Sofia Diaz
Hatha Yoga Master, Embodiment Consultant, Co-Founder of Women's House of Integral Practice
Sofia Diaz is a hatha yoga master, a lineage holder in the Balasaraswati lineage of the South Indian temple arts and a recipient of numerous meditation empowerments in both Tibetan and Shakta Tantric traditions . She turns the body wisdom practices she is empowered in into accessible teachings and practices for the modern western mind. Being an inspired woman practitioner, the rigors of her practice have resulted in great clarity and expertise in the domain of Feminine Spiritual practice, which she has been generously teaching for 30 years. Sofia holds a Bachelors Degree in dance from Mills College in Oakland, California, and a Masters Degree in religious studies from the University of Colorado. She has most recently taught at the Department of Somatic Psychology at Naropa University and the University of Colorado in Boulder. Sofia has also founded a school of Hatha Yoga and sacred movement arts in Boulder Colorado. She has published writings on yoga and sacred movement in both academic and popular journals and travels frequently, teaching women’s yoga intensives throughout the world.


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