Natalia O'Sullivan, BSc (Hons)
Co-Founder of Soul Rescuers & Co-Author of Ancestral Healing Made Easy

Natalia O’Sullivan, a natural-born healer and spiritual counselor who has worked in the spiritual and holistic field for over 30 years, operates private clinics in London and Los Angeles and online. Her healing sessions use various holistic methods to assist the body, mind, and spirit to release past negative emotions and physical and psychological conditions, particularly ancestral issues, trauma, bereavement, grief, separation, and stress. Having mastered various holistic arts, she combines modern psychological thinking, life-coaching skills, and ancient wisdom. Her down-to-earth attitude toward personal development is expressed in her books, workshops, and lectures.

Her work as an ancestral healer enables deceased family and friends to communicate with loved ones on the Earth plane, which can help them with professional choices, relationships, family issues, general health problems, bereavement, and psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety.

Her husband, Terry O’Sullivan, is the co-founder of the Sacred Healer Retreats and The Soul Rescuers Foundation course, a professional certification training program that draws on ancient spiritual traditions with a contemporary approach. Certified Soul Rescue practitioners specialize in sacred and ancestral healing, spirit release, and land healing.

Natalia’s books include Do It Yourself Psychic PowerSoul Rescuers, and Mind Power. She is the co-author of The Ancestral ContinuumThe Body Shop Book of Wellbeing, and Ancestral Healing Made Easy.

Mending Your Family’s Tapestry


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