William Peters, MA
Founder of the Shared Crossing Project & Author of At Heaven's Door

William Peters, MA, is founder of the Shared Crossing Project, whose mission is to raise awareness for and educate people about profound healing experiences available to the dying and their loved ones. As director of the Shared Crossing Research Initiative (SCRI), William and his team collect and study extraordinary end-of-life experiences (aka shared crossings). Recognized as a leading authority on the shared-death experience (SDE), William has developed methods to facilitate these shared crossings, and to assist people by meaningfully integrating their experiences.

William is a sought-after speaker and conducts workshops internationally. He is a licensed psychotherapist at the Family Therapy Institute in Santa Barbara, where he specializes in end-of-life counseling as a means toward psychospiritual evolution. As a Zen Hospice Project volunteer in San Francisco, he experienced a variety of SDEs. His perspective is also informed by his own two near-death experiences.

His work has been published in the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and in Omega: Journal of Death and Dying. William’s book is titled At Heaven’s Door: What Shared Journeys to the Afterlife Teach About Dying Well and Living Better.

The Shared-Death Experience


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