With Andean Medicine Man
Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

An 11-Module On-Demand Video Training

Explore the seven starlight rays and powerful healing essences of the Pleiades through rituals, journeys, and ceremonies to awaken the Sacred Feminine here on Earth... and within your own soul.

With a global pandemic, social unrest, and economic uncertainty, these times are challenging in many ways.

Yet, did you know we’re also living in the era of the Goddess the Sacred Feminine?

Indigenous peoples have long looked to the stars, the ancestors, and Mother Earth and her animals for wisdom….

... and to connect deeply with the purifying and balancing energies of the Sacred Feminine the life, death, and rebirth cycles of nature and the cosmos.

Alas, the Sacred Feminine has gone missing from the prominent place she deserves in our culture...

Now is the perfect time to address the longtime imbalances in our masculine-dominated societies, turning the tables on practices that have depleted and scarred the Earth, and incited tensions throughout the collective.

An ideal way to begin your journey is with Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona in his new 11-part video course.

He’ll guide you to explore and awaken the Sacred Feminine using empowering rituals, ceremonies, and teachers including powerful healing essences of the seven starlight rays (associated with the seven stars of the Pleiades constellation) and spirit animals from the four directions.

The Pleiades’ potent energies are illuminated in a rainbow of light rays, which each hold different powers. They can help us find balance here on Earth by reminding us where we came from, awakening our sense of purpose, and helping us create with wise intention.

As you tap into the wisdom, strength, and resiliency of these ancient healing practices, you’ll illuminate your own existence and gain new insights into your calling.

Join us to discover how the Cosmic Goddess forces of the Pleiades can guide you in awakening and healing the Sacred Feminine within yourself and within humanity… and experience potent guided practices to open to the transformative flow of the feminine.

Throughout your 11 modules in this transformational intensive, Puma will teach ancient practices from his lineage from the Andean Highlands...

The ancient rituals he’ll share can help you tap into deep reservoirs of gratitude, joy, and celebration... and bring your ultimate purpose in life into sharper focus.

You’ll call on Pachamama (Mother Earth) and spirit animals, and connect with your own ancestors to embody potent energies for transforming your life and our world.

During this life-affirming new intensive with Puma, you’ll:

  • Call in powerful spirit animals from the 4 directions for wisdom, strength, and resilience
  • Explore the powerful truth that you are a seed planted by the Cosmic Gardeners it's how you became the Tree of Life
  • Learn how to communicate with ancestors, and how ancestry has elements that are biological, cosmic, and beyond
  • Be guided in your awakening by the Cosmic Goddess forces of the Pleiades, healing the Sacred Feminine within yourself and aiding its healing in our world
  • Find your way in these uncertain times with the 7 starlight rays, each of which is associated with one star of the Pleiades and one color of the rainbow
  • Participate in ceremonies, rituals, and practices to connect with, nurture, and celebrate the power of Mother Earth
  • Discover why receiving life’s joys for yourself isn’t enough to truly BE love (for yourself and others), you’ll need to share it… as you inspire others to feel loved in return
  • Connect with the power of the Crystal Condor (sent to a soul that has transitioned)
  • Receive what Puma calls shamanic tools throughout the course potent rituals to illuminate this powerful healing work
  • Present offerings including chocolate, wine, flowers, and more to Pachamama in all 4 directions
  • Assist in powerful healing for the Sacred Masculine in support of the rising of the Sacred Feminine… to bring them into balance

What You’ll Discover in These 11 Modules

In this 11-step transformational intensive, Puma will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to call in the Goddess and align with the Divine Feminine in this new era.

This course features teachings, training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Puma. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to explore rituals and journeys to awaken the Sacred Feminine here on Earth and within your own soul.

We have bundled in his introductory course, Andean Shamanic Rituals to Synchronize Your Life Path With the Cosmos, for you which you can do before, or in parallel with, this more advanced program. This extra training is described below and is included in your registration.

Module 1: Celebrating the Sacred Feminine & the Era of the Goddess (March 10)

In this opening module, Puma will help you get grounded in the powerful truth that we’re living in the era of the Goddess the Sacred Feminine.

He’ll welcome you to the Rainbow Bridge of the Stars…

In the Inca tradition, each star of the Pleiades was known as a storehouse a  celestial “granary” where seeds of possibilities and potentials are stored.

As you connect with the stars, you’ll align with one, your own personal storehouse (Qolqa), and receive the power of that ray. 

Puma will share how to choose yourself to be a Seed of New Humanity.

You’ll also move through a process where you’ll discern what your gifts are, and whether your essence is love, happiness, or wisdom.

In this first module, you’ll discover:

  • An introduction to the sacred 7 rays of the Goddess a ceremony celebrating the rising of the Divine Feminine by consciously connecting with the 7 stars (referred to as goddesses in Incan times) of the Pleiades
  • The true meaning of the awakening of Goddess energy
  • How each of the 7 stars is a storehouse full of the seeds for life: an abundance of love, health, wisdom, luck, fortune, and more
  • How the Red Ray (Allin Kausay), which corresponds to the Healthy Life and the first star, has the power to bring you a life of vitality and a harmonizing relationship with the feminine
  • How the Orange Ray (Kanchay Kausay), also known as the Golden Ray (Qori Kanchay), which corresponds to the Enlightened Life and the second star, can help you feel beyond blessed as you deepen your self-realization
  • How you can guide and support the awakening process of the feminine (as Puma puts it, you’ll help her shine so brightly, she’s almost blinding!)
  • A deepening practice to connect with the portal guardians of the East
  • A daily practice to connect with the rising sun

Module 2: Living an Awakened Life Consciousness & Abundance to Support Our Lives (March 17)

In this session, Puma will introduce you to a powerful healing energy transmission.

You’ll discover how the true meaning of a rich life requires the powerful energy of manifestation. Puma will guide you to discern what you need.

He’ll also explain how the practice of conscious manifestation clears away misery and doubts.

And you’ll receive the first of your shamanic tools techniques to assist your progress on your spiritual path.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How the power of the Yellow Ray (Qapac Kausay), which corresponds to the Rich Life and the third star, can connect you with good health and happiness, as well as a place to live that supports your life... and that you can generously share
  • How the Green Ray (Riqchay Kausay), which corresponds to the Awakened Life and the fourth star, can help you live a fully conscious existence
  • How you can sleep to dream while still conscious
  • Powerful healing energy to help you better serve others
  • Your first shamanic tool of the course a 3- to 5-minute breathwork practice to connect where you’re receiving energy from, so you can transmit it
  • How to begin a conversation with your powerful healing guide your Apu
  • A deepening practice to connect with the portal guardians of the South
  • A powerful practice to connect with Pachamama

Module 3: Blessing the Journey of Your Soul (March 24)

What was your original intention for arriving in this life?

During this class, Puma will guide you to discern what your soul is experiencing as a transcendental being... so you can reconnect with your soul’s original intention. 

When you’re fully connected to this intention, you’ll find that you’re always sharing happiness, joy, wisdom, hope, and messages of bliss wherever you go. 

As you tap into the original essence of your soul and spirit, you’ll bring harmony into your life along with a more intimate, close, and loving relationship with everyone around you.

Puma will urge you to ask yourself whether you’re flirting with life. What’s missing? What do you need to bring sweetness into your life?

Are you too busy taking on the worries of the world? 

Out of every longing you’ve fulfilled in your life, what are you most happy about and how are you sharing this?

Puma will also guide you through a delicate process of grieving, as you celebrate the journey of the souls that have transitioned… and support your own soul journey with Crystal Condor, connecting with Ayni (your original intention). 

In this module, you’ll:

  • Work with the Blue Ray (Mishky Kausay), which corresponds to the Sweet Life and the fifth star, for a life of compassion, solidarity, and loving relationships
  • Explore the power of the Indigo Ray (Kusi Kausay), which corresponds to the Happy Life and the sixth star, for a life of joy, gratitude, and fulfillment
  • Discover why receiving life’s joys for yourself isn’t enough to truly BE love (for yourself and others) you’ll need to share it… as you inspire others to feel loved in return
  • Learn to cultivate a happy life that fulfills your dreams and goals while leaving room to celebrate
  • Receive a deepening practice to work with and connect with the portal guardians of the West, as you examine the process of grieving during vulnerable times when you need to take care of yourself
  • Connect with the power of the Crystal Condor (sent to a soul that has transitioned)
  • Receive your second shamanic tool, a ritual featuring white flowers and an altar for Pachamama
  • Be given a deepening practice to celebrate yourself you’ll treat yourself to a delicious meal… something that makes you feel sweet and happy

Module 4: Becoming Responsible & Accountable for Your Mission in Life Bringing Healing & Transformation (March 31)

This session is all about being responsible for your presence.

Puma will share how you’re witnessing, and are being witnessed, as life unfolds all around you.

Ayni, your original intention, is to be in both service and love. When you live a life that’s full of love, you’re acknowledged, adored, and witnessed by the Cosmic Guardians.

As Puma will explain, your life is not happening at random. Everything is being “counted” and accounted for. Every thought, word, action, moment of gratitude everything you express from the depth of your heart… you’re responsible for it all.

Puma will show you how to take nothing for granted in this life and share the powerful truth that while nothing is yours, everything is for you.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The Violet Ray (Yupaq Kausay), which corresponds to the Sacred Life and the seventh star, so that you can give an account of your life’s legacy to the Divine
  • The fact that every breath you take in is a service to yourself, family, and community
  • The way you affect both the macrocosmos and the microcosmos every time you breathe out
  • Puma’s third shamanic tool, a ritual to visualize yourself being called and needed and discovering where you can best be of service
  • Your “Being Needed Call” projecting yourself to manifest your plans, projects, and mission on this planet
  • Your connection with Pachatata (Cosmic Father) as you build a strong communion with the Sacred Masculine, you’ll automatically heal the Sacred Masculine within… and all the men in your life from all generations
  • Ways to make the time to connect with the masculine
  • A deepening practice to connect with the portal guardians of the North 
  • An exercise to connect with the Cosmic Father

Module 5: Listening to Yourself as You Breathe In & Out (April 7)

Especially in an advanced course, it’s essential to reflect on each new concept you’re learning and refining, so you can welcome it in as a new part of your life.

In this integration session with Q&A, you’ll contemplate the questions that arise for a bit longer, allowing the answers to arrive to you, directly from the Divine Origins.

This session is the perfect time to contemplate the tools and practices that have spoken to you the most so far. You’ll reflect on what you’ve learned and continue putting it all into action.

In this integration module, you’ll:

  • Ask Puma your questions during an extended Q&A session
  • Share your reflections with your fellow participants and hold space as they share their own thoughts
  • Receive wise guidance from Puma
  • Move deeper into the experiences you’ve had in this course so far

Module 6: Your Powerful Connection With Ancestors Being the Tree of Life (April 14)

When you connect to your ancestors, you’re actually experiencing and transcending what they once prayed for and visualized.

And when you connect with the medicine of the Tree of Life, you’ll see how the ancestors are the Cosmic Gardeners tending to the fertilization of these times...

In this session, you’ll discover the soul journey of humanity.

Puma will share how the nature of the seed and the Tree of Life were created through the foundation of the ancestors’ prayers  and that their light is what blesses us.

As you connect with the ancestors, you’ll receive more blessings and realize that you will become the ancestors for future generations. Your prayers are creating fertile ground for them.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Be introduced to Mallki ancestral medicine, and hear the story of how your heart is being planted as a seed
  • Explore the powerful truth that you are a seed planted by the Cosmic Gardeners it’s how you became the Tree of Life
  • Learn how to communicate with ancestors, and how ancestry has elements that are biological, cosmic, and beyond
  • Discover how to be a leader when you arrive physically to a power place the energetic center of your life
  • Learn about the Illas (ancestral spirits)
  • Explore rays of light that come from your ancestors and connect with them through breathing and visualization
  • Discover how to anchor ancestors to a sacred space
  • Understand the practices and concepts of Puriy (the pilgrim path), Rimay (the power of words for manifestation), Rikuy (activating the third eye to access clarity and vision), and Chakay (being a bridge)
  • Learn how to use a white stone or crystal to connect with ancestors
  • A meditation deepening practice to visualize and sense your ancestors, and to share your life journey with gratitude and blessings

Module 7: Manifesting in the Playground of Life (April 21)

When you connect with your innocence, you connect with the purest part of yourself.

During this class, you’ll discover how, from that place of purity, you can create the most amazing miracles for your life.

As Puma will explain, the first thing you need to do is connect with your playful inner child, always full of wonder and curiosity, and start playing the life you want to manifest.

When you connect to your inner child, you connect with the purest part of yourself. Innocence is one of the highest frequency energies you’ll discover how you can create from this essence and be in flow.

Some people mistake being in touch with your inner child as naiveté but it actually means you’re open to receiving all wisdom.

From this vibration, you can create and manifest a wonderful life.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The Puqllay Inka Ceremony of Abundance
  • A connection to the cosmic storehouse of the Pleiades
  • How to synthesize the 7 storehouses and what each star/goddess is associated with
  • How to become conscious of what these stars can bring to you
  • Puma’s review of all 7 Sisters, calling on them by name
  • A deepening practice: Puqllay (Become the Child), where you’ll gather the elements for your life through play
  • How to call on the 7 stars our Cosmic Godmothers and ask them to bless this ceremony of Puqllay

Module 8: Accessing the Power of the Goddess Energy (April 28)

In this session, you’ll commune with the most powerful Goddess energies and with Pachamama.

Puma will guide you to become conscious of the feminine forces that have the power to give new life, or to help with rebirth.

As you’ll discover, connecting to these forces opens up your power to experience a fertile life.

In this era of the rising of the Sacred Feminine, we’re in a time that has been prophesied. The time is now for you to live an awakened life that includes nurturing from the feminine.

This nurturing connection activates the Sacred Feminine within you, and can come from Mother Earth and from working with Sacred Feminine allies.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover why working with the feminine is so essential for healing and forgiveness
  • Experience the Sacred Feminine awakening, acknowledging, and empowering the Goddess within
  • Learn about the power of presence
  • Work with the Lloqe, the left side of our 2 polarities, anchoring the Sacred Feminine from the cosmos to the Goddess within
  • Learn how to call on powerful Sacred Goddess energy to bless your inner Sacred Feminine
  • Participate in a deepening practice where you’ll work with planet Venus (bring a black stone if you have one!)

Module 9: Accessing the Energy of the Sacred Masculine in Honor of the Sacred Feminine (May 5)

We all have the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine within. Our Sacred Feminine is awakening, and our Sacred Masculine needs healing. 

During this class, you’ll become more conscious of the power of the Sacred Masculine as an ever-flowing, powerful source of healing energy.

It’s important to build a communion with the Divine Masculine, represented by the Sun and the community of suns that is the Milky Way.

The Sacred Masculine must now arise and wake up with the Sacred Feminine, specifically supporting this energy as a steward, guardian, and witness of the Sacred Feminine awakening.

You’ll discover how the masculine is working on liberation, self-forgiveness, and learning to be present.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The Sacred Masculine’s healing process
  • How to assist in powerful healing for the Sacred Masculine in support of the rising of the Sacred Feminine… to bring them into balance
  • How to be guided by the feminine to be present with time to move, flow, and heal the relationship with the masculine within
  • How to work with the Paña, the right side of our 2 polarities, anchoring the Sacred Masculine (bring a white stone if you have one)
  • The science behind working with both sides of an altar
  • A deepening practice to call on the power of the sun, recognize its daily cycle, and consciously receive and participate in its cycle

Module 10: The True Healing Process  Transcending Your Limitations (May 12)

In your final integration session with Q&A, you’ll contemplate any limitations you may be attached to and reflect on how they prevent you from living your life to the fullest.

Puma will share how you can experience true healing by detaching from and transcending limited beliefs about yourself and the world around you.

In this module, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Ask Puma your questions during an extended Q&A session
  • Share your reflections with your fellow participants and hold space as they share their own thoughts
  • Receive wise guidance from Puma
  • Move deeper into the experiences you’ve had on your journey through this course

Module 11: Anchoring Your Sacred Life Mission, Intentions & Service Into a Community Altar (May 19)

In this final class, you’ll create sacred and powerful protection for Pachamama, our land, and our community...

These will exist as powerful protections for generations to come.

You’ll tap into the depth of your heart and the needs of your community to best be of service.

Puma will guide you through creating the ultimate protection of the Paqo (high priest/priestess) and accessing your higher self to create a power offering.

As this course comes to a close, you’ll feel a profound anchoring into your highest self.

In this closing module, you’ll create:

  • A community altar
  • 4 protective energetic centers around your home guided by the 4 directions
  • A vertical masculine vortex (Apacheta) and masculine polarity altar with 4 to 7 stones
  • A circular feminine vortex (Ñawi) and feminine polarity altar with 4 to 7 stones
  • Offerings to Pachamama in all 4 directions featuring chocolate, wine, flowers, and more

Andean Shamanic Rituals to Synchronize Your Life Path With the Cosmos Introductory Training Is Included!

This intensive builds upon the core teachings from the Andean Shamanic Rituals to Synchronize Your Life Path With the Cosmos 7-module course. When you purchase the full 11-part intensive, you get access to this powerful resource as well! You can complete this material at your leisure, but it’s better to begin before the new sessions start.

In this 7-module transformational course, Puma skillfully guides you through a clear, reliable system for expanding your ability to uncover alchemic treasures as you go on shamanic journeys of the spirit and soul where you’ll be transformed by the wisdom of nature, gain clarity, and learn to love yourself unconditionally.

In seven sessions, Puma will guide you through Andean shamanic journeys to the past to find alchemic treasures to transform your life today.

Each training session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll move through powerful Andean rituals that once facilitated deep transformations for our ancestors to bring such shifts into your life today.

Module 1: Living a Ritual of Love & Gratitude You’re Always in Ceremony

Module 2: Synchronizing Your Life Program With the Cosmic Program

Module 3: Self-Realization The First Step in Being of Service on This Planet

Module 4: Healing Yourself & Our Pachamama

Module 5: Becoming the Crystal Condor & Soaring Free Through the Stars

Module 6: Calling on Pachamama, the Chief of All Ceremonies

Module 7: Becoming a Leader in This New Consciousness Caring for Our Planet & Future Generations

PLUS, you’ll get the Andean Shamanic Rituals Bonus Collection

Bonus #1

Inka Shamanism
Video Dialogue With Mallku Aribalo and Michael Stone

Bonus #2

Wisdom of the 4 Powerful Andean Essences
Video Teaching From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Bonus #3

Messages From the Sacred Oracle
Video Experience of a Collective Coca Leaf Reading With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

The original price of Andean Shamanic Rituals to Synchronize Your Life Path With the Cosmos on its own was $297.00, but it’s INCLUDED in your registration for the advanced course!

The Andean Shamanic Journeys & Rituals Bonus Collection

In addition to Puma’s introductory training and transformative 11-part virtual course, you’ll receive powerful bonus sessions to complement his teachings and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The Sacred Wild Feminine Ñustas
Video Teaching From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

While the Apus (mountain spirits) who Puma so often shares about are masculine forces and spiritual allies, he also reminds us that their feminine complements, called the Ñustas, are just as powerful. In this introduction and storytelling, you’ll have the opportunity to gain a rich understanding of these Sacred Feminine and wild goddess energies of Pachamama.

Creating Your Own Florida Water
Video Teaching From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Learn how to create the sacred floral preparation of Florida Water with a simple blend of alcohol and plants for your own blessing and healing ceremonies. Puma will teach you this art while sharing how you can work with intention, prayer, and the energies of the full moon to amplify your results.

Strengthening Our Communion With Pachamama
Video Teaching From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Despacho offerings are at the heart of the Andean tradition as a way of giving back to Pachamama in exchange for all that we receive from her unconditionally. In this video teaching from Puma, you’ll learn the importance of giving offerings to Pachamama and how this practice deeply strengthens your communion and exchange of energy with her. As Puma shares, Mother Earth will continue to give to us whether we give back or not, but when you do give back, life only gets better!

What Graduates of Puma Fredy Quispe Singona’s Courses Are Saying...

Marion Conaway: “Puma Creates a Safe Space in Which You Can Be at Your Very Own Best”

Anais Mali: “I’ve Never Been the Same Since”

“I found this course life-changing and grew so much as a spiritual person.”

As a student of the shamanic healing arts, I found this course exceptional. Puma Fredy Quispe Singona was the best teacher I could have asked for so sincere, attentive, and caring for his students. And his stories of his training by his grandfather were truly enlightening. I found this course life-changing and grew so much as a spiritual person. It furthered my experience with the Andean medicine wheel dramatically and was a wonderful learning community to be a part of. Deep gratitude for this course!
Cynthia Klatte, Tucson, Arizona

“This course was lifesaving for me in the hardest time of my life.”

This course was lifesaving for me in the hardest time of my life. Feeling the warmth, connection, and love that Puma breathes was exactly what I needed to process my loss. I will watch the modules again and again to deepen my understanding and connections.
Ioana G., Anthem, Arizona

“Puma is an amazing guide he truly embodies everything he teaches...”

I highly recommend this course to anyone longing to deepen their connection with themselves and Mother Earth. Each teaching points you back to your own power and insight. The powerful practices and rituals are a way to reconnect with what, at times, has been forgotten. Puma is an amazing guide he truly embodies everything he teaches and is so full of love. Much gratitude to Puma and The Shift Network!
Fleur Vilcabamba, Loja, Ecuador

“[Puma’s] teachings helped me connect with the unseen world...”

Puma’s course brings such a deep connection to the inner voice of your soul. His teachings helped me connect with the unseen world, Pachamama, and ultimately the unlimited beings of light that we are. There is so much information in here that you will keep going back to for more!
Amber Poole, Bel Air, Maryland

“It gave me a much deeper understanding of the natural world...”

I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone who feels drawn to it, or anyone wanting to connect more deeply with Pachamama, and know themselves as a part of nature. Puma encourages you to find your own truth in all of his teachings in a way that opens doors for you to form your own relationships with the traditions of his lineage. Throughout this course, I learned to connect so much more deeply with nature beings, cosmic energies, and shared consciousness. It gave me a much deeper understanding of the natural world that I carry with me every day. I find myself connecting with everything in the natural world from a much more multidimensional and layered perspective that continues to evolve.
Ingrid Larson, Portland, Oregon

“He embodies a beautiful light that is contagious and full of hope.”

I found this course with Puma so helpful and profound. He embodies a beautiful light that is contagious and full of hope. I felt so happy just listening to Puma after a few minutes. It was lovely to be in ceremony together. Each ceremony was filled with great teachings to apply in everyday life and also as a leader and healer. I am very grateful for this experience and I look forward to more teachings in the future. Puma is the real deal with a powerful presence, deep wisdom, and a heart that is open for all. I feel blessed to be part of this beautiful family. Thank you.
Leah Secrest, Denver, Colorado

“The powerful teachings of Puma have deeply and positively affected my daily life...”

What a blessing to have happened upon The Shift Network as this wonderful course was being offered. That is surely Spirit at work! The powerful teachings of Puma have deeply and positively affected my daily life and solidified my commitment to being of highest service to the planet at this time. The weekly live Zoom sessions and homework were the highlight of my winter here in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. I so look forward to the advanced course with Puma. I genuinely recommend The Shift Network for quality spiritual teachings with a wonderful like-minded community!
Colleen Hyde Long, South Lake Tahoe, California

“I enjoy the stability of connecting to my Apus every morning.”

This course showed me how to understand and get back to connecting to the Earth on a daily basis. I enjoy the stability of connecting to my Apus every morning... My heart has felt Andean Shamanism and it was wonderful to finally connect with that energy. The courses offered from The Shift Network allow you to grow and expand from any point of your spiritual journey. It doesn’t matter if you are just beginning or have followed Spirit for a while. The information is heartfelt, easy to grasp, and easy to use. Thank you so much.
Melinda Fern, Norristown, Pennsylvania

“I really feel that I have officially begun a new path in my life...”

I thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from this course. Puma Fredy Quispe Singona is very knowledgeable, personable, and a great teacher. The information was easy to grasp and his enthusiasm is contagious. I really feel that I have officially begun a new path in my life and look forward to further classes with Puma.
Kavin, New York, New York

“His presence is healing and soothing.”

I appreciated the simplicity and clarity of his teachings... he is a shaman, his power is benevolent and very great, I felt him by his energy. His presence is healing and soothing. At the beginning of each session, when he addressed us as a wonderful family, it was authentic, loving, and unifying. He is a peaceful man with great power. I also enjoyed his art of doing things with great concentration but effortlessness. He is an uncommon being.
Ajna, Montréal, Canada

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Eleven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from an Andean medicine man from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to explore the powerful healing essences of the Pleiades through rituals, journeys, and ceremonies to awaken the Sacred Feminine here on Earth... and within your own soul.

Eleven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

Andean Shamanic Rituals to Synchronize Your Life Path With the Cosmos 7-Module Course and Bonuses

When you sign up for this 11-step journey, you’ll get instant access to Puma’s first 7-module online course, taking you through timeless Andean rituals to reveal your place among the family of the cosmos and the transformation we’ve been called to as we witness the dynamic shifts on our planet.

The Andean Shamanic Journeys & Rituals Bonus Collection
  • The Sacred Wild Feminine Ñustas
    Video Teaching From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
  • Creating Your Own Florida Water
    Video Teaching From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
  • Strengthening Our Communion With Pachamama
    Video Teaching From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Andean Shamanic Journeys & Rituals to Align With the Divine Feminine for Strength & Purpose Online Training

We feel honored that Puma Fredy Quispe Singona has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an Andean medicine man whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about awakening the Sacred Feminine here on Earth and within your own soul with empowering rituals and ceremonies, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Andean Shamanic Journeys & Rituals to Align With the Divine Feminine for Strength & Purpose or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of purchase and we'll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Puma Fredy Quispe Singona…

“This work is truly transformational and touches every aspect of my life.”

Maestro Puma is an incredible teacher: full of wisdom, compassion, and the ability to share his knowledge in an easy-to-understand way. His teachings have deepened my understanding of the Andean path and allowed me to connect more deeply with Spirit. This work is truly transformational and touches every aspect of my life.
Jim Rogers, U.S.

“By joining with the teachings of Puma, I have aligned with my true purpose.”

By joining with the teachings of Puma, I have aligned with my true purpose. He has guided me to connect with my ancient and divine origins, helping me genuinely help and heal myself and others. Puma is a kind, wise, and generous teacher and I am eternally grateful to him. He has helped me transform my life, stand steady in the rough spots, and shine brighter in my abilities.
Serana H.H., Australia

“The practices are simple and intuitive, yet deeply transformative and powerful...”

Puma’s loving and joyful teachings of the Mesa and the Andean tradition have touched and changed my whole being deeply. I reconnected, I cried, I healed, I danced, I laughed, I celebrated life. The practices are simple and intuitive, yet deeply transformative and powerful not only for yourself, but for your whole community.
Saskia L., Germany

“If you are looking for a teacher... and you are prepared to meet yourself and make no excuses... then Puma is a wonderful teacher to work with.”

Puma somehow manages to balance kindness and gentleness with being direct and not sugarcoating what needs to be said. It is an honor to learn from him as he keeps this ancestral wisdom tradition alive. If you are looking for a teacher with heart and enthusiasm, and you are prepared to meet yourself and make no excuses in releasing your blockages, and to be in planetary service, then Puma is a wonderful teacher to work with. Words don’t adequately describe what it’s like to work with Puma; you must experience it for yourself.
Beleszove F., boundary walker, U.S.

“The teachings bring me back to the source, the core of my being.”

Puma is a wonderful teacher who brings the Andean wisdom in a way that feels natural for someone from the West. The teachings bring me back to the source, the core of my being. Puma creates a very safe place to learn, and is very encouraging and trusting that you find your way. The safe part is that he is aware of every step his students make. It is as if you are sitting right next to him and he watches every step you take. He shares in a genuine way how he was taught by his grandfather, whose spirit is also felt during the teachings. The wonderful thing is that even the Quechua language is getting familiar, and it is wonderful to learn the original prayers, which makes it even more powerful.
Mylou K., Netherlands

“This sacred ancestral lineage has been a great source for healing...”

I would have never imagined how much I have grown and learned from Puma. This sacred ancestral lineage has been a great source for healing myself, and I’m taking the tools I learned to help my family and community. I am also extending healing to our planet at this time, when it’s needed the most. I love everything I have learned so far and am open to keep learning more wisdom from Puma. I recommend considering taking this amazing journey and gift to learn the Andean ancestral lineage from Puma, so you can share the healing with yourself, family, and community. This is the time to use these gifts for our planet.
Liz H., “Dancing Butterfly,” U.S.

“I feel happier and more at peace with myself...”

Puma is a wonderful teacher. He explains the Andean wisdom clearly, with knowledge and love. The course has strengthened my personal practice, my connection to the Apus (mountain spirits) and Pachamama (Mother Earth). I feel happier and more at peace with myself since taking the course. I am very grateful for these teachings.
Karen D., U.S.

About Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona was trained by his grandfather, Don Maximo, in the mastery of Andean ceremonies and rituals. As a spiritual leader both in his own community of Chinchero, Peru, and in international gatherings and spiritual journeys, he conveys a passion for the teachings of his people and a profound respect for the global awakening of human consciousness. He has attended and facilitated numerous international gatherings of spiritual leaders and young leaders with YES (Youth for Environmental Sanity).

He is recognized globally as a holder of ancient lineage and wisdom with the power to inspire people in his special heartfelt way to connect with the reverence and love he brings for Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the Apus (mountain spirits) that safeguard the Andean people. He is a co-founder of Cusi Huayna, a youth group focused on re-strengthening the community through the remembrance of traditional dance, music, story, and songs.

Puma has a natural ability to connect with ancestral spirits, cosmic forces, and natural elementals that assist him in his global healing path. He sees everyone as a global family, and teaches that by healing ourselves we are healing our family. As tour guide to the natural wonders and sacred sites of Peru and the Quechua world, he has an unshakable certainty about the traditions and values of the ancient Andean cultures.

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A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

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Andean Shamanic Journeys & Rituals to Align With the Divine Feminine for Strength & Purpose
Puma Fredy Quispe Singona