R. Christian Minson
Breathwork Trainer and Facilitator & Founder of Breathflow Wellness International

R. Christian Minson is a speaker, trainer, coach, and the founder of Breathflow Wellness International, a renowned wellness platform with the mission of sharing the life-transforming techniques of breathwork for self-empowerment. 

A former monk, Christian spent 10 years in the yogic monastery founded by Paramahansa Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi), based in Los Angeles. After a fruitful search for the deeper meaning of life as a monk, Christian now teaches and guides others to find meaning in their own personal and professional lives by delivering inspiration and practical real-world tools that result in higher levels of personal performance, creativity, and purpose-centered fulfillment. 

Christian is the co-creator and former Resident Director of the breathwork program at Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica, specializing in fusing ancient wisdom and modern techniques for healing and creating a happy, purpose-filled life.

Christian, who continues to work alongside well-known thought leader Gregg Braden, has shared his message and techniques across the globe, including the Middle East, Europe, Mexico, Canada, and all over the U.S He has shared his message with entrepreneurs, thought leaders, real-life princesses, billionaires, Hollywood celebrities, and professional athletes, students, and everyday seekers of a better way of life.


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