intuitive Mind

Module 6: Your Medicine Voice Where Sound Befriends & Heals All Parts of You

Module 7: Your Wisdom Voice Where Sound Becomes Your Gift to the World

PLUS, you’ll get Your Vocal Impulse Bonus Collection

Seven Sounds of Love
PDF Book Chapter From Chloë Goodchild

Sound Awareness: An Everyday Singing Practice
Audio Album From Chloë Goodchild

Both at the Same Time: We Are Conditioned & Unconditioned
Audio Dance Track From Chloë’s Acclaimed Album Fierce Wisdom

The Vocal Impulse original price was $297.00, but is included in your registration for the advanced course.

The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum Bonus Collection

(Valued at $200.00!)

In addition to Chloë’s introductory training and transformative 14-part virtual course, you’ll receive these bonus materials. These bonuses complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Modal Awareness: A Daily Vocal Practice 6 Musical Modes
Daily Vocal Practice Album From Chloë Goodchild With Orchestral Arrangement by David Lord


Modal Awareness offers initial vocal tools with which to place and pitch your voice, ultimately for a richer, deeper, more sensual, subtle and creative relationship with your voice and landscape of your soul, through sound spoken and sung.

Originally named after ancient Greek tribal communities, these musical modes take you on a journey through six different musical scales, each one evoking a unique emotional “mood” that gradually awakens you through your voice to the “inner music” of your soul.

These six ascending-descending call-and-refrain modal patterns, are in two parts with and without percussion respectively. You can choose which you prefer. They enable you to familiarize yourself with your singing voice, with the support of these safe and simple, ascending-descending musical scales, at different speeds. Discover as you rise and fall with each musical mode, the ease of expressing your voice, supported by the Indian mantric sounds.

The Sounds of Your Soul
3 Modules From the Video Course From Chloë Goodchild


In this 3-module excerpt from Chloë’s transformational 7-part Shift Network course, Chloë will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to begin to access the healing tonal energies to express your truest Self and embody profound love and compassion. You’ll be introduced to the “Soul Sounds,” using your voice, a meditative movement, and an intention to help you integrate what you’re learning. You’ll develop a basic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to sound these tonal energies for deeper levels of spiritual awareness.

Seven Sounds of Love
Video From Chloë Goodchild


Chloë explains and demonstrates the energy movement for the fundamental practice of the Seven Sounds of Love. This video is an exclusive Shift Network offering and will enhance your experience with the course materials.

Seven Sounds of Love
PDF Book Chapter


This chapter from Chloë’s book, The Naked Voice: Transform Your Life Through the Power of Sound, is a foundational teaching from Chloë and will be an indispensable guide and reference for you.

Liberate Your Authentic Voice: Discover the Sound of Your Soul
Audio Dialogue With Chloë Goodchild Hosted by Sabrina Chaw


In this audio dialogue, Chloë Goodchild shares how the wisdom of the authentic voice spoken, sung, or silent bridges divides, honors the shadow, retrieves lost voices, embraces opposites, inspires interconnectedness, and restores the sound of undivided wholeness.

During this heart- (and voice!)-opening session, you’ll discover:

  • Deep listening practices to enable you to hear yourself without judgement
  • How to express your soul, through spoken and sung voice, with authenticity and grace
  • An expanding awareness of the power of your sound for personal and global transformation

What Graduates of Chloë’s Courses Are Saying...

“Now my voice is clear, strong, and even beautiful.”

Chloë is phenomenal and has a true gift of bringing out your authentic soul voice. Her teaching is beautifully feminine, of which any walk of life could relate to, even us "non-singers." Now my voice is clear, strong, and even beautiful. Thank you so much, Chloë!
Daisy Pongrakthai, Kettle Falls, Washington

“... in such a short time I encountered my true voice...”

The beauty and subtlety of the experience of learning to listen and trust what is unraveling in my depths while allowing the fixations and chatter of my ego to be emptied with compassion and unconditional regard was truly liberating. It’s amazing how in such a short time I encountered my true voice and resonance with a mixed community of peoples from all over the globe. It inspires me hereon to receive people I meet from this authenticity, and to resonate with them the truth that defines what is meaningful and creative in our relationships and lives together as a community.
Marisa, Manila, Philippines

“... helped me release pressures and criticisms...”

In this spectacular course, Chloë gave me a gift that I treasure greatly. These three words “Express, not impress” have impacted my life, and have helped me release pressures and criticisms in favor of fluid, honest expression.
Marisa Brenizer, California

“Chloë can bring your voice out without any pressure.”

This course encouraged self-expression and the power of my own sound in daily life. I discovered that the more work I did the more happiness and connection I felt throughout the day. I recommend this course for the easiness in communicating with others from around the globe. Chloë can bring your voice out without any pressure.
Jessica Boeters, United Kingdom

“... different and unique from conventional singing lessons.”

I was able to find and allow myself to unleash the deepest and purest me, the unknown of my soul in being able to express happiness, contentment, and peace through the new discovery of my voice with the singing practices of this course. Chloë’s practices and teachings are different and unique from conventional singing lessons. The feelings I experienced were real, raw, and authentic, and unleashed the naked, pure sound in me.
Elke Ch. Lackner, Brisbane, Australia

“I love the empowerment of my own authentic self.”

The powerful working of the singing field brought me connection to like-minded people. To be able to work on my own healing through singing and poetry. I love the empowerment of my own authentic self.
Karin Baumans, Netherlands

“... wonderful experiential exercises...”

This course was rich and inspiring. Chloë has exciting and original ideas about exploring your voice and learning to use it spontaneously to express your true self... There are wonderful experiential exercises, stimulating interaction with other enthusiastic participants, and Chloë provides excellent feedback to all of us in the group sharing online. Highly recommended!
Debra, Bellingham, Washington

“... I learned how to reach deeper into my soul...”

Chloë is the real thing, so authentic, loving, and awake, and so willing to share her amazing talent. I loved this course because I learned how to reach deeper into my soul voice and how to let it sing to me from a place of truth. The mantras are very beautiful and easy to learn.

“... find confidence in using your voice...”

Finding your soul voice is incredibly therapeutic. Chloë has captured an aspect of sounding the voice that allows one to go deep within, to unearth old stuff and find confidence in using your voice in whatever capacity you’re looking for. It’s both literal and figurative in finding your voice... Thanks, Chloë and Shift, for the great team effort.
Rose, Green Bay, Wisconsin

“... struck chords within that continue to resound...”

This course has allowed me to go deeply into the work of uncovering the voice and to witness the truth of where it comes from. The work has struck chords within that continue to resound so I can only choose to continue the journey. I can only imagine how peaceful Earth will be when everyone has been touched by this work.
Patricia, Phoenix, Arizona

“... I could begin to really liberate my voice...”
[The course] was an inspiration for me. I’ve tried singing my whole life, but have not been able to fully open my throat and sing with the freedom and power I desire. Chloë’s instruction gave me an example and many “how to” techniques, so I could begin to really liberate my voice. This course was helpful and a joy for me and I’d recommend it to anyone who desires to experience more freedom in their self-expression.
Daniel Bushnell, Santa Monica, California

“I feel more free and at the same time more grounded...”

I feel more free and at the same time more grounded with my vocal expression, more myself and at the same time less attached to “me.” I love the simple practices I can do every day and how much impact they have, adjusting my energies every time I do one (or more) of them.
Sonja, Germany

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Ten 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Chloë Goodchild

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with international singer, educator, voice pioneer, and author Chloë Goodchild from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to befriend and shift difficult emotions, release blocked energy, and heal old narratives to liberate your authentic Self through the healing sounds of your own voice.


Ten PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.


Your Vocal Impulse 7-Module Course and Bonuses

When you sign up for this 14-step journey, you’ll get instant access to Chloë’s 7-module online course, Your Vocal Impulse, which takes you through a rigorous range of core vocal practices and sound initiation. You’ll also receive the bonus collection, which includes a PDF book chapter, an audio album, and an audio dance track from Chloë.

The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum Bonus Collection

  • Modal Awareness: A Daily Vocal Practice 6 Musical Modes
    Daily Vocal Practice Album From Chloë Goodchild With Orchestral Arrangement by David Lord
  • The Sounds of Your Soul
    3 Modules From the Video Course From Chloë Goodchild
  • Seven Sounds of Love
    Video From Chloë Goodchild
  • Seven Sounds of Love
    PDF Book Chapter
  • Liberate Your Authentic Voice: Discover the Sound of Your Soul
    Audio Dialogue With Chloë Goodchild Hosted by Sabrina Chaw

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum Virtual Training

We feel honored that Chloë Goodchild has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with an international singer, educator, voice pioneer, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Chloë’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about befriending and transforming painful emotions and past wounds with healing sound practices that cultivate a relationship with your natural voice, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum with Chloë Goodchild or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Chloë Goodchild...

“... a spectacular genius...”

Chloë’s subtle voice work opens the heart. She is a spectacular genius of this teaching art. She is at the core of a fascinating phenomenon that is allowing individuals to find their truth and freedom through the creative process of voice and sound.
Coleman Barks, Author of Rumi: Soul Fury

“... a unique and empowering vocal technique...”

Chloë has perfected a unique and empowering vocal technique accessible to everyone. In all my research with nonviolent and creative communication skills, I have never experienced this ability to effortlessly generate such a range and depth of human feeling and expression with such spontaneity, courage, and compassion. Chloë is dedicated to recovering the wisdom of the human spirit, in a way that is profound and unique for our times.
Scilla Elworthy, PhD, Niwano Peace Prize winner, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and author of Pioneering the Possible

“... penetrates to the bone.”

Chloë Goodchild’s clarity of tone both in her music and in her books penetrates to the bone. I revel in both her songs and words, especially when she surrenders to the mystery of devotion.
Gangaji, spiritual teacher and author of Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story

“Chloë has a voice of mesmerizing purity.”

Chloë has a voice of mesmerizing purity. She possesses one of the freest spirits I have ever seen on stage.
Juliet Stevenson, Actor

“... she sings wild!”

Chloë looks like a nun, but she sings wild!
Angelo Badalamenti, film composer

“She transformed my simple notes into something magnificent...”

Working with Chloë and her amazing voice was magical. She transformed my simple notes into something magnificent and wild and heartrendingly beautiful. No other singer has ever matched her performance for me.
Elizabeth Parker, Composer

“... helped to catapult me over the edge.”

Chloë’s course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.
Evelyn Ward de Roo, contemplative musician and music facilitator

“... awakens the pure power of light in the realm of song and chant.”

Chloë Goodchild awakens the pure power of light in the realm of song and chant. Her gentle vocal revelations invite the wisdom of beauty to unfold and awaken our hearts. I cherish her tender guidance in these deep and cheer-filled lessons of song and life.
Don Campbell, Author of The Mozart Effect

“... a range that one would have believed impossible.”

Out of nowhere, Chloë Goodchild’s naked voice soar[s] with a range that one would have believed impossible.
Times Literary Supplement

“Chloë Goodchild’s music is a new force for peace.”

Ben Okri, Author of The Famished Road

“Chloë, you are the voice of creation!”

James O’Dea , Author of Cultivating Peace

About Chloë Goodchild


Chloë Goodchild is an international singer, innovatory educator, author, and founder of The Naked Voice (1990) and its UK Charitable Foundation (2004), dedicated to the realization of compassionate communication in all realms of human life. Deafness in childhood catalyzed Chloë’s deep encounter with her inner self, and began a lifetime’s experiential research into the voice as a catalyst for personal evolution and global transformation.

A life-changing experience in 1990 inspired the unique method of sound and voice that Chloë named The Naked Voice. Her memoir, The Naked Voice: Journey to the Spirit of Sound, tells the story of these formative early years. Chloë’s recent book, The Naked Voice: Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound, is an instructional guide that introduces the essential teachings of The Naked Voice.

Chloë teaches and performs internationally. Her singing can be heard on a range of albums, available online. Her music is inspired by ancient and modern-world genres, sacred chants, anthems, love songs, and poetry across a wide spectrum of human feeling, including much laughter. Audiences discover their own voices in spontaneous ways which expand and flow, generating a unified field of awareness, or Singing Field.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum
Chloë Goodchild