With Mother, Musician, Doula & Celebrated Healing Guide
Lindsey Wise

A 12-Session On-Demand Video Training


Experience guided chanting, singing, visualizations, movement, and meditation within a conscious, supportive community of mothers as Lindsey lovingly guides you in remembering, honoring, and embodying YOU as the woman your soul envisions.


As a dedicated, nurturing mother who loves her children and fully embraces this sacred role and season of life, do you often forget to nurture yourself?

If so, you’re not alone. Motherhood is so beautiful and all-encompassing, it’s easy to forget who you truly are apart from this role.

As the world slowly opens back up, now is the time to remember who your soul desires you to be. As a unique being, you deserve to be heard, embodied, and celebrated.

It’s actually your birthright to live an authentic, fulfilling, and joyous life. Only then can you follow your inner compass to your truest Self.

Join us for a transformative 12-session course with mother, doula, musician, and celebrated healing guide Lindsey Wise, and continue to birth who you were becoming before stepping into motherhood.

In each session, Lindsey will guide you through self-empowering insights and practices from ancient spiritual traditions to help you rediscover and nurture yourself.

You’ll move through potent rituals and soulful practices incorporating song, chanting, movement, guided visualization, and meditation to help you reawaken your primordial longings and wisdom.

This sacred gathering of mothers is not a luxury it’s a necessity. For thousands of years, women and mothers have come together in sacred circles to sing, to laugh, to cry, and to heal.

This part of life has fallen by the wayside for many of us, yet we need this healing space now more than ever...

Lindsey is a spirited, compassionate, and joyous healer and guide. She’s helped women across the globe rediscover and honor their true selves.

The truth is, you’re never alone in this journey of motherhood it’s a journey for mothers of all ages, and you come from a long line of mothers. This is your chance to find balance in your life as you cultivate lasting growth and evolution.


During this 12-session journey with Lindsey and a supportive community of mothers, you’ll:

  • Reconnect with your own sacred purpose that extends beyond motherhood
  • Unlock different parts of your own Divine Feminine by voicing different aspects of the Goddess
  • Experience the healing power of a Bone-Closing Ceremony
  • Discover a powerful pranayama humming technique to recalibrate body, mind, and soul
  • Experience a deep ritual for connecting with Mother Earth
  • Free up stuck energy and release attachments through the powerful process of cutting unhealthy cords and letting go of attachments that no longer serve your highest potential
  • Experience a ritual to cultivate a healthy balance of your Divine Feminine and masculine energies, a true tantric art
  • Learn essential strategies for tracking your menstrual cycle, creating healthy boundaries, and practicing greater self-care
  • Discover ways to lean into the pain of your relationship with your own mother
  • Learn integrative practices for somatically and sonically moving through the traumas of motherhood and learn to claim and share your own birth story
  • Call on guides, angels, and ascended masters to assist you on your journey and discover how your heavenly support is unique to you
  • Reignite the remembrance of YOUR highest self and the powerful gifts that you already have within, waiting for you
  • Experience guided practices to cultivate forgiveness, heal your mother wound, support yourself during your cycles, access the primordial wisdom and power of your ancestors, untie the knots of past relationships, and much more
  • Reactivate and remember your own unique soul song

Shift Network Co-Founders Stephen Dinan & Devaa Haley Mitchell:
“Lindsey Is a Being of Love Who Knows So Much About How to Be a Great Mother and Raise Conscious Kids”


What You’ll Discover in These 12 Sessions

In this 12-part transformational intensive, Lindsey will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to successfully grow and heal as you remember, honor, and embody you as the woman your soul envisions.


Comprehensive Library of Additional Training Sessions Featuring Celebrated Guest Teachers

In addition to the transformative 12-session training, Lindsey has invited some of her fellow epic mothers to share their own teachings, wisdom, and reflections on thriving as a mother. These pre-recorded sessions will be waiting for you on the course homepage!

You can return to these additional learning resources again and again to support your journey.

  • Herbs and Remedies to Support Pre-and-Post-Birth and Moon Cycles with Adriana Ayales
  • Yoni Eggs, Pleasure Wands, De-armoring, Womb Activation, and Sonic Healing with Amma Sophia Rose (she’ll also share a free album)
  • Resiliency as a Single Mother & Abundance in Creating Your Own Business with Daniela Garza
  • Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness for Pre-and-Post-Natal Mothers with Ellie Freestone
  • Conscious Mothering for Children with Special Needs with White Star
  • Healing the Crucible in Love, Co-Parenting, Conscious Communication in Relationship with Barbra Joffe
  • Moving Through Stagnation and Funk with Movement & Simple, Ancient Practices with Jocelyn Gordon
  • Healing the Mother Wound with Devaa Haley Mitchell (she’ll also share a free album)
  • Spiritual Midwifery & Founder of Conscious Birth Community Programs with Lianne Schwartz
  • Bedtime Stories With La Befana presented by Dina Gregory and Kate West

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Lindsey. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to reconnect with your sacred purpose that extends far beyond motherhood.

Session 1: Opening Ceremony Welcoming Our Global Circle of Mothers


In this first session, Lindsey will offer an opening ceremony to honor and welcome you and all the mothers who are hearing the call to join this circle.

By creating a sacred space through ritual, you’ll activate and call upon forces of the unseen realms to support your journey and your evolution as a mother.

Lindsey will share the powerful story of her near-death experience following the birth of her first child.

Together, you’ll mark the birth of this new and powerful circle of women.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Participate in a sacred ceremony to open your time together
  • Have aspects of your being welcomed to join this circle
  • Set clear intentions for your personal evolution throughout this course
  • Discover a gathering song for mothers
  • Sing along with Lindsey and your new sacred circle of women
  • Chant to the Goddess and to the Mother of All Creation

Session 2: The Sacred Initiation of Motherhood


Every mother carries with her a sacred story of birth. Just as no two children are the same, no two birth stories are the same.

Birth stories carry within them beauty and trauma, courage and grief, joy and deep sadness. Far too often, these stories are stuffed away and bottled up.

You may have felt as though it’s just too much to share with those around you.

And with a new baby to care for, feed and nurture, mothers may not have time to fully share their story of giving birth.

In this session, you’ll explore the transformational power of the sacred Bone-Closing Ritual an opportunity to honor your initiation into motherhood.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience the healing power of a Bone-Closing Ceremony
  • Hear the powerful story of how Lindsey first learned of the Bone-Closing Ceremony and how it helped her release trauma
  • Unlock the healing power of your own birth story
  • Be witnessed and honored as a mother
  • Learn the ancient art of singing over the bones for self-healing

Session 3: The Power of Mother’s Song


While in the womb, a developing fetus responds to the mother’s voice.

The vibrations of your voice as a mother have a power unlike any other sound.

In this session, you’ll experience the power of your own voice, bringing vibration and sound up from your womb and out into the world.

Raising up your voice in a world that’s often told you to remain silent requires courage. Lindsey will guide and support you to create sounds that soothe, heal, and empower.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover a powerful pranayama humming technique
  • Experience sound’s capacity to alleviate pain (for you and your children)
  • Learn a special ritual to help you feel more present and grounded
  • Move through a guided meditation and journey into channeling your own lullaby
  • Develop the confidence to share these songs with the child or children in your life
  • Connect with love to your unique sonic vibration

Session 4: Connecting to the Power of Mother Earth


Being a mother can shake you to your very core.

Given all that motherhood asks of us, it’s important to know where to look for support. Did you know that Mother Earth is a constant support and ally throughout your journey of motherhood?

This week, you’ll join together as a circle of mothers to deepen your connection to Mother Earth.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience a deep ritual for connecting with the creative power of Mother Earth
  • See Mother Earth as an ally and a support for you to call forth your greatest gifts
  • Reconnect with your own sacred purpose that extends beyond motherhood
  • Learn simple songs for joyfully honoring Mother Earth you can sing these on your own and with your little ones, too
  • Learn an accessible technique to feel right at home during those moments you feel you’re losing yourself to motherhood
  • Tap into the creative forces of Mother Earth to bring your own visions into reality

Session 5: Let Go of Unhealthy Relationships & Reclaim Your Sovereign Voice


As mothers, so many of us have been made to feel like we can’t do the things we have a longing for.

In ways big and small, you’ve been made to feel that you aren’t worthy, that you aren’t enough, or that you’re too much.

This session is your opportunity to come back into your joyful power and consciously untie the energetic knots that keep you tethered.

Lindsey will guide you through a gentle process of untying these knots to free yourself from relationships both past and present that are stifling your growth.

Through this process, you’ll be ready to lovingly release stuck energy that keeps you tied in ways that no longer serve you to past lovers, and to parents and siblings. Freeing up this energy unlocks hidden reserves and allows you to interact with these people with renewed confidence and power.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience a guided journey to untie the knots of past relationships
  • Free up stuck energy and release attachments through the powerful process of cutting cords
  • Learn a powerful Hawaiian practice for forgiveness
  • Reclaim your sovereign voice and align with your truth
  • Gain access to the deep realization that, no matter what anybody has said to you, you are good enough

Session 6: Reclaiming All Aspects of Your Divine Feminine


You recognize that there are many different aspects that make up who you are lover, mother, nurturer, protector, priestess, just to name a few.

These divine aspects of the mother are represented in the varied faces of the Goddess. In this session, Lindsey will guide you to explore these faces through song and sound.

As you sing the divine names of the various forms of the Goddess, you’ll awaken these qualities within yourself.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Unlock different parts of your own divine feminine by voicing different aspects of the Goddess
  • Ignite compassion for all you’ve ever been, all you are, and all you’ll ever be
  • Awaken your voice and chant to the Goddess
  • Experience a ritual to cultivate a healthy balance of your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies, a true tantric art
  • Unlock the profound joy of embodied womanhood

Session 7: Accessing Unseen Power


As a mother, do you ever feel like you could use a little extra support?

Sometimes it can feel like you’re all alone, trying to hold it all together. The truth is, there are multitudes of helpers that are ready and waiting to provide the support you need.

This week, you’ll call on guides, angels, and ascended masters to assist you on your journey.

You’ll create a powerful circle of support within the unseen realms.

Your heavenly support is unique to you. They might take many forms: angels, guides, totems, ancestors, ascended masters. In this session, we’ll learn a powerful practice for hiring the heavens (!) to help you call upon the unseen realms for the support that you need.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn how to unlock the limitless power of the unseen realms
  • Become more in tune with your true nature and animal totems
  • Discover how to create a mighty circle of protection
  • Learn a simple practice for accessing the primordial wisdom and power of your ancestors
  • Recognize that you’re not alone in this journey of motherhood you come from a long line of ancestral mothers

Session 8: Channeling the Energies of the Sacred Moon Time


As a woman, you go through cycles and seasons.

The average woman spends approximately 20% of her life bleeding. Whether you’re bleeding every month or not, you’re going through seasons.

By tuning in to your divine cycle, you can access the wisdom of the various stages of the cycle.

Women have been menstruating all throughout time, yet there is so much stigma attached to this topic.

Your moon cycle is sacred. Your blood is holy. The veil is so thin during the time you’re menstruating that it’s essential you protect your sacred space.

Lindsey will share the wisdom that our mothers and grandmothers weren’t taught so you can reclaim your confidence and thrive during all times of your cycle. The future generations deserve this wisdom!

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn essential strategies for tracking your menstrual cycle
  • Understand what “season” you’re in and how to best channel your energies
  • Develop strategies for going into your “moon cocoon” in ways that support you and your family
  • Discover practices to support your body, mind, and spirit during the fluctuating rhythms of your cycle
  • Receive tips on how to ensure that your cycle is less stressful for Mother Earth
  • Explore recipes and meal plans to support your unique constitution so you can thrive in all seasons

Session 9: Soul Song Revival


We’ve been waiting for your song.

Your soul essence vibrates with a sacred sonic vibration that only you carry. You were born with a song to sing!

Most people have been carrying limiting beliefs about their creative expression since they were young children. Often, these beliefs stem from what parents, family, and teachers have told you which stems from what they grew up believing about themselves.

Are you ready to let these old stories go? Are you finally ready to lean in, listen, and transmute pain and suffering into the beauty of your soul song?

You deserve this gift. This is your birthright.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Listen to the songs of the parts of your body that have been in pain, longing for a voice and allow them to integrate into wholeness and wellness
  • Experience a guided journey to reclaim your voice
  • Unlock the power to sing with confidence, no matter where you are or who you’re with
  • Channel the sacred sounds that make up your divine soul song
  • Remember the power of your soul’s essence and reclaim the aspects you’ve given away
  • Awaken the joyful power of singing 

Session 10: Healing the Mother Wound, Part 1


No bond carries more joy, pain, love, and grief than the relationship between mother and daughter.

In this session, Lindsey will guide you to dive deeply into this beautiful and challenging relationship, giving you an opportunity to examine your own relationship with your mother in a way that you may never have before.

This is your opportunity to heal your mother wound, to go deep inside this relationship, and to let go of any hurt, resentment, or suffering you’re carrying.

Lindsey will guide you through a special journey and creative exercises that will empower you to reclaim your energy and to begin to see your mother and yourself in a new light.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience a guided journey to heal your mother wound
  • Creatively transmute the energy of your mother wound
  • Deeply explore your unconscious patterns that stem from your relationship with your mother
  • Discover ways to lean in to the pain of your relationship with your mother
  • Reclaim any energy of misplaced blame

Session 11: Healing the Mother Wound, Part 2


This session is an opportunity to deepen the healing of your mother wound.

Lindsey will guide you and your sister participants in integration practices to expand your understanding of how the mother wound has shaped your life and your relationships.

Through sounding, creative journaling, and somatic work, you’ll gain deeper insights into your relationship with your inner child, your own child, and your ancestral line.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Deepen your understanding of the mother wound and its impact on your life and relationships
  • Learn integrative practices for somatically and sonically moving through the traumas of motherhood
  • Grieve the inevitable loss of the mother
  • Rejoice in the beauty and mystery of motherhood

Session 12: Rituals & Practices to Support the Journey of Motherhood


As a mother, you watch your children grow.

You might not see the transformations each day, but as the months and years pass, you see tremendous changes in their physical bodies as well as their maturity levels.

The same can be said of your own spiritual evolution. You might not notice huge changes immediately. But over time, with practice and commitment, you’ll see vast changes.

This closing session is about watering the seeds of transformation. You’ll learn essential practices for cultivating lasting growth and evolution.

Lindsey will guide you to tap into the roots of the joys of motherhood, learning songs and creative ways to celebrate the joy in the journey! You’ll also participate in a closing ritual to seal in all the work you’ve done.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn 3 essential practices Lindsey says every mother should incorporate in their daily routine
  • Develop greater clarity on the ways you’ve grown throughout this course
  • Set intentions for how you can carry your evolution forward
  • Celebrate the simple-yet-powerful practices of song, dance, and creative play
  • Participate in a powerful closing ritual
  • Learn how to stay connected to a circle of sisters who will support your continued journey

The Woman Within the Mother Bonus Collection

In addition to Lindsey’s transformative 12-session virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the program and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Walk in Beauty
Audio Album From Lindsey Wise

Listen as Lindsey weaves sacred medicine songs with her own powerful and uplifting tunes to create a heart-opening musical journey. These songs were recorded in Ubud, Bali. Tracks include “Walk in Beauty,” “Butterfly People,” “Woman So Wise,” “Ah Ni Kuni,” “Dedication to Creation,” plus six more.


Healing Chakra Meditation
Audio Meditation From Lindsey Wise

Sink into this 45-minute guided meditation with Lindsey to connect with the flow of energy in your body. You’ll shift stagnant energy, heal emotional wounds, and nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Simply sit back and relax as Linsdey guides you through the seven main chakras, giving you practical tools for accessing each of their unique healing properties.


Moon Cycle Nutrition: Wellness to Thrive & Embrace Cyclical Wisdom
Video Dialogue With Lindsey Wise and Nimisha Gandhi

The right nutritional choices can help you thrive during your period and beyond. Explore this powerful dialogue with Nimisha Gandhi (certified holistic nutritionist and Ayurvedic counselor) for insight into the innate wisdom of your body and your hormones. You’ll explore the four Ayurvedic seasons of your menstrual cycle, the right foods for each season, and the best time to enjoy the nourishing properties of cacao. You’ll also be inspired to teach the kids in your life whatever their gender how to understand the cycle as the seed of human life.


What People Are Saying About Lindsey Wise...


Kate Reardon: “Lindsey Is Raw, She's Real, She's Relatable, She's So Fun”

“I have watched thousands of women being touched by her work and wonders, including myself.”

The gift of Lindsey’s presence has absolutely shifted and led the women’s community in Bali for the past decade. I’ve known Lindsey for over 12 years and I have watched thousands of women being touched by her work and wonders, including myself. As a mother, healer, and yogi, I encounter many healers around the world, yet Mama Lindsey’s magic is quite the exception. She seems to have an overflow of abundance and an extraordinary ability to know exactly what anyone needs in all kinds of ailments... she’s always got the perfect medicine! From songs to ceremonies, medicinal herbs, fire circles, women’s circles, doula miracle work, and kitchen magic tips for children, she blows me away in every conversation. I am forever grateful to have her as a soul sister who has helped me not just overcome, but thrive in and through big thresholds of my life. Thank you, Mama Lindsey! With all my heart, I bow to your presence on this earth!
Daniela Garza, founder SOHA Starlight YTT

“Because of her teachings and healings, I emerged strong and confident and empowered...”

I first met Lindsey during a very transitional time in my life. I was living in Bali with my daughter and my then partner with whom I was at the beginning stages of what was to be an inevitable separation. As a woman and a mother, this was a very scary and difficult time for me. I began to work with Lindsey to find ways to work through my pain. Through our yoga, singing, and healing sessions, Lindsey brought me to a place where I began to understand my incredible strength and power of being a woman and a mother. She empowered me to understand the role I played as a beautiful mama who was raising a beautiful daughter, and how to also nurture myself and my body and soul to be my highest self. Because of her teachings and healings, I emerged strong and confident and empowered with tools to take with me in my everyday life. When I am feeling doubts or going through uncertain times, I always hear Lindsey’s calming voice and the wisdom she shared with me. She has helped me be the woman and mama I am today and I’m forever grateful for our journey together, her friendship, and her wisdom.
Heidi Kadlecova

“I felt so light and free after our session, and it stayed with me for many months to come.”

My work with Lindsey was powerful. I’ve known her since my little one was tiny, and she watched me go through a rough breakup from an abusive relationship. As if being a single mother isn’t challenging enough, I was wading through a custody battle and experiencing lots of stress that was no doubt affecting my little one. Lindsey guided me through a journey. Beginning with talking and deep listening, it’s a very powerful medicine she carries. Then she led me through a mix of breathwork and hypnosis that helped me release a lot of grief and rage. I felt so light and free after our session, and it stayed with me for many months to come. It helped initiate a radical transformation within myself and my mothering that is still unfolding, and integrating into my life.
Serra Lynn Smick

“Lindsey’s presence radiates a calm and gentleness that invites those around her to step into those places within themselves.”

Lindsey’s presence radiates a calm and gentleness that invites those around her to step into those places within themselves. I’ve invited Lindsey into my midwife and doula retreats to work with groups of women something I only do with those I absolutely trust to hold an impeccable space. Healing song circles with Lindsey helped free something deep within these birthkeepers who serve so tirelessly in their roles. She holds healing space for women to not only find their authentic, soulful voices, but to also have the confidence to share that with the world. Thank you for the work you do in the world, Lindsey!
Lianne Schwartz, mother, midwife, educator, and founder of the Conscious Birth Community

“We are grateful for her artistry and the variety of her gifts...”

Lindsey Wise has the perfect mix of boldness and compassion to lead individuals, families, and groups to the next stages of their personal development and growth. She is currently assisting my family and me through a difficult life transition with so much love and care. She leads us to do the deep work required to heal and transform into better versions of ourselves. We’re grateful for her artistry and the variety of her gifts, including beautiful intuition, music, breathwork, movement, and herbal remedies. I highly recommend Lindsey, she is an inspired mentor and friend to all!
Kelly King, Utah


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions With Lindsey Wise

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from Lindsey Wise mother, musician, doula, and celebrated healing guide from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to reconnect with your sacred purpose beyond motherhood.

Twelve Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Woman Within the Mother Bonus Collection
  • Walk in Beauty
    Audio Album From Lindsey Wise
  • Healing Chakra Meditation
    Audio Meditation From Lindsey Wise
  • Moon Cycle Nutrition: Wellness to Thrive & Embrace Cyclical Wisdom
    Video Dialogue With Lindsey Wise and Nimisha Gandhi

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Honoring the Woman Within the Mother Online Training


We feel honored that Lindsey Wise has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a mother, musician, doula, and celebrated healing guide whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about reconnecting with your sacred purpose that extends far beyond motherhood and embodying the YOU that your soul envisions then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Honoring the Woman Within the Mother or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Lindsey Wise…

“She is an ancient wise being and a youthful fun sprite all wrapped up in one.”

Lindsey Wise is a beautiful soul, both inside and out. She is an ancient wise being and a youthful fun sprite all wrapped up in one. Her healings are magical, and when she sings, you can feel the angels coming down to earth to bless us all. She is a patient, loving, compassionate yoga teacher, and celebrates each individual in their own right. She is a gift in my life, and her lovely spirit will help this planet so much.
White Star (Lino Alelyunas), internationally acclaimed psychic, medium, medicine woman, healer, and interfaith minister

“... she has the ability to weave a lot of magic through the seen and unseen realms.”

Lindsey is a gifted yoga teacher and healer who exudes wonderfully deep undercurrents of a shamanic essence which is all wrapped up in playful sweetness. Her voice perfectly encapsulates the different energies that course through her, both sparkling with angelic presence and plumbing the depths. Lindsey’s gentle yet confident nature allows her to hold space competently for large groups as well as individuals, who are willing to dig deep as they move through their healing journeys. I’m always pleasantly surprised with Lindsey’s offerings as she has the ability to weave a lot of magic through the seen and unseen realms.
Simone MacKay, co-founder and director of teacher training at School of Sacred Arts

“She is the first person I recommend to anyone seeking deep healing, support, or guidance.”

Lindsey is a phenomenal, gifted, and extremely wise medicine woman, healer, mother, and guide. She is incredibly humble, has true integrity, and holds Impeccable space. Her approach is very well-rounded and grounded, and it is clear she has been walking this path for a very long time. I am always surprised by how effective and graceful the healing is within her containers. She is the first person I recommend to anyone seeking deep healing, support, or guidance. There are very few people I trust like her in this line of work. I highly recommend Lindsey for any and ALL of her services. I trust her completely. She is a rare jewel and true Shamama.
Lua Cheia, founder/creator of Clareia Botanicals

“... it is deep emotional and physical healing that takes place from her work.”

I run what many consider to be one of the best healing/detox programs on the planet. This is because I source some of the best healers from around the world and Lindsey Wise is one of these healers. I don’t have words for what Lindsey does but it is deep emotional and physical healing that takes place from her work. She is an absolute angel and not only this but facilitates amazing healing sessions with music, vibrational medicine, and much more. You will not be disappointed if you decide to work with her and I just hope she doesn’t get too much other work as I hope to have her at my programs for years to come.
Tyler Tolman, Heal Thy Self Retreats

“Lindsey leads from her heart with so much presence, experience, and wisdom...”

Lindsey leads from her heart with so much presence, experience, and wisdom that transformation is inevitable. Her deep compassion and poignant, intuitive guidance mean that powerful healings and mindset resets are the most likely outcome. A bit of a legend in Bali’s expat community, Lindsey is adored as much for her music, her ceremonies, and healings, as for her sweetness and faith, her sense of adventure and graceful, peaceful way with children and motherhood. Such a lighthearted and spirited being, as well as grounded, ethical support for any person in need and any community in general.
Samantha Hoogenboom, founder of Transformative Company and mother of Mika, age six

“Lindsey Wise holds an amazing presence through her graceful emanation of song and beauty.“

Lindsey Wise holds an amazing presence through her graceful emanation of song and beauty. It is a delight to be in her company onstage humble, alert, gifted, and dedicated in devotion. Wonderful qualities of a wonderful singer.
Kailash Kokopelli, world-renowned international musician


About Lindsey Wise

Immediately following the birth of her first child, Lindsey Wise bled to death. During her near-death experience, she found herself surrounded by multitudes of light beings, who initiated her into the world of subtle energies and healing vibrations. In that moment, she realized that all beings create their own unique vibration their soul song. She also realized that she wanted to return to earth to be a mother to the daughter she had just birthed.

Lindsey’s work is to awaken humanity to the power of connection. She sees motherhood as a sacred calling. She has traveled the world and the astral realms, cultivating healing techniques to help people awaken to the power of their own voice and to honor the deep needs of the inner child. Lindsey, an E-RYT 500-certified yoga teacher, blends yoga, breathwork, guided journeys, energetic healing, and community song to help people overcome fear and anxiety, and to clear the energetic blocks that limit expression.

She and her husband Josh have three children. As a family, they lived in Bali for eight years. They currently make their home in Northern California.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
