Amit Goswami, PhD
Quantum Activist & Consciousness Researcher

Amit Goswami, PhD, is a retired professor from the physics department of the University of Oregon (1968 to 1997). He is a renowned pioneer of the new paradigm of quantum science based on the primacy of consciousness. He considers himself a quantum activist in search of wholeness.

In 2009, Amit started a movement called Quantum Activism, now gaining ground in North and South America (where he has founded Quantum Academy), Europe, and India. He also established the Center for Quantum Activism (CQA) with headquarters in the U.S.

In 2019, he and his collaborators established an educational wing of CQA called Quantum Activism Vishwalayam (Home of the World), acting as Department of Quantum Science at the University of Technology in Jaipur, India.They also developed a Master and PhD program in Quantum Science of Health, Prosperity, and Happiness, an international program of transformative education.

Amit has written a number of groundbreaking books based on research on quantum science and consciousness, including Quantum Integrative Medicine, Hero’s Journey Quantum Style, The Quantum Brain, Quantum Spirituality and The Re-enchantment of the Reality You Live (all the preceding titles with Valentina R. Onisor, MD), Quantum Psychology and the Science of Happiness (with Sunita Pattani, MS), The Self-Aware Universe, The Quantum Doctor, Physics of the Soul, Quantum Creativity, and The Everything Answer Book.

He is chief editor of the recently published Journal of Quantum Science of Consciousness, and was featured in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? and the documentaries The Dalai Lama Renaissance and The Quantum Activist.


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