Terry Patten
Author of Integral Life Practice & A New Republic of the Heart

Terry Patten is a philosopher, teacher, activist, consultant, social entrepreneur, and author. As an author, his acclaimed bestselling book, A New Republic of the Heart, is reuniting the inner work with the outer work and the interpersonal work of creating a new level of human communication and relationships equal to our civilizational and ecological meta-crisis. He also co-wrote the book Integral Life Practice with Ken Wilber and a core team at the Integral Institute. As a teacher and consultant, he has worked on four continents, led the team at the HeartMath Institute that developed their first heart-rate variability monitor, and is the founder of the “Beyond Awakening” teleseminar series. As a community builder, he founded Bay Area Integral and several social experiments in next-level communication, co-leadership, and social benefit. As a social entrepreneur, he founded Tools For Exploration, a consciousness technologies company, and currently, he's involved in restorative redwood forestry and fossil-fuel alternatives.

Awakening Your Revolutionary Heart
Living the Integral Heart


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